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tissue  sarcomas, osteosarcomas, ependymomas  and   is mediated by  the expression of  the  viral  oncoproteins
            choroid plexus papillomas,  and neoplasms  of the   identified  as  E6  and  E7.  The  role  of  HPV  E6  and  E7
            hematopoietic  system, such  as lymphocytic  leukemia,   oncoproteins in  HPV-associated cervical  carcinogenesis
            histiocytic lymphomas and rarely, and B-cell lymphomas,   is mainly due to their interaction with the  cellular  tumor
            respectively. [87,110-112]  Direct inoculation  of  SV40  into  the   suppressor  p53 and  members of  the  pRB  family,
            pleural  space  induces malignant mesothelioma  in  100%   respectively. [136-138]   The  mechanisms  of  action  of  HPV
            of the  injected  hamsters. [111]   The  oncogenic  potential  of   cause  genetic  instability  and  cell transformation resulting
            SV40 is confirmed by the generation of transgenic mice in   in cell cycle regulated escape and inhibition of apoptosis-
            which polyomavirus  large Tag  expression is regulated by   hallmarks of cancer initiation and  progression. [139]  Studies
            the  native  viral  early  promoter enhancer. [113]  Furthermore,   on the  association  between  HPV and  cervical  neoplasia
            SV40-transgenic mice develop ependymomas and choroid   have indicated  a  strong link  between  these  oncogenic
            plexus  papillomas, as well as  other  neoplasms. [87,114-116]    virus types. [140]
            Many  reports  were  published on SV40 sequences
            detected,  at  high  prevalence  in human  cancers  of  the   Research demonstrates that only a fraction of HPV-positive
            same histotypes  induced  by this small DNA tumor virus   women develops genital tumors. [141]  Indeed, the majority of
            in  experimental  animals,  that  is,  lymphoproliferative   patients who are infected with HPV can  clear  these  viral
            disorders, mesothelioma, and bone and brain tumors. [72,117,118]    agents  naturally  within 1 year. [142]   Persistent infection
            SV40  sequences were also detected  at  low  prevalence  in   with HR  HPV  at  a high  viral  load in cervical mucosa is
            healthy subjects. [119-121]                        considered the main cause of the initiation and progression
                                                               of genital  tumors [143]  as  it  is  a well-established  cause  of
            Most of these studies were obtained by polymerase chain   cervical cancer.  In  addition  to E6 and E7 transformations,
            reaction techniques. More recently, investigations reported   HR HPV oncogenic types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35,  45, 52, 58,
            the  detection  at  high  prevalence  of  specific  antibodies   and  66  are  associated  closely  with  > 95% of cases of
            in  serum samples from  patients  affected  by  malignant   squamous  cell  carcinoma  of  the  cervix. [144]   Moreover,
            pleural mesothelioma, [122]  glioblastoma  multiforme, [123]    only genotype HPV 16 accounts for  > 55% of diagnosed
            osteosarcoma, [124]   ocular melanoma, [125]   and non-Hodgkin   tumors. [145]  Although  infection with HR HPV is the major
            lymphoma, [126]   suggesting  an  association of SV40  with   risk factor associated  with cervical  cancer,  some  studies
            these  human  cancers.  Indeed,  in  serum  samples  from   have reported a  possible  tumor-initiating and promoting
            normal individuals [127-129]   or  patients  affected by tumors,   role in cervical cancer for other DNA tumor viruses. Taken
            and [130,131] /other pathologies [132,133]   unrelated to SV40,  the   together,  this  interaction  may  synergize  with  HPV  in  a
            prevalence  of  antibodies  against SV40 is lower than that   normal cell to initiate and progress a tumorigenic cell. [146]
            detected  in  human  cancers  found to  be associated  with
            SV40. It is worth noting that taken at all, the prevalence of   ONCOGENIC  DNA  VIRUSES      AND
            SV40 sequences and the prevalence of specific antibodies   MODULATION OF THE NOTCH PATHWAY
            against  SV40  in  these human  tumors/normal  tissues  and
            sera,  respectively,  are  very similar.  This  result  indicates   As previously  discussed,  the  Notch signaling  pathway
            that SV40 is also a  human  virus,  which  infection  occurs   influences  cell  fate  decisions,  proliferation  versus
            at  low  prevalence  in  normal  individuals. Altogether,   differentiation,  and cell survival.  Similarly, viruses in
            these  data  suggest  that  this  small  DNA  tumor  virus  of   infected cells promote cell survival, promote or block cell
            monkey  origin  seems  to  be associated at high prevalence   cycling  and  employ  a  variety  of  mechanisms  to  evade
            with  specific  human  cancers.  It  is  also  possible  that  the   innate  cellular  anti-viral  responses  to  ensure their  own
            immunologic data are due  to the cross-reactivity  with  a   survival and multiplication.  In light of these  similarities,
            new,  still  undetected, human polyomavirus closely related   it is not surprising  that several  viruses highjack  the
            to SV40.                                           Notch pathway to ensure the completion of their own life
                                                               cycles. [147]
            HPV  infection  is considered  to be the  main oncogenic   The  first  report  of  an  interaction  between  a  virus  and
            agent  for  the  onset  of  female  genital  tumors. [134]   HPVs   the  Notch  pathway  came  from  studies  showing  that
            are  non-enveloped  small DNA  tumor  viruses, with a   binding  of  Epstein-Barr  virus  (EBV) nuclear  antigen  2
            double-stranded  genome  of approximately  8.2 kb. HPVs   (the transcriptional  activator  essential  for EBV-driven
            are sub-divided into 2 classes  such as low-risk,  which   B-cell  immortalization)  to  responsive  promoters  requires
            are detected in mainly genital warts, and high-risk (HR),   the interaction with the nuclear effector of Notch signaling
            which are  associated  with invasive  cervical  cancer. HR   CSL. [148]  More  recently, also,  the Kaposi’s  sarcoma (KS)-
            HPV  includes 15 types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51,   associated herpes virus replication  and  transcription
            52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73 and 82), whereas low-risk  HPV   activator protein (involved in controlling the switch from
            includes 12 types (6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70, 72, 81   latency to lytic replication) has been found to activate lysis-
            and 108). [135]   However, the oncogenic potential  of  HPV   related gene by binding to CSL. [149]  Studies using γ-secretase

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