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Phadke et al. Intell Robot 2023;3:453-78    Page 459

                                   Figure 7. An overview of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm applications.

               The application scenarios were categorized into three major categories. Each category is then discussed for
               its unique implementations and contributions to making a specific parent component more resilient. The
               major contributions of this study are as follows.

               1. Establishing a categorization system that uniquely classifies UAV swarm applications into one of the
               three established divisions, namely, adversarial environment applications, SAR applications, or target study
               and surveying.

               2. Category 2, i.e., SAR, is a broad domain. This article uniquely recognizes two subcategories. An
               application-focused SAR methodology that uses UAV swarms to search for targets, such as victims, after a
               disaster, swarm-specific SAR (SS-SAR) methodologies are focused on the UAV swarm agents themselves.
               While the former is a use-case scenario of UAV swarms that provides a beneficial service, the latter focuses
               on creating robust swarm deployments by taking care of swarm agents during an operation.

               3. For each category, current literature is examined, and the resilience component/module that they target is

               Based on the way UAV swarm usage is targeted, there are three major categories into which an application
               can be condensed: Adversarial environment, SAR, and Target study and surveying. Any use case scenario
               can be reasonably categorized into one of the application categories. Table 2 organizes swarm applications
               into these major categories and their broad description. In the following sections, we approach each
               category and examine multiple research approaches that have been indexed under each study for their novel
               approach toward resilient UAV swarms.

               Table 2. Three major categories for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm applications
               Major application category  General description of the method of resilient operation
               Adversarial environment applications   Demonstrate robust network, formation control, and tracking of targets in adversarial environments,
               (military, security)      avoid hostile network takeover attempts, jamming resistance, and external agent attacks
               Search and rescue applications  Maximize search area coverage, ad hoc network coverage robustness
               Target study, surveying, long-term area  Efficient information recording, accurate target detection, long-term energy-efficient operations for
               commitment applications   mapping, analysis, or DaaS (Drones as a Service) provisions
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