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Page 251                          Su et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(3):244­74  I

               white men) and    =    denotes the disadvantaged one (e.g., non-white men). Table 1 summarizes various
               causality-based fairness notions falling under different types.

               4.1. Group causality­based fairness notions
               The value of an individual’s sensitive attribute reflects the group he (or she) belongs to. Considered an example
               ofsalarypredictionwhere    and    representmaleandfemalegroups,respectively. Somerepresentativegroup
               causality-based fairness notions are introduced as follows.
               4.1.1. Total effect
               Before defining total effect (TE) [10] , statistical parity (SP) is first introduced, since it is similar to TE but is
               fundamentally different from TE. SP is a common statistics-based fairness notion, which denotes similar indi-
               viduals treated similarly regardless of their sensitive attributes. Statistical parity is satisfied if

                                           |    (  )| = |  (  |   =    ) −   (  |   =    )| ≤          (2)

               Intuitively,     (  ) measures the conditional distributions of   change of one’s sensitive attribute    from    to    ,
               and it is considered to be fair if the difference between the conditional distributions is within the fair threshold
                 . The main limitation of     (  ) is that     (  ) is unable to reflect the causal relationship between    and  . Total
               effect is the causal version of statistical parity, which additionally considered the generation mechanism of the
               data. Formally, total effect can be computed as follows:

                                                             +               −                         (3)
                                              (  ) =   (  |    (   =    )) −   (  |    (   =    ))

               TEmeasuresthedifferencebetweentotalcausaleffectofsensitiveattribute    changingfrom    to    ondecision
                  =   . Intuitively,statisticalparityrepresentsthedifferenceinprobabilitiesof   =    inthesamplingpopulation,
               while total effect represents the difference in probabilities of    =    in the entire population.

               A more complex total effect considers the effect of changes in the sensitive attribute value on the outcome of
               automated decision making when we already observed the outcome for that individual, which is known as the
               effect of treatment on the treated (ETT) [10] . This typically involves a counterfactual situation which requires
               changing the sensitive attribute value of that individual at that time to examine whether the outcome changes
               or not. ETT can be mathematically formalized using counterfactual quantities as follows:

                                                              −         −                              (4)
                                                     (  ) =   (      |   ) −   (      |   )
               where   (      |   ) represents the probability of    =    had    been    , given    had been observed to be    .
                 (      |   ) =   (  |   ) represents the conditional distributions of    =    when we observe    =    . Such proba-
               bility involves two worlds: one is an actual world where    =    and the other is a counterfactual world where
               for the same individual    =    . Notice that   (      |   ) =   (  |   ) for consistency.
               Other fairness notions similar to TE are also proposed. For example, FACT (fair on average causal effect) [32]
               was proposed to detect discrimination of automated decision making, which is based on potential outcome
               framework [33,34] . It considers an outcome    is fair, if the average causal effect over all individuals in the pop-
                                                                         +    (   )          (   )
                                                                        (   )
               ulation of the value changes of    from    to    on    is zero, i.e., E[       −        ] = 0, where        denotes the
               potential outcome of an individual    had    been    .
               TE and ETT both aim to eliminate the decision bias on all causal paths from    to   . However, they cannot
               distinguish between direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, and explainable bias.
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