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Xiong et al.                                                                                                                                                                                              Nature of liver lymphoma

           in which these lesions are defined as primary hepatic   place specifically of cancer. [24]
           lymphoma and described as a malignancy that is very
           rare  and  frequently  misdiagnosed,  but  has  a  rather   Some authors stated that primary hepatic lymphoma
           better  prognosis  by  the  combination  of  surgery  and   should be differentiated from hepatitis, hepatic
           chemotherapy as the treatment than primary hepatic   metastasis, primary hepatic tumors and secondary
           carcinoma. [15-17]  This paper discusses several aspects   hepatic lymphoma, however, they attempted to prove
           of the entity of primary hepatic lymphoma, especially   that a liver lymphoma was primary even when bone
           the dilemmas in diagnosis.                         marrow or portal lymph nodes were involved  and
                                                              interpreted  that this involvement  was metastasis but
           CLASSIFICATION OF LYMPHOMA                         not infiltration. [25,26]

           In 1965, Ata et al.  reported, for the first time, a case   Secondary  hepatic  lymphomas  are  defined  by  some
           of primary reticulum cell sarcoma of the liver. Later   authors as liver lymphomas with extra hepatic foci of
           in  1971, Torres  et al.  described primary reticulum   lymphoma and found at the first onset or afterwards,
           cell sarcoma of liver in cancer. Since then, cases   or systemic lymphoma  with secondary  hepatic
           and case series have been accumulated reporting    involvement.  This  description  is  also  conflicting  with
           the characteristics of primary hepatic lymphoma and   the above definition of primary lymphoma. [27]
           stating that this disease is extremely rare with the
           absence of lymphoproliferative disease outside the   The WHO classification of lymphoma is the generally
           liver. [20,21]                                     accepted interpretation. In  this system,  lymphomas
                                                              are classified by the normal cell type that looks most
           Some authors defined primary hepatic lymphoma as   like the tumor and interpreting cytogenetic, molecular
           a very rare malignant tumor with the features of liver   or phenotypic features.  The three main groups are
           involvement and without involvement of other organs   the  T cell, B cell, and natural killer cell lymphomas.
           and tissues including bone marrow, lymph nodes, the   Less common groups are identified and listed in the
           spleen and peripheral blood until at least 6 months   subtypes. It has been debated that this classification
           after  diagnosis. [14,22]   However,  Caccamo’s  criteria   needs validating  in a large series of patients before
           which many authors have cited for the diagnosis of   publication. [2,3]   Interestingly  in  this  classification,  the
           primary hepatic lymphoma were proposed in 1986     term “primary” is used but not specified, like primary
           and based on the data of a single patient who was   effusion lymphoma, primary central nervous system
           complicated with liver cirrhosis, Kaposi’s sarcoma,   lymphoma,  etc.,  and a number of subtypes are
           and involvement of gastric mucosa and abdominal    described as “provisional entities” [Table 1].
           lymph nodes. [22,23]  In many of the case reports, the
           patient follow-up was not long enough as “at least 6   ESTABLISHMENT OF DIAGNOSIS
           months  after  diagnosis”  and  some  diagnoses  were
           determined just after the biopsy even when there   Clinical  manifestations  usually  suggest  diseases
           were enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes and bone   involving the liver but not the lymphatic and immune
           marrow infiltration by lymphoma. [11,14,15]        system. [29,30]  Many cases are diffuse large B cell
                                                              lymphoma and the patients show B-symptomatology
           Is there indeed a disease entity named primary hepatic   of weight loss, fever, and night sweats, as well as
           lymphoma? The definition of the word or special term   fatigue and lethargy. [26]  Laboratory study on hepatitis
           “primary” is the key point to answer the question. The   virus infection and serum l-lactate dehydrogenase
           authors of this paper consulted several dictionaries and   provides reference to treatment rather than diagnosis
           encyclopedias including online medical dictionaries,   of lymphoma. Serum levels of α-fetoprotein and other
           especially the National Institutes of Health’s Web site,   common tumor markers are usually normal. [31,32]
           i.e. MedlinePlus, produced by the National Library of   Imaging modalities are very important tools for
           Medicine.   The  definition  of  the  word  “PRIMARY”   detecting  liver  tumors  and  lymphoma,  although  the
           can be summarized in two explanations. The first one   majority  of  the  diagnoses  of  liver  lymphoma  are
           is general: first in order of time, place, development,   established  afterwards  which  is  quite  different  from
           or importance.  However  the  second  is  medical: not   the imaging diagnosis of mediastinal or retroperitoneal
           derived from any other source or cause, especially the   lymphoma. [33]
           original condition or a group of symptoms in disease
           processes, such as a primary infection or a primary   Image modalities
           tumor, arising spontaneously (idiopathic, efforts to find   For evaluating  primary liver tumors, currently useful
           the original tumor have failed), being an initial tumor or   image modalities  include  ultrasound, computed
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