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evaluate  the  effi cacy  of  molecular  targeted  drugs  in  GC   addition of ramucirumab resulted in a signifi cant survival
            are summarized in Table 2.                        benefi t; the median OS increased from 7.4 to 9.6 months
                                                              (HR: 0.807; 95% CI: 0.678-0.962), and the median PFS
                                                              increased  from  2.9  to  4.4  months  (HR:  0.635;  95%  CI:
            Trastuzumab  is  a  recombinant  humanized  mAb  directed   0.536-0.752).   Currently,  a  randomized  Phase  II  trial
            against the extra-cellular domain of HER-2. Amplifi cation   investigating  the  effi cacy  of  ramucirumab  as  a  fi rst-line
            or  overexpression  of  HER-2  has  been  observed  in   treatment in GC is ongoing. [58]
            7-34% of GC. [16,17,56]  A recent large-scale Phase III study   Colorectal cancer
            (the ToGA trial) demonstrated that trastuzumab combined
            with  cisplatin  and  capecitabine  provided  a  signifi cant   Estimated  new  cases  of  CRC  exceed  1.2  million/year
            survival  advantage  over  chemotherapy  alone  in  patients   worldwide, with more than 600,000 deaths/year.  Liver
            with  HER-2-positive  GC  and  confi rming  that  HER-2   metastases  are  observed  in  25%  of  CRC  patients  at  the
            is  a  crucial  therapeutic  GC  target.   The  median  OS   time  of  diagnosis  and  recurrence  after  surgery  is  often
            was  13.8  months  in  the  trastuzumab  plus  chemotherapy   encountered.  The  5-year  survival  rate  of  patients  with
            group  (n  =  294)  and  11.1  months  in  the  chemotherapy   distant metastases diseases is only 10-20%, although that
            alone  group  (n  =  290;  hazard  ratio  [HR]:  0.74;  95%   of  patients  without  lymph  node  metastasis  is  more  than
            confi dence  interval  [CI]:  0.60-0.91; P  =  0.0046).  In   80%.   The  majority  of  CRC  occurrences  are  sporadic,
            the  subgroup  with  high  HER-2  expression  (defi ned   without  the  existence  of  family  history  or  genetic
            as  immunohistochemistry  2+  and  fl uorescence in situ   pre-disposition,  and  the  etiological  factors  for  CRC
            hybridization  positive,  immunohistochemistry  3+),  the   tumorigenesis  appear  to  be  complex  and  heterogeneous.
            median  OS  was  16.0  months  in  the  trastuzumab  plus   There  has  been  signifi cant  progress  in  identifying
            chemotherapy group and 11.8 months in the chemotherapy   distinct molecular pathways leading to CRC that include
            alone group (HR: 0.65; 95% CI: 0.51-0.83). Trastuzumab   either  increased  function  of  oncogenes  or  loss  of  tumor
            is the fi rst molecularly targeted drug that has been proven   suppressor  genes.   Currently,  the  recent  introduction
            effi cacious against GC.                           of  molecular  targeted  drugs  has  improved  the  treatment
                                                              of  advanced  CRC.  Cetuximab  and  panitumumab
                                                              (EGFR  mAbs)  and  bevacizumab  (VEGF,  mAb)  have
            Ramucirumab  is  a  human  mAb  that  binds  to  VEGFR-2   ushered  in  a  new  era  of  targeted  therapy  for  CRC. [62-65]
            and  works  as  a  receptor  antagonist  blocking  the   Table  3  summarizes  molecular  targeted  drugs  used  to
            binding  of  VEGF  to  the  receptor.  A  Phase  I  trial   treat CRC.
            demonstrated  its  anti-tumor  activity  and  anti-angiogenic   Bevacizumab
            effect  over  a  wide  range  of  doses,  suggesting  clinical
            effi cacy.   In  the  REGARD  Phase  III    randomized  trial,   Bevacizumab,  developed  in  the  early  1990s,  is  a
            355  patients  were  treated  with  best  supportive  care   recombinant,  humanized  immunoglobulin  G1  (IgG1)
            plus  ramucirumab  or  placebo  in  a  second-line  setting.   mAb  that  effectively  disrupts  the  interactions  of  all
            Both  the  median  OS  (5.2  vs.  3.8  months;  HR:  0.776;   isoforms of VEGF-A with VEGFRs.  Pre-clinical studies
            95%  CI:  0.603-0.998)  and  the  median  progression-free   have  demonstrated  that  bevacizumab  exhibits  a  broad
            survival  (PFS)  (2.1  vs.  1.3  months;  HR:  0.483;  95%   range  of  anti-tumor  activity.   The  AVF2107  study,  a
            CI:  0.376-0.620)  were  signifi cantly  longer  in  the   trial to investigate the effi cacy of bevacizumab combined
            ramucirumab  than  the  placebo  group,  and  the  safety   with  irinotecan,  bolus  5-FU  and  leucovorin  (LV)  (IFL)
            profi le of the drug was acceptable.  In the RAINBOW   for  patients  with  previously  untreated  mCRC,
            Phase  III  trial,  ramucirumab  was  used  as  a  second-line   demonstrated  that  the  addition  of  bevacizumab  to
            treatment  in  addition  to  paclitaxel  (665  patients).   The   IFL  improved  the  RR  and  prolonged  OS.  In  another
            Table 2: Results of completed Phase III trials with molecular targeted therapy in advanced GC
            Target  Trial      Regimen                              Patients (n) OS (month)               P
            HER2    ToGA       Cisplatine, capecitabine or FU ± trastuzumab  584  13.8 versus 11.1 (fi rst-line)  0.0046
            HER2    LOGIC      Capecitabine, oxaliplatin ± trastuzumab  545   12.2 versus 10.5 (fi rst-line)  0.35
            HER2    TyTAN      Paclitaxel ± lapatinib                  261    11.0 versus 8.9 (fi rst-line)  0.21
            EGFR    EXPAND     Cisplatine, capecitabine ± cetuximb     679    9.4 versus 10.7 (fi rst-line)  0.95
            EGFR    REAL3      Oxaliplatin, capecitabine, epirubicin ± panitumumab  553  8.8 versus 11.3 (fi rst-line)  0.013
            VEGFR-2 REGARD     BSC ± ramucirumab                       355    5.2 versus 3.8 (second-line)  0.047
            VEGFR-2 RAINBOW Paclitaxel ± ramucirumab                   665    9.6 versus 7.4 (second-line)  0.017
            VEGFR-A AVAGAST    Cisplatine, capecitabine or FU ± bevacizumab  774  12.1 versus 10.1 (fi rst-line)  0.10
            mTOR    GRANITE-1 BSC ± everolimus                         633    5.4 versus 4.3 (second- or third-line)  0.12
            HER2: Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; EGFR: Epidermal growth factor receptor; VEGFR-2: Vascular endothelial growth
            factor receptor-2; VEGFR-A: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-A; mTOR: Mammalian target of rapamycin; OS: Overall
            survival; FU: Fluorouracil; BSC: Best supportive care; GC: Gastric cancer

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