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of insulin-secreting  pancreatic  cells   of inner  ear   suggesting a role for  Notch2  as  a  tumor  suppressor gene
            hair  cells,   and  intestinal  crypt  and  goblet  cells.    in these cancers.  In  agreement  with  this  observation,
            Accordingly, the important role of the Notch pathway  for   active  Notch2  induces  reduction  in  tumor  take  and
            normal  tissues development  has been  proven  by the   increased  apoptosis  in human MDA-MB-231 (ERα, Her2
            identification  of  Notch  mutations  in  human  inherited   negative cell line) xenograft  tumor  growth.  The  Notch
            diseases. Indeed, Notch alterations have been detected in:   pathway  is  a  major  determinant of breast  cancer  stem
            (1)  Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy,  with  sub-  cells survival, and Notch activation in these cells has been
            cortical  infarcts  and  leukoencephalopathy  (a  heritable   linked to resistance to tamoxifen. [51,52]  Consistently, Notch
            arteriopathy  that leads  to damaged  small  blood  vessels   activation  plays a  role in  tamoxifen resistance  observed
            and irreversible  dementia);  (2) spondylocostal  dysostosis   in protein kinase C-α overexpressing estrogen-responsive
            (characterized  by abnormal development of  bones  in  the   breast cancers  and in ErbB-2-positive breast tumors. [54]
            spine  and  ribs);  (3) Alagille  syndrome affecting  the  liver,
            heart, kidney,  and other systems of  the  body;  (4)   Dysregulated expression  of Notch proteins,  ligands,
            congenital heart diseases.   Similarly,  in the last decade,   and  targets has been described  in a multitude  of  solid
            it has been demonstrated that the Notch signaling pathway   tumors,  including  cervical,  head  and neck,  endometrial,
            contributes to the regulation  of  the  immune  system  by   renal,  lung,  pancreatic,  ovarian,  prostate,  esophageal,
            playing a role in multiple lineage  decisions  of  developing   oral, hepatocellular and gastric carcinomas, osteosarcoma,
            lymphoid  and  myeloid cells.   Recent  work  has shown   mesothelioma melanoma, gliomas, medulloblastomas, and
            that  Notch,  through  macrophage-dependent  delta-like   rhabdomyosarcoma.   Dysregulation  of Notch  signaling
            ligand  1  and  4 signaling, is critical in providing an anti-  has  been reported  in some hematological  malignancies,
            viral  response  by  linking  innate  and  acquired  immunity   other than  T-ALL, including Hodgkin  lymphomas,
            during influenza   and dengue  viral infections.   anaplastic  large-cell non-Hodgkin  lymphomas,  acute
                                                               myeloid leukemias, and B-cell chronic lymphoid leukemias
            Notch has emerged as a  potent  oncogene  when it  was   multiple  myeloma  (for  the  original articles on the subject
            first  shown  that  a  subset  of  T-cell  acute  lymphoblastic   the reader is referred to). [8]
            leukemias (T-ALL) contained a chromosomal translocation,
            t(7;9), leading to abnormal expression of the Notch1 intra-  Tumor  angiogenesis is  crucial  for cancer  growth and
            cellular  domain,  which  was  later shown to be  able  to   progression.   The  Notch pathway promotes  cancer
            cause  T-cell  neoplasm  in  mice.  Later studies confirmed   growth not  only  by enhancing  the survival  of cancer
            the existence  of Notch1 mutation  in  60%  of  human   cells  and their progenitors but also  by  controlling  tumor
            T-ALL.   In T-cell  neoplasms,  Notch1 represses p53,    vascularization. Dll4/Notch1-mediated signaling modulates
            induces c-myc,   and  inhibits  phosphatase  and tensin   VEGF-A-driven angiogenesis by affecting the  number  of
            homolog, a downregulator of  the  phosphatidylinositol   sprouts (new branches) on endothelial cells. This interplay
            3  kinase  (PI3K)-AKT  pathway  involved  in  promoting   between  Dll4/Notch1/VEGFR  determines  the  balance
            cancer cell  survival.   Recent  work  has shed  light  on   between the number of tip cells (leading and  guiding  the
            the role of Notch in T-ALL  showing that in these tumors   blood vessel  sprout)  and stalk  cells  (proliferating  cells
            aberrant Notch activity counteracts the tumor suppression   forming the vascular lumen). [24,56]   Interference with tumor
            function of the transcription factor IKZF1 (IKAROS). [41]  angiogenesis  by inhibition  of  Dll4-mediated  signaling
                                                               has  been  effective  in  blocking  cancer  growth in animal
            The major  role played  by Notch  in breast cancer  is also   models.  Recently, high levels of Jagged1 have also been
            well established. Reports of  an involvement  of  Notch  in   shown to promote tumor angiogenesis by destabilizing the
            mammary  gland  development  and  neoplasia  came  from   tip  and  stalk  cell  fates   and  by  regulating  levels  of
            the  observation of the Notch4/int3  gene  as a common   VEGFR1, 2   and  activate  Notch3/Hey1 in tumor  cells
            provirus integration site  in  mammary  tumors of mice   thus  promoting  proliferation,  survival,  and epithelial  to
            infected  with  mouse  mammary tumor  virus (MMTV),    mesenchymal  transition.   Consistently, inhibition  of
            followed  by  the  report  that  transgenic  female  mice   experimental tumors growth has been obtained by blocking
            carrying Notch1  and 3 activating  mutations (caused  by   Jagged1-dependent Notch signaling. [60]
            the  insertion  of the  MMTV)  developed  mammary  gland
            tumors.   Notch  has  been  found  activated  in  ERα   Notch inhibitors are currently under clinical investigation,
            positive-, negative-, triple negative-breast cancer cell lines   in combination with  existing therapies for  the  treatment
            and breast cancer  cell lines overexpressing the oncogene   of  several  types  of  cancers.   Considering  the  role  of
            Her2/neu. [18,19,44]  Dysregulation of Notch has been shown in   Notch in  maintaining  intestinal  homeostasis, patients
            human breast cancer biopsies [45-47]   in which overexpression   treated  with Notch inhibitors  require  clinical  monitoring
            of Notch1 and one of its ligands, Jagged1 has been linked   of  the gastrointestinal  tract.   Furthermore, due to the
            to poor prognosis and overall diminished survival. [48,49]  Of   effect of Notch in promoting angiogenesis and survival of
            interest,  Notch2  overexpression was instead associated   cardiac  progenitor  cells,  cancer  patients  with  preexisting
            with  increased  survival  in breast cancer  patients,    ischemic  diseases should  also be monitored  for possible

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦  13
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