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Jalal et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2023;9:11 Page 3 of 11
Table 1. Clinical and radiological features of common pancreatic cysts [7-9]
Pseudocyst SCN MCN IPMN
Age, years Any age with a history of 40-60 40-60 50-60
Gender M > F F > M Exclusively in M > F
Location Pancreatic tail More common in head Body and tail MD-IPMN: Head
BD-IPMN: Mainly uncinate, sometimes
Cyst size variable < 2 cm < 2 cm Variable
Radiological Thickened wall, non-septate, Multilocular, lobulated Mostly unilocular MD-IPMN: cystic formation with nodules and
unilocular, anechoic lesion with with enhanced septa with smooth wall segmental or diffuse dilatation of MPD
debris BD: Lateral branches of the pancreas with focal
multicystic lesions separated by internal septa
and connected to MPD
Malignant Negligible Negligible 10%-15% 26%-60%
Biochemistry Amylase > 250 U/L Low amylase Low amylase High amylase
Low CEA CEA < 5 ng/mL CEA > 192 ng/mL Glucose < 50 mg/dL
High glucose Elevated glucose Low glucose CEA > 192 ng/mL
SCN: Serous cyst neoplasm; MCN, mucinous cyst neoplasm, IPMN: intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, M: male; F: female; MPD: main
pancreatic duct; CEA: carcinoembryonic antigen.
Table 2. Summary of follow-up studies of patients with pancreatic cysts
Author and Number of Average Average Cyst types Follow- Malignant neoplastic
changes or referred to
cyst size,
age of
year patients
patients mm months surgery
Lee et al., 45 63 13-22 BD-IPMN 27 4.4%
Gonzalez et al., 145 68 22 NA 72 5%
2012 [18]
Lawson et al., 767 67 NA 78% BD-IPMN, 9% Mixed-type 48 9.65%
2013 [16] IPMN, 7% Serous cystadenoma,
4% MCN, 2% MD-IPMN
Nougaret et al., 301 64 155 Mainly BD-IPMN 45 12%
Lekkerkerker et 132 NA NA Mixed-type IPMN, BD-IPMN, 31 8% (referred for surgery),
al., 2015 MCN, NET, SCA, Inflammatory 0% malignancy or high-grade
cyst, Lymphangioma dysplasia
Broughton et al., 450 66 18 MCN (most common), IPMNs, 17 1.1%
2016 SCA, NET and Others
Hisada et al., 526 70 months IPMN-16.6 IPMN (263) and Non-neoplastic 58 Pancreatic cancer in 4% for
2017 [15] Non- cysts (263) IPMN and 0% for non-
neoplastic neoplastic cysts
Pak et al., 227 65 20 for BD- 84% BD-IPMN, 11% MD-IPMN, 56 3% neoplastic changes (1.8%
2017 IPMN, and 5% mixed-type IPMN high-grade dysplasia and
20 for MD- 1.2% Invasive carcinoma)
25 for mixed-
type IPMN
Ohno et al., 664 66 16.6 BD-IPMN 34 14.5%
Lee et al., 982 68 12 BD-IPMN (with no significant 96 1%
2021 [24] changes in the first 5 years) 29% high stigmata and
worrisome features
NA: Not available, BD-IPMN: branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, MCN: mucinous cyst neoplasm, NET: neuroendocrine
tumour, SCA: serous cyst adenoma