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Page 255                          Su et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(3):244­74  I

               treatment    for the subgroup    . The minimal effort required to achieve   -level of outcome variable within
               the subgroup    is computed as follows:
                                               Ψ    (  ) =                ∈   E[   ] ⩾                (11)
               Then, for a certain outcome level   , individual   -equal effort is satisfied for individual    if:

                                                     Ψ    (  ) = Ψ    (  )                            (12)
               Equality of effort can also be extended to identify discrimination at any sub-population level or system level,
               when    is extended to the entire group with    =    and    denotes the entire group with    =    . To
               distinguish individual   -equal effort,    is used to denote the first set, while    denoted the second one. The
                 -equal effort is satisfied for a sub-population if:
                                                     Ψ    (  ) = Ψ    (  )
               4.2.4. PC-Fairness
               Path-specific Counterfactual Fairness (PC-fairness) [31]  is used to denote a general fairness formalization for
               representing various causality-based fairness notions. Given a factual condition O = o where O ∈ V and a
               causal path set   , a predictor    achieves the PC-fairness if it satisfies the following expression:

                                                            ( ˆ      →   |o) ⩽                        (14)
               where         ( ˆ      →   |o) =   ( ˆ      |  ,   | ¯   |o) −   ( ˆ      |o) and    is a predefined fairness threshold (typically, 0.05).
               Intuitively,         ( ˆ       →   |o) denotes when the value of the sensitive attribute    changes from    to    , the causal
               effect of    on    through the causal path set    and given the factual observation o.
               PC-fairness matches different causality-based fairness notions by tuning its parameters. For example, if the
               path set    contains all causal paths and O =   , PC-fairness corresponds to the total effects in Equation (3).
               Apart from that, it also includes new types of fairness that have not been studied yet in the past. For example,
               PC-fairness can detect individual indirect discrimination by letting O = V\{  } and the path set    containing
               all causal paths that pass through any redlining variables.
               The need for causal models for detecting and eliminating discrimination is based on the intuition that the
               same individuals experience different outcomes due to innate or acquired characteristics outside of their con-
               trol (e.g., gender). Therefore, causal models are useful for investigating which characteristics cannot be con-
               trolled by individuals and using the resulted understandings to identify and deal with discrimination. In other
               words, understandingthestructureofrootcausesoftheproblemcanassistinidentifyingunfairnessandcauses.
               Thus, there is a causal structure that must be considered rather than just the correlation between the sensitive
               attribute and outcome. Because of these advantages, many recent studies introduce fairness-enhancing ap-
               proachesfromtheperspectiveofcausality. Accordingtothestagesoftrainingthemachinelearningalgorithms,
               pre-processing, in-processing, and post-processing mechanisms can be used to intervene in the algorithm to
               achieve fairness. Therefore, causal-based methods can be divided into the above three categories. Figure 6
               shows the general flow of different categorical causality-based approaches. This section provides an overview
               of studies for these categories, and then the advantages and disadvantages of these three types of mechanisms
               are summarized.
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