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Warawdekar et al.                                                                                                                                           CTCs from patients with metastatic breast cancer

           Sensitivity (ability to detect lowest number of    100%), as shown in Table 1.
           epithelial tumor cells)
           The assay of serial  dilutions  (0.001-0.5%)  of human   Analysis of CTCs in patients
           breast tumor cells in Jurkat cells established that the   To  validate  the  use of  this  technique in a  clinical
           lower detection limit for sensitivity of the method was   setting,  17 patient samples and 13 normal controls
           0.001%  or 10 , corresponding  to 1 human  cell  per   were assessed. As described in Methods, the PBMC
           100,000 Jurkat  cells. Recovery and linearity were   fraction was separated from peripheral blood sample
           highly  reproducible  across  separate  experiments   with an average PBMC cell count of 20.2 × 10  ± 9 ×
           [Figure 2] and the number of tumor cell events could be   10 cells for patient samples and 23.7 × 10  ± 8.6 ×
           positively correlated.Linear correlation and regression   10 cells in normal controls [Supplementary Figure 2].
           analysis showed R  > 0.98 for ZR-75-1, BT-474, and   CTCs were  enriched  from the PBMC fraction using
           MDA-MB-468 cell lines, whereas in the case of MCF-7   immunomagnetic double-positive selection for EpCAM.
           and T-47D,  R was 0.9465  and 0.9589, respectively   The number of cells in the positive fraction represented
           [Supplementary  Figure 1].  The percentage  of tumor   cells that  were enriched for  EpCAM and, as the
           cells recovered was not significantly different from the   number was very low, the hemocytometer count would
           percentage  of tumor cells expected, based on serial   not be an appropriate representation. CTCs would be
           dilutions.                                         detected in this fraction. Average cell number obtained
                                                              in the negative fraction (as described in Methods) for
           Recovery                                           the patient sample was 17.3 × 10  ± 5.7 × 10  cells
           Recovery of the flow cytometry protocol was determined   and in the normal control was 15.6 × 10  ± 8.03 × 10 6
           by spiking 1-500 tumor cells in 1 × 10 Jurkat cells. The   [Supplementary Figure 2 and Supplementary Table 2].
           gating strategy for detection of EpCAM+CK+CD45-    The pre-enrichment fraction,  positive and negative
           cells  is as shown in  Figure  1A and  B. Recovery  of   fractions, and controls were acquired and analyzed
           spiked cells was highly  linear and revealed  a mean   by flow cytometry. CTCs were selected on the basis
           recovery of  75% of  spiked tumor cells (range: 43-  of cell size and presence of EpCAM and CK. Figure 3

           Figure 1: EpCAM+CK+CD45- tumor cells detected by flow cytometry by first gating out cell debris and cell clumps in forward/side scatter
           plot (A); threshold for specific EpCAM (APC) and CK (FITC) signals determined using sample stained with isotype control antibodies. Gates
           set to have no positive events above these thresholds in control sample (B); representative histograms shown of individual criteria gated on
           (C-E) Jurkat cells and (F-H) BT-474 human tumor cells
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ February 23, 2017       27
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