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Warawdekar et al.                                                                                                                                           CTCs from patients with metastatic breast cancer

           T-47D, ZR75-1, BT-474, and MDA-MB-468 and the      quantitative RT-PCR.
           lymphoid cell line, Jurkat, were used for cell spiking
           and  standardization  of  the  flow  cytometry  assay,   Cell spiking experiments
           and qPCR. MCF-7, BT-474, and MDA MB-468 were       Human mammary cancer cell lines representing the
           maintained in DMEM containing 10% FCS; T-47-D and   molecular subtypes were grown as adherent cultures
           ZR75-1 in RPMI-1640 with L-glutamine (2 mmol/L)    and harvested using sterile trypsin-EDTA solution at
           and 10% FCS; Jurkat in DMEM containing 10%         80% confluency. The Harvested cells were collected,
           FCS and antibiotic mixture containing gentamycin,   washed, and re-suspended in a fixed volume of culture
           streptomycin and anti-fungal, Forcan. Cell line    medium. An average of 3 cell counts and viability were
           ZR75-1 was purchased from the National Centre for   determined by the trypan blue dye exclusion method.
           Cell  Science, Pune, India.  All other cell lines were   This cell suspension was used for serial dilution in cell
           available in the institute or laboratory and procured   spiking  experiments  and  cells  were  spiked  into  the
           for ongoing studies.                               Jurkat cell line, which served as the WBC designate
                                                              of the PBMC fraction. Jurkat cell number was selected
           Patients and controls                              on the basis of the average cell count obtained in the
           A total of 22 breast cancer patients with metastatic   positive fraction following immunomagnetic enrichment
           disease were included in this study. In addition, blood   of 20 mL of peripheral blood, which is approximately
           samples from 20 healthy volunteers were accrued.   1 × 10 cells counted with a hemocytometer. Human
           After collection, blood samples were immediately   mammary tumor cells were spiked into 1 × 10  Jurkat
           processed for isolation and detection of CTCs.     cells at levels  ranging from 0.5% to 0.001%. These
                                                              cell  suspensions  were  labeled  with  antibodies  as
           Blood collection and PBMCs isolation               described below, acquired on the flowcytometer and
           Peripheral blood (25 mL) was drawn by phlebotomy   the percentage expected to the percentage recovered
           in EDTA vacutainer tubes. The initial 5 mL was routed   was plotted as shown  below.  For  each  sub-type,
           for other routine tests to avoid contamination with cells   experiments were repeated at least thrice.
           from the skin and blood vessels.  Tumor cells were
           isolated along with the PBMCs on a Ficoll Hypaque   Antibody  labeling  and  acquisition  on  flow
           gradient. Blood diluted with PBS was layered over   cytometer
           Ficoll Hypaque and centrifuged at 400 g for 30 min at   Serially diluted samples of tumor cells spiked into Jurkat
           25 °C. The interphase was collected, washed twice,   cells were surface-stained with monoclonal antibodies
           with separation buffer, spun at 400  g for 15 min at   that target epithelial cell antigens EpCAM (CD326) and
           4 °C to obtain a cell pellet, which was suspended in   CD45 or the corresponding isotype control antibody by
           separation buffer and the total yield and viability was   incubating the cells in 50 μL of FACS buffer for 30 min in
           assessed.                                          the dark at room temperature. Cells were then washed
                                                              with FACS buffer and fixed with 1% paraformaldehyde
           Immunomagnetic enrichment and CTCs                 for 15 min at 4 °C before permeabilization for
           isolation                                          intracellular staining. To permeabilize cells, the pellet
           CTCs were enriched from the total cell pellet.     was resuspended in 0.1% saponin buffer. Cells were
           Depending on the total cell count, initially 50-100 µL of   subsequently stained with anti-pan CK antibody or the
           FcR blocking reagent (Miltenyi Biotec) was added to   relevant isotype control and incubated for 45 min in the
           block Fc receptors and eliminate non-specific binding.   dark at room temperature. After staining, cells were
           Subsequently, 50-100 µL of micro beads conjugated   washed with saponin buffer, resuspended in 300 μL
           to monoclonal antibody for EpCAM (Miltenyi Biotec)   of FACS buffer, and immediately acquired on a FACS
           was added and this mixture was incubated for 30 min   Aria  flowcytometer (Becton Dickinson, USA), which
           at  4  °C.  Subsequently,  cells  were  washed  and  re-  is equipped with a 488 nm blue laser (for excitation
           suspended in 700 µL of separation buffer. This labeled   of FITC and PerCP) and a 633 nm red laser (for
           cell suspension was then acquired on autoMACS Pro    excitation of APC) and the following filters: FITC: 530
           Separator (Miltenyi Biotec) with a double-positive   nm band pass; PerCP: 670 nm long pass; APC: 660
           selection. The positive fraction constituted cells that   nm band pass. Setup and automatic compensation
           expressed EpCAM and thus was an enriched fraction   were performed using cells stained for each marker.
           of EpCAM-expressing cells.  The negative fraction   PMT voltages used for recording fluorescence signals
           constituted lymphocytes, cells that do not express   were as follows: FITC = 429, PerCP = 599, APC =
           EpCAM  and  flow  through  the  column.  The  positive   396. The absolute number of spiked tumor cells was
           and negative fractions were divided into two aliquots:   estimated by acquiring a minimum of 10,000 events
           one for multi-parameter flow cytometry, the other for   in the analyzed sample. Data were analyzed with BD
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ February 23, 2017       25
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