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Warawdekar et al.                                                                                                                                           CTCs from patients with metastatic breast cancer

           FACSDiva  software v6.1.3 (BD Biosciences).        the  study.  For  quantification  of  a  gene  transcript,  a
                                                              TaqMan quantitative PCR assay was done for the
           RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis                   gene transcript for every dilution in duplicate and an
           A  Trizol/RNeasy hybrid RNA extraction protocol    external calibration curve was obtained by plotting the
           was used for isolation of total RNA under RNase-   concentration as copy number vs. the corresponding
           free conditions.  The aqueous phase obtained was   threshold  cycle.   Each  of  these  calibration  curves
           passed through a gDNA eliminator column to remove   were repeated at least thrice.
           genomic DNA contamination.  Total RNA isolated
           from each sample was suspended in RNAse-free       Quantitative PCR
           water. Concentration and purity were determined on   TaqMan assays were done for cytokeratin-19 (CK19),
           Nanodrop ND-1000 and stored at -80 °C until further   epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), Mucin1
           use. cDNA synthesis was carried out with high capacity   (MUC1), Her2-neu, and Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
           reverse transcriptase kit (Applied Biosystems)     dehydrogenase (GAPDH). Reactions for all the above
           according to manufacturer’s instructions.          genes were performed with 10 µL volume with cDNA
                                                              corresponding to 20 ng. All the samples were analyzed
           Preparation of qRT-PCR calibrators                 in duplicates and the average value of the two was
           QRT-PCR calibrators were prepared adapting the     used as the quantitative value. A non-template control,
           Aerts et al. [22]  method with selection of the average   also in duplicate, was used for all genes.
           cell number obtained in the positive fraction post-
           immunomagnetic enrichment from patient samples.    Statistical analysis
           Serial dilutions corresponding to five log steps of cell   For all groups  studied, values were represented as
           number by diluting RNAzol lysates of MCF-7 in the   mean ± SD. A simple linear regression model was used
           WBC cell line (Jurkat) with ratios of 1:1 to 1:10  of   to assess the fit for the recovery of expected cells.
           CK19+ and EpCAM+ cells per CK19- and EpCAM-
           cells were made. Dilution of lysates was performed   RESULTS
           to avoid the need for permanent maintenance of cell
           cultures for preparation  of  cell-cell  dilutions. RNA   Flow cytometry for CTCs analysis
           extraction  and  cDNA  synthesis  were  performed  as   A  tricolor  setup  was  configured  to  detect  the  CD45
           described. Each sample was measured in triplicate.  PerCP  signal  in  670  nm  long  pass,  EpCAM-APC
                                                              signal in 660 nm bandpass, and Cytokeratin-FITC
           We also prepared qRT-PCR calibrators by adapting   signal in 530 nm band pass filter. Events that fell within
           the Strati  et  al.  method as a qRT-PCR requires   the region P2, i.e. EpCAM, and CK dual-positive were
           analysis of samples across time frames. Individual   counted as meeting criteria for human tumor cells
           PCR amplicons corresponding to gene-targets CK-    [Figure 1A and B].  Thresholds  for  specific  EpCAM
           19, EpCAM, MUC-1, and Her2Neu that could serve     APC and CK FITC signals were determined using the
           as quantification calibrators were generated. For this   sample stained with isotype control antibodies. The
           purpose, total RNA was extracted from MCF-7 and    same gating strategy was then applied for detecting
           BT474 cells, DNase-treated, and quantified. cDNA was   EpCAM+CK+CD45-  cells  in  the  clinical  sample
           synthesized from 1 µg of DNase-treated RNA using a   stained with the specific antibodies.
           high capacity cDNA kit according to manufacturer’s
           instructions. PCR for each target gene was carried   Specificity  (ability  to  differentiate  between
           out with TaqMan primers on a Bio-Rad Peltier Thermal   epithelial tumour cellsand WBC designate)
           cycler to ensure production of  calibrators from the   EpCAM-APC  (clone  HEA-125)  and  Pan-Cytokeratin-
           same amplicon that would be synthesized during the   FITC (clone CK3-6H5) Abs were found to be specific
           qRT-PCR of clinical samples. PCR amplicons were    for human mammary cancer cells, with no non-specific
           separated on a 3% Agarose gel, excised under UV,   binding to Jurkat cells [Figure 1C-E]. Similarly, human
           purified  using  QIAquickGel  Extraction  Kit  (Qiagen),   CD45 PerCP antibody (clone 30F11.1) was found to be
           and  quantified  on  Nanodrop.  Copy  number  was   highly specific for leukocytes and did not stain human
           calculated  from  the  concentrations  using  Avogadro   mammary tumour cells  [Figure 1F-H].  To  determine
           constant and molecular weight of each amplicon     applicability of the method to various human mammary
           number of bases of the PCR product multiplied by the   cancer cell lines, the ability to detect MCF-7, T-47D,
           mean molecular weight of a pair of nucleic acids, which   ZR-75-1, BT-474, and MDA-MB-468 spiked in Jurkat
           is 660. Serial dilutions of these stock amplicons were   cells was tested. In all cases, tumor cells exhibited
           made in TE buffer (1 × 10  copies to 1 × 10  copies)   similar  staining  to EpCAM and CK antibodies  and
           and  used  as  quantification  calibrators  throughout   could be clearly differentiated from Jurkat cells.
             26                                                                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ February 23, 2017
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