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inhibitors (GSI-I Z-Leu-Leu-Nle-CHO and LY-411, 575),   Notch1. Suppression of miR-27a expression in HBERST
           small  molecules  which block  Notch activation,  resulted   cells leads to cell cycle arrest in the G0-G1 phase. [156]
           in apoptosis in KS cells and established KS cell tumors in
           mice, demonstrating the requirement for an active Notch   Both SV40  Tag and tag have been shown to induce the
           signaling in KS. [150]  Notch pathway interactions have also   immortalization  of  mammary  gland  epithelial  cells. [157,158]
           been shown with adenoviral oncoprotein 13S E1A, which   SV40 tag expression inhibits mammary gland differentiation
           binds to CSL, displaces associated corepressor complexes,   during mid-pregnancy and about 10% of multiparous tag
           and activates CSL-dependent gene expression. [151]  transgenic  animals develop  breast tumors with latencies
                                                              ranging from 10 to 17 months, whereas expression of
           In agreement with reports of an association between SV40   N-terminal  truncated  Tag molecules  harboring  the  intact
           infection  and human mesothelioma, [152]  SV40 infection   p53 and pRB binding region does not have this effect. [158]
           upregulates  the expression of Notch1 in mesothelial   Expression of SV40 Tag in the epithelium of the mammary
           cells. [153]  SV40-mediated Notch1 induction is achieved at   glands results in cancers which resemble the human disease
           the transcriptional level; it requires both SV40 Tag and tag   and do not require hormone supplementation or pregnancy
           and tag-induced activation of the mitogen-activated protein   for insurgence. [157]  Breast cancer has been associated
           kinase-extracellular-signal-regulated kinase pathway. Notch   to SV40 infection [159]   and  a  specific  gene  signature  in
           activation is necessary for the growth of SV40-transformed   transgenic models of breast cancer intrinsic to the functions
           mesothelial cells, as treatment of these cells with a Notch   of  the  SV40  T/t-antigens  has  been  identified  which  is
           inhibitor leads to G2/M cell cycle arrest. [153]  Consistently,   associated with poor prognosis. [160]  It is not known whether
           upregulation  of Notch1 and ligands Jagged1 and 2 is   SV40 is involved in the dysregulation of Notch signaling
           maintained in SV40-transformed human mesothelial clones   observed in breast cancer. [19,152]  Of interest, the Notch target
           and SV40-positive mesotheliomas and derived cell lines. [153]  gene cyclin D1 is overexpressed in the SV40 tag-positive
                                                              mammary  gland  epithelial  cells  and  in  the  breast  tumor
           Other than in mesothelial  cells, Notch1 expression and   cells from SV40 tag-expressing mice. [157]
           signaling has been linked to SV40-mediated transformation
           of primary astrocytes. [154]  In both mesothelial  cells and   HPV  is  the  most  significant  causative  agent  in  the
           astrocytes,  SV40-mediated  activation  of Notch  signaling   development of cervical cancer. Despite its presence in
           determines the survival of cells grown in suspension. Of   almost  all  cervical  cancers,  it  is  widely  recognized  that
           interest,  the  archetypal  (1 copy of enhancer  sequence  in   HPV by itself is unable to transform a normal cell to
           the regulatory region) and the non-archetypal (2 copies of   a cancerous one, and additional cellular mutations are
           enhancer sequences in the regulatory region) SV40 strains   required to supplement the HPV oncoproteins E6 and E7.
           are both able to transform astrocytes whether only the non-  The activation of the Notch signaling pathway induced by
           archetypal strain can transform mesothelial cells. Differences   HPV infection has been proposed as one of the cellular
           in expression levels of Notch1 and its downstream effectors   changes that cooperate with the E6 and E7 proteins to
           (c-Myc, Hey1, Hes1 and HeyL) appear  to explain  these   cause cervical cancers. [161]   This proposition is based on
           differences in SV40-mediated  transformation  of primary   several studies showing overexpression of Notch signaling
           astrocytes and mesothelial cells. [154]            in  HPV-cervical  cancer  or  cell  lines.  Specifically,  active
                                                              Notch1 expression has been shown in high-grade cervical
           SV40 tag,  which  forms a  complex  and  inhibits  PP2A   lesions and cancers [162,163]  and progressively increasing up-
           activity, plays a critical role in the malignant transformation   regulation of Notch3 expression with severity of disease
           of human cells. Microarray analyses on human embryonic   as compared to normal cervix tissue has been reported
           kidney cell lines overexpressing SV40 tag have identified   in a set of 168 tissue biopsy samples comprising of
           induction of Dll1 and Jagged1 suggesting a role for SV40   tumor specimens, precancer, and non-neoplastic cervical
           tag in the activation of the Notch pathway. [155]  Of interest,   tissues. [164]  Noteworthy, in the same specimens, Notch1
           in these cells, Notch signaling was found to be upregulated   was found to be downregulated thus suggesting the
           in  association  with  Hedgehog  and  Wnt  pathways  but   existence of a complex interplay between Notch signaling
           inhibition of Hedgehog and not of Notch interfered with   and HPV in the context of the development of cervical
           cell survival suggesting that Notch signaling is not essential   carcinogenesis. [164]  Upregulation of both Jagged1 and Hes1
           for survival in cells expressing SV40 tag. [155]  A link between   and downregulation of Manic Fringe, a negative regulator of
           SV40  tag and Notch has been observed also in human   Jagged1-Notch1 signaling, have been shown in squamous
           bronchial  epithelial  cells.  Specifically,  Wang  et al. have   cell carcinoma of cervix compared to high-grade lesions
           shown that miR-27a is upregulated in SV40 tag-transformed   and  in  late-passage,  but  not  early-passage,  HPV  type
           human bronchial epithelial cells (HBERST) following the   16-positive human cervical low-grade lesion-derived cell
           interaction  between tag and PP2A.  In these cells, miR-  line W12. [165]  Overexpression of all Notch receptors, Hes1,
           27a promotes cell cycle progression by downregulating   and MAML1, the transcriptional co-activator originally
           Fbxw7, a regulator of ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of a   identified by its role in Notch signaling, has been found in
           set of protein involved in cell cycle progression, including   HeLa, SiHa, and CaSki, three other cell lines derived from

                                                                                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦
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