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Su et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(3):244­74  I    Page 252

                                 ZipCode                  ZipCode                   ZipCode

                         Race            Loan      Race            Loan     Race            Loan

                                Income                    Income                   Income
                                  (a)                      (b)                       (c)

               Figure 5. Two alternative graphs for the loan application system. (a) A causal graph of the loan application system, where Race is the
               sensitive attribute and Loan is the decision. (b) A causal graph of the system after removing unresolved discrimination. (c) A causal graph
               of the system that is free of proxy discrimination.

               4.1.2. Path-specific fairness
               The causal effect of sensitive attribute on the outcome can be divided into direct effect and indirect effect, and it
               can be deemed fair or discriminatory by an expert. Direct discrimination can be captured by the causal effects
               of    on    transmitted along the direct path from    to   , while indirect discrimination is measured using the
               causal effect of    on    along causal paths from    to    that pass through redlining/proxy attributes.

               Figure 5(a) represents the causal graph of a simple example of a toy model of loan decision AI model, where
               Race is treated as the sensitive attribute and Loan is treated as the decision. Since ZipCode can reflect the in-
               formation of Race, ZipCode is a proxy for the sensitive attribute, that is to say, ZipCode is a redline attribute.
               Thus, the causal effects spreading along the path Race → Loan are then considered to be direct discrimina-
               tion, and the causal effects spreading along the path Race → ZipCode → Loan are considered to be indirect
               discrimination. Note that the causal effects spreading along the path Race → Income → Loan are explainable
               bias since it is reasonable to deny a loan to an applicant if he (or she) has a low income. That is to say, the
               partial difference in loan issuance across different race groups can be explained by the fact that some racial
               groups in the collected data tend to be underpaid.

               Path-specific effect [10]  is a fine-grained assessment of causal effects, that is, it can evaluate the causal effect
               transmitted along certain paths. Thus, it is used to distinguish among direct discrimination, indirect discrim-
               ination, and explainable bias. For any set of paths   , the   -specific effect can be computed as below:

                                                           +   −             −                         (5)
                                                   (  ) =   (  |    (   |  ,    | ¯  )) −   (  |    (   ))
               where   (      |  ,   | ¯   ) denotes the distribution of    =    where the intervention     (   ) (i.e., force    had    ) is only
               transmitted along path    while the intervention     (   ) (i.e., actual world    =    ) is transferred along the other
               paths (denoted by ¯  ). If    contains all direct edge from    to   ,           (  ) measures the direct discrimination. If
                  contains all indirect paths from    to    that pass through redlining/proxy attributes,           (  ) evaluates the
               indirect discrimination. If    contains all indirect paths from    to    that pass through explaining attributes,
                         (  ) assesses the explainable bias.
               4.1.3. No unresolved/proxy discrimination
               No unresolved discrimination [28]  is a fairness notion which is based on Pearl’s structural causal model frame-
               work and aims to detect indirect discrimination. This criterion is satisfied if there is no directed path from the
               sensitiveattribute    totheoutcome   whichisnotblockedbytheresolvingvariables. Aresolvingvariableisany
               variable in a causal graph that is influenced by the sensitive attribute to a certain degree but accepted by practi-
               tioners as nondiscriminatory, which is very similar to the use of explanatory attributes in the statistics-based
               fairness notion. For example, Figure 5 shows three causal graphs of a simple loan example. There exists such
               discrimination in the causal graph shown in Figure 5(a) since the effects of Race on Loan can be transmitted
               along the causal paths Race → Loan and Race → ZipCode → Loan, while there is no unresolved discrimina-
               tion, since the effects of Race on Loan can only be transmitted through resolved attribute Income along Race
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