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together by Ca  cations. The mature receptor is available   non-canonical  ligand or  may not require cleavage  of
           to interact  with its ligand, which subsequently  stimulates   the Notch  receptor.   Among suggested  mechanism  of
           through  conformational  changes  a  second proteolytic   “non-canonical” Notch signaling are interactions  of Notch
           cleavage  by  tumor  necrosis  factor-α  converting  enzyme   with  non-CSL  transcription  factors,  such  as  β-catenin,
           or a disintegrin and metalloprotease (10/17).   This in   hypoxia-inducible  factor-1  α,  NF-κB,   and estrogen
           turn  results  in shedding  of  the extra-cellular  portion   receptor  α  (ERα).  Anti-apoptotic  activity  independent
           of  Notch, which  through receptor-mediated  endocytosis,   of canonical functions  has been associated with  active
           propagates  signaling events  in neighboring cells.  The   Notch1, which signals via  the  kinase  AKT  to  prevent
           final  cleavage  occurs  within  the  membrane  through   the loss of mitochondrial function and consequent  nuclear
           an  associated  aspartyl  protease  known  as  the  γ-secretase   damage  and  requires  mitochondrial remodeling  proteins
           complex  composed  of  presenilin,  nicastrin,  APH  1  and   mitofusins-1 and 2.  Notch activity is finely regulated by
           PEN2.   Intra-cellular Notch cleaved protein translocates   interactions with other key proteins and pathways, among
           to the nucleus where it binds with the transcription factor   them p53,   ERα, [17,18]  the  epidermal  growth factor  B2
           recombining  binding  protein-Jk or C-promoter-binding   (ErbB-2)   and the vascular  endothelial  growth  factor
           factor 1/suppressor  of  hairless/Lag1  (CSL)   and, after   receptors (VEGFRs),   the  Wingless (Wnt) [21,22]  and
           displacing  co-repressors  and recruiting  co-activators such   Hedgehog  signaling  pathways.  Recent  genome-scale
           as p300, histone acetyl transferases, and mastermind-like   studies in D. melanogaster have  revealed  an even  more
           protein 1 (MAML1), it  activates downstream  pathways   complex network of genes that can  affect Notch activity
           [Figure  1].  The  “canonical”  Notch  signaling  is  known   consistent with decades of  work  showing  that  the  highly
           to  activate  genes  coding  for  transcriptional factors such   conserved  Notch  pathway  is  extremely  complex,  and
           as those belonging to the hairy/enhancer of split (Hes1-5),   the output  of its activation  or its inhibition will result in
           the  hairy-related  (Hrt),  and the Hes1-5-Hrt with YRPW   differentiation, proliferation or increased survival based on
           motif  (Hey)  families  involved in  inhibiting  neuronal   the existing cellular context.
           differentiation.  The “canonical” Notch pathway is a major
           determinant of cell proliferation and survival through the   NOTCH SIGNALING PATHWAY IN TUMORS
           activation of genes controlling cell cycle progression such
           as  cyclin D1   and genes belonging to the anti-apoptotic   Many  reports  have  been  published  on  the  role  of  the
           pathway  nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer  of   Notch pathway in the development of the cardiovascular
           activated B-cells (NF-κB). [10,11]   Notch activation can  also   system, [25,26]   in  regulation  of stem cells  functions such as
           be  attained  in a  “non-canonical”  fashion  initiated  by  a   survival of  cardiac  progenitor  cells,   the differentiation

           Figure 1: Schematic representation of the events leading to Notch signaling activation and the steps of this process affected by the oncogenic viruses simian virus
           40 and human papillomavirus. Notch precursor is cleaved in the Golgi apparatus by a furin-like convertase and then exposed on the cell membrane. Notch ligands
           Delta/Jagged bind Notch extra-cellular subunit. This causes a disintegrin and metalloprotease to clip the extra-cellular portion of Notch transmembrane generating
           an intermediate, cleaved by γ-secretase which releases active Notch. Active Notch enters the nucleus, where it causes the dissociation of silencing mediator of
           retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptor corepressor complex from C-promoter-binding factor 1/suppressor of hairless/Lag1, and recruits mastermind-like 1
           coactivator complex, resulting in transcription of target genes. Simian virus 40 induces upregulation of the Notch pathway, whereas conflicting reports exist on the
           modulation of Notch by human papillomavirus (green arrow indicates up-regulation, red arrow indicates down-regulation or inhibitory binding)

                                                                                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦
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