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Matrix or
             Cells        Tumor type     Condition   Experiment           scaffold     Effect            Ref.
                                                     Seeding of GBM cells on           Increased anti-
             LN18, GL15,   GBM           2D, 3D      brain Hi-spots and exposure   Brain Hi-Spots  proliferative effect of   [65]
             U87, A172                               to anti-proliferative drugs       TMZ on GBM cells
                                                     Ara-C, Taxol and TMZ              maintained on Hi-spots.
                                                                                       Growth on chitosan-
                                                     Comparison of growth
                                         2D, 3D,                                       alginate scaffolds
                                         Matrigel and   and morphology and   Matrigel,   reduces growth but
             C6 rat, U-87   Glioma       chitosan-   secretion of VEGF, MMP2,   Chitosan-  increases secretion   [93]
             MG, U-118 MG                            fibronectin and Laminin   alginate
                                         alginate                                      of VEGF, MMP2,
                                         scaffolds   between cells grown in 2D,   scaffolds   fibronectin and
                                                     in matrigel or on chitosan-       Laminin.
                                                     alginate scaffolds.
                                                                                       SAHA treatment causes
                                         2D, 3D      Evaluation of SHA impact
             LN18, F98,                                                                reduction of invasion
             F98EGFR- vIII,              spheroid    on cell growth, collagen          and the reorganization
             C6 rat, U-87   Glioma       culture,    I invasion and mRNA   Collagen I  of the matrix     [94]
             MG,                         transwell   expression of genes relevant      surrounding the tumor
                                         migration   for cell-cell and cell-matrix     spheroids.
                                                                                       Tenascin-C deposition
                                                     Analysis of transwell   Collagen I   triggers glioma invasion
             U178, U251   Glioma         3D transwell   invasion and migration after   supplemented   in a PKC∂-dependent   [95]
                                                     compound inhibition of   with Tenascin C  manner.
                                                     Analysis of growth                Matrix stiffness
                                                     and dissemination in   Collagen   impacts on glioma
             U373         Glioma         3D spheroid                                                     [19]
                                                     increasingly stiff collagen I   I-agarose  cell invasiveness.
                                                     gels.                             High stiffness blocks
                                                                                       Interleukin-1 beta (IL-
                                                     Quantification of transwell       1b) and tumor necrosis
                                         3D, single   migration of cells stimulated    factor-alpha (TNF-α)
             U251, U178   Glioma                                          Collagen I                     [96]
                                         cells       with TNF-α, IL-1 or a             increase glioma cell
                                                     combination of both.              invasiveness in 3D
                                                                                       with parallel increased
                                                                                       MMP-2 and MMP-9.

                                                     Neurosphere compound              FDA-approved
             Primary mouse   Medulloblastoma  3D     toxicity assays using FDA-  None  Pemetrexed and    [55]
             G3 MB                       neurospheres   approved drugs and ATP-        Gemcitabine
                                                     sensor dye.                       significantly block
                                                                                       proliferation of G3 MB.
                                                     Quantification of
                                                     collagen invasion after
                                                     HGF stimulation, small            HGF-induced c-Met
                                         2D, 3D
             DAOY, UW228  Medulloblastoma  transwell, 3D   compound kinase inhibitor   Collagen I  activation promotes MB   [9]
                                         micro beads  or siRNA treatment in cells      cell invasion through
                                                     seeded on Micro-beads and         the kinase MAP4K4.
                                                     embedded in collagen I

                                                     Quantification of collagen
             DAOY,                                   invasion and cell migration       HGF, EGF and bFGF
             UW228, Med                  2D, 3D micro   after growth factor            are strong promoters of
             PDX1712,     Medulloblastoma  beads and   stimulation using invasion   Collagen I  MB cell migration and   [56]
             MedPDX411,                  spheroids   counter platform for              invasion
             primary MB                              automated quantification
                                                     of motile cell behavior in
                                                     different environments.

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ May 18, 2016 ¦            155
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