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Table 1: Approved molecular targeted drugs in advanced gastro-intestinal tumors
            Primary cancer site  Targets                          Drugs           OS (month)          Reference
            GC                   HER-2                            Trastuzumab     13.8 (fi rst-line)     [51]
                                 VEGFR-2                          Ramucirumab     9.6 (second-line)     [53]
            CRC                  VEGF                             Bevacizumab     20.3 (fi rst-line)     [63]
                                                                  Afl ibercept     13.5 (second-line)    [84]
                                 VEGFR, BRAF, KIT, RET, PDGFR     Regorafenib     6.4 (third-line)      [81]
                                 EGFR                             Cetuximab       24.9 (fi rst-line)     [75]
                                                                  Panitumumab     26.0 (fi rst-line)     [78]
            HER2: Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; VEGFR-2: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2; VEGF: Vascular endothelial
            growth factor; VEGFR: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor; BRAF: V-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1; KIT: Mast/
            stem cell growth factor receptor; RET: Rearranged during transfection; PDGFR: Platelet-derived growth factor receptor; OS: Overall
            survival; EGFR: Epidermal growth factor receptor; CRC: Colorectal cancer; GC: Gastric cancer

            plays  an  important  role  in  the  growth  and  spread  of   than  one  signaling  pathway  or  blocking  multiple  targets
            cancers.   Neovascularization  promotes  tumor  growth   within a single pathway may be necessary to effectively
            by supplying nutrients, oxygen and growth factors that   suppress cancer growth.
            promote  tumor  cell  proliferation. [2,3]   VEGF  was  fi rst   Phosphatase and tensin homolog-phosphoinositide
            isolated  in  1983  as  a  factor  that  increases  vascular   3-kinase-AKT-mammalian target of rapamycin
            permeability in tumors.  The VEGF family of proteins
            comprises VEGF-A, -B, -C, -D and -E, and structurally   pathway
            resembles  the  platelet-derived  growth  factor  (PDGF)   Phosphoinositide  3-kinases  (PI3Ks)  are  a  family
            and  placenta  growth  factor  (PLGF)  families  of   of  lipid  kinases  that  phosphorylate  the  3’-hydroxyl
            proteins.  These  growth  factors  bind  selectively,   group  of  phosphoinositides  with  the  conversion
            but  with  different  affi nity,  to  at  least  fi ve  distinct   of   phosphatidylinositol-4,   5-biphosphate   to
            receptors. [5-7]   Many  cytokines  and  growth  factors,   phosphatidylinositol-3, -4, 5-trisphosphate (PIP3). PIP3 is
            including  PDGF,  tumor  necrosis  factor,  transforming   a  critical  second  messenger  that  activates  protein  kinase
            growth  factor  (TGF)-α,    TGF-β,  fi broblast  growth   B  (AKT)  through  phosphorylation.  Once  activated,
            factor (FGF)-4, keratinocyte growth factor/FGF-7, EGF,   phospho-AKT  phosphorylates  up  to  100  other  proteins,
            interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-6 and insulin-like growth   including  the  mammalian  target  of  rapamycin  (mTOR),
            factor  (IGF)-1,  are  involved  in  upregulating  VEGF   which  is  part  of  the  mTOR  complex  (mTORC)  1  and
            gene  expression.   Overexpression  of  VEGF  has  been   mTORC 2. [21,22]  The activation of mTOR increases cellular
            associated  with  increased  microvessel  density,  tumor   proliferation  and  survival  and  decreases  apoptosis.  In
            invasion,  metastasis  and  thus  with  poor  prognosis  in   normal  tissue,  this  pathway  is  negatively  regulated
            many types of cancers. [9]                        by  the  tumor  suppressor  phosphatase  on  chromosome
            Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway          10  (phosphatase  and  tensin  homolog),  which  targets  the
                                                              lipid products of PI3K for dephosphorylation. [23]
            The EGFR family consists of four homologous receptors:
            The  EGFR  (ErbB1/EGFR/HER-1),  ErbB2  (HER-2/neu),   Ras-Raf-MEK-extra-cellular-signal-regulated
            ErbB3  (HER-3)  and  ErbB4  (HER-4).   EGFR  is  a  170   kinase pathway (MAPK pathway)
            kDa  cell  surface  tyrosine  kinase  (TK)  transmembrane   The  Raf/ mitogen-activated  protein  kinase  (MAPK)/
            receptor  that  initiates  signaling  cascades  leading  to  cell   extra-cellular-signal-regulated  kinase  (ERK)  pathway
            proliferation,  motility,  adhesion,  invasion,  cell  survival   is  an  important  pro-survival  signaling  pathway,  that
            and  angiogenesis.   Mutation  in  the  TK  domain  of  the   is,  primarily  involved  in  cell  growth  and  survival
            EGFR  gene  has  been  found  in  several  types  of  cancers   and   regulation   of   cellular   differentiation.   This
            and has become a therapeutic target in non-small cell lung   pathway   transduces   extra-cellular   signals   from
            cancer.  Overexpression and/or amplifi cation of HER-2   membrane-bound  TK  receptors,  such  as  EGFR,
            has  been  observed  in  various  cancers, [13-15]   including   VEGF  receptor  (VEGFR),  IGF  receptor  (IGFR),
            breast, esophageal and GCs at 7-34% frequency, [16,17]  and       hepatocyte  growth  factor  receptor  (c-MET)  and  PDGF
            several  studies  have  shown  that  HER-2  is  an  important   receptor  (PDGFR),  to  the  nucleus.  Binding  of  growth
            biomarker  and  a  key  driver  of  tumorigenesis.    factors  results  in  receptor  phosphorylation,  which
            Therefore,  blockade  of  the  EGFR  family  should  lead   activates  an  adapter  molecule  complex.  This  sequence
            to  the  inhibition  of  cell  growth,  thereby  constituting  an   in  turn  activates  the  Raf/mitogen/extra-cellular  protein
            effective  anti-cancer  therapy.   However,  cross-talk   kinase (MEK)/ERK pathway, which triggering a cascade
            between  the  various  ErbB  receptors  that  may  induce   of  specifi c  phosphorylation  events.   Within  this
            drug  resistance  has  been  demonstrated.   Because  the   pathway, the small GTPase Ras and the serine/threonine
            intra-cellular  space  is  vastly  complex,  targeting  more   kinase  Raf  are  the  key  signal  regulators.   Intermediate
            164                                   Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ October 15, 2015 ¦
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