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Table 3: Results of completed Phase III trials with molecular targeted therapy in advanced CRC
            Target          Trial      Regimen               Patients (n)  OS (month)                     P
            VEGF            AVF2107    IFL ± bevacizumab        402     20.3 vs. 15.5 (fi rst-line)      < 0.001
            VEGF            N016966    FOLFOX4 or XELOX ±       701     21.3 vs. 19.9 (fi rst-line)      0.077
            VEGF            TREE1/2    mFOLFOX6 or XELOX ±      260     26.1 vs. 19.2 (mFOLFOX6 fi rst-line)
                                       bevacizumab                      24.6 vs. 17.2 (XELOX fi rst-line)
            VEGF            VELOUR     FOLFIRI ± afl ibercept   1,226    13.5 vs. 12.1 (second-line)     0.0032
            VEGFR, BRAF,    CORRECT    Regorafenib or placebo   760     6.4 vs. 5.0                     0.0052
            KIT, RET, PDGFR
            EGFR            CRYSTAL    K-Ras WT                 348     23.5 vs. 20.0 (fi rst-line)      0.0093
                                       FOLFIRI ± cetuximab
            EGFR            FIRE-3     FOLFIRI ± cetuximabor    592     28.7 vs. 25.0 (fi rst-line)      0.017
            VEGF                       FOLFIRI ± bevacizumab
            EGFR            PRIME      K-Ras WT                 656     23.9 vs. 19.7 (fi rst-line)       0.17
                                       FOLFOX4 ± panitumumab
            EGFR            Update     K-Ras WT/MT other Ras    108     17.1 vs. 18.3 (fi rst-line)       0.31
                            PRIME      FOLFOX4 ± panitumumab
            VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGFR: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor; BRAF: V-Raf murine sarcoma viral
            oncogene homolog B1; KIT: Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor; RET: Rearranged during transfection; PDGFR: Platelet-derived growth
            factor receptor; EGFR: Epidermal growth factor receptor; OS: Overall survival; CRC: Colorectal cancer; IFL: 5-fl uorouracil and leucovorin

            Phase III clinical trial performed,  patients with mCRC   Cetuximab
            were randomly assigned to receive one of three different   Cetuximab  is  a  recombinant,  chimeric,  human/murine
            irinotecan-containing regimens: irinotecan plus infusional   IgG1  mAb  that  binds  specifi cally  to  the  extra-cellular
            5-FU  and  LV  (FOLFIRI),  modifi ed  IFL  and  irinotecan   domain of EGFR in normal and tumor cells, promoting
            plus  oral  capecitabine  and  FOLFIRI  plus  bevacizumab.   receptor  internalization  and  degradation  without
            This latter group showed a higher RR and a longer PFS   receptor  phosphorylation  and  activation. [74]   In  the
            and median OS than patients receiving FOLFIRI without   pivotal  Phase  II  study,  the  BOND  trial,  patients  with
            bevacizumab.  Subsequent  trials  with  oxaliplatin-based   mCRC were randomized to various treatment groups. [62]
            regimens  produced  less  robust  differences. [69-71]   In  the   As  compared  to  cetuximab  alone,  the  combination  of
            Phase III trial NO16966,  the effect of capecitabine and   irinotecan and cetuximab signifi cantly improved overall
            oxaliplatin was compared with that of infused   5-FU,   LV   patient  response,  median  OS  and  PFS.  Retrospective
            and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX), with or without bevacizumab.   analysis  of  KRAS  status  in  the  CRYSTAL  trial  has
            As  compared  to  chemotherapy  alone,  treatment  with   recently  shown  statistically  signifi cant  differences
            bevacizumab  in  addition  to  oxaliplatin-based  therapy   in  PFS  and  overall  response  between  patients  with
            signifi cantly  improved  OS  and  PFS.  Another  Phase  III   wild-type  KRAS  and  those  with  mutant  KRAS  treated
            trial,  the  TREE  study   investigated  the  tolerability  of   with  FOLFIRI  plus  cetuximab. [75]   In  the  Phase  III
            oxaliplatin  in  combination  with  three  different  5-FU   study,  the  FIRE-3,  by   Heinemann  et al.   patients
            regimens  (continuous  infusion,  bolus  and  oral)  with  or   with  mCRC  were  randomly  assigned  to  FOLFIRI
            without  bevacizumab  as  a  fi rst-line  therapy.  The  study   plus  either  cetuximab  or  bevacizumab.  Patients  in  the
            showed  that  as  compared  to  patients  who  received   cetuximab  and  bevizumab  arms  had  similar  times  to
            chemotherapy  alone,  patients  treated  with  FOLFOX6   disease  progression,  but  those  treated  with  cetuximab
            plus  bevacizumab  experienced  improvements  in  overall   had  a  signifi cantly  improved  OS.  One  of  the  problems
            response, OS and PFS.
                                                              of  cetuximab  treatment  is  an  increased  risk  of  severe
            However,  there  is  a  controversy  regarding  the  use  of   adverse  events.  A  meta-analysis  to  investigate  severe
            adjuvant  treatments  in  CRC. The  NSABP  PROTOCOL   adverse  events  in  CRC  patients,  reported  the  most
            C-08 trial showed that the addition of bevacizumab for   common  severe  adverse  events  to  be  neutropenia,
            1-year  to  a  modifi ed  FOLFOX6  adjuvant  regimen  did   diarrhea  and  rash.  However,  cetuximab  was  not
            not  signifi cantly  prolong  disease-free  survival  (DFS)   associated  with  an  increased  risk  of  fatal  adverse
            in  Stage  II  and  III  CRC. [72]   Similarly,  the   AVANT  trial   events. [77]
            showed  that  bevacizumab  did  not  prolong  DFS  when   Panitumumab
            added  to  adjuvant  chemotherapy  in  resected  Stage  III
            CRC,  and  OS  data  suggested  a  potential  adverse  effect   Panitumumab is a fully human, recombinant IgG2 mAb
            with  bevacizumab  plus  oxaliplatin-based  adjuvant   that  binds  specifi cally  and  with  high  affi nity  to  the
            therapy. [73]                                     extra-cellular  domain  of  EGFR  in  normal  and  tumor

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