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Su et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(3):244­74  I    Page 254

               4.2.2. Individual direct discrimination
               Individual direct discrimination [29]  is a situation testing-based technique [35]  guided by the structural causal
               model for analyzing the discrimination at the individual level. Situation testing is a legally grounded technique
               to detect the discrimination against a target individual by comparing the outcome of the individuals similar
               to the target one from both the advantaged group and the disadvantaged one in the same decision process. In
               other words, for a target individual   , select top-   individuals most similar to    from the group    =    (denoted
               as    ) and top-   individuals most similar to    from the group    =    (denoted as    ), and then perform one-
               to-one pairing according to the similarity ranking. The target individual is considered as discriminated if a
               significant difference is observed between the rate of positive decisions for all pairs from    and    (typically,
               higher than fair threshold   ). The key issue for implementing situation testing is how to define a distance
               function   (  ,    ) to measure similarity between individuals.
               For the individual direct discrimination criterion, the distance function   (  ,    ) is defined not only by adopting
               normalized Manhattan distance and overlap measurement but also by incorporating causal inference. Specifi-
               cally, givenacausalgraph, onlythevariablesthataredirectparentnodesofthedecisionvariableareconsidered
               to compute the similarity between individuals, which are denoted as X =     (  ) \ {  }. The formal definition
               of   (  ,    ) is as follows:
                                               (  ,    ) =  |    (      ,    ) ·     (      ,    )|    (8)
               where     (      ,    ) represents the causal effect of each of the selected variables (      ∈ X) on the outcome
               and     (      ,    ) is a distance function proposed by Luong et al. [36] . Specifically, the normalized Manhattan
                                                                          |      −   |
               distance is employed for ordinal/interval variables (i.e.,     (      ,    ) =              , where            denotes the differ-
               ence between the maximum and minimum of the variable      ) and the overlap measurement is employed for
               categorical variables (i.e.,     (      ,    ) = 0 if       =    , and     (      ,    ) = 1 otherwise).
               For each selected variable      , the definition of     (      ,    ) is as follows:
                                                                      ′                                (9)
                                              (  ) =   (  |    (x)) −   (  |    (   ,x \       ))
               where   (  |    (x)) is the effect of the intervention that forces X to take the set of values x, and   (  |    (   ,x \
                     )) is the effect of the intervention that forces       to take value    and other variables in X to take the same
               values as x.
               4.2.3. Equality of effort
               Equality of effort fairness notion [30]  detects bias by comparing the effort required to reach the same level of
               outcome of individuals from advantaged and disadvantaged groups who are similar to the target individual.
               That is to say, given a treatment variable   , it quantifies how much this treatment variable    should change to
               make the individual achieve a certain outcome level in order to address the concerns of whether the efforts
               required to achieve the same level of outcome for individuals from the advantaged and disadvantaged groups
               are different. Following Rubin’s potential outcome model framework [37] , let    be the potential outcome for
               individual    had    been    and E[   ] be the expectation of outcome for individual   . Then, for individual   , the
               needed minimal value of treatment variable    to achieve   -level of outcome is defined as follows:
                                                Ψ    (  ) =                ∈   E[   ] ⩾               (10)
               Unfortunately,    is not observable, which results in Ψ    (  ) being uncomputable. Situation testing is then
               used to estimate it, where the distance function   (  ,    ) of equality of effort is the same as individual direct
               discrimination mentioned in Section 4.2.2. Let    and    be the two sets of individuals with    =    and
                  =    that are similar to the target individual   , respectively, and E[   ] be the expected outcome under
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