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Cheung et al.                                                                                                                                                  Hepatorenal syndrome before liver transplantation

           parenchymal  renal  failure, hypovolemia  or infection   use of terlipressin in liver transplantation. Patients
           associated renal failure.                          with reversal of HRS before liver transplantation were
                                                              reported to have a similar postoperative outcome to
           Molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) was   patients  without HRS.  However, Rodriguez  et  al.
           used in  bridging  fulminant hepatic failure and acute   reported  a  contradicting  result.  In  their  cohort  of
           on chronic hepatic failure patients to orthotopic liver   46 patients with type-2 HRS who underwent liver
           transplantation.  It represents a cell-free liver dialysis   transplantation, 15 patients received terlipressin
           or albumin dialysis, and  helps to remove  albumin-  and albumin and had reversal of type-2 HRS.  The
           bound substances  accumulating in liver  failure.    remaining 31 patients had either relapse or no
           A randomized  controlled  trial  by Mitzner  et al.    response or did not receive terlipressin and albumin.
           compared  type 1 HRS patients treated with volume   The  2  groups  had  no  significant  differences  with
           expansion, dopamine, and haemodynamic filtration vs.   respect to development of postoperative acute kidney
           the same plus MARS. The result showed a significantly   injury, frequency of chronic kidney disease at 1 year,
           better survival for treatment group at 1 month. Even   and 1-year and 3-year survival.
           though  there was improvement  of 1-month  survival,
           one  criticism of the study was that it only  had  one   A randomized controlled trial was conducted to compare
           long-term  survivor (more than 1 month) and thus it   the hemodynamic effects of perioperative terlipressin
           had little clinical relevance. The improvement in serum   infusion during living donor liver transplantation.  In
           creatinine and bilirubin may merely reflect the effect of   this trial, intraoperative terlipressin infusion significantly
           albumin dialysis, without a significant change in liver   decreased hepatic and renal arterial resistive indices,
           and  renal  function.   Further  trials  to  evaluate  this   portal venous blood flow and systemic arterial pressure
           strategy will be needed.                           with lower systemic vascular resistance.  The need
                                                              for  intraoperative vasoactive support was reduced.
           LIVER TRANSPLANTATION                              Terlipressin  was continued  for three postoperative
                                                              days. Postoperative renal function was better in the
           Liver  transplantation  is  the  definitive  treatment  of   terlipressin group.
           HRS. However, due to the scarcity of liver grafts, most
           patients died while awaiting transplantation.  Acute   FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
           liver decompensation with type-1 HRS has worse
           outcome after liver transplantation than that without   HRS  is  a  life-threatening  complication  of  liver
           HRS. Chok  et al.  reported 104 patients with acute   cirrhosis and carries a poor prognosis. With a better
           liver decompensation who received living donor liver   understanding of the pathophysiology and advances
           transplantation.  Among  them,  33  patients  had  HRS.   in therapeutic strategies, there is hope to reduce its
           These 33 patients had longer stay in the intensive care   prevalence and improve patient outcome. Vasopressor
           unit, more hemodialysis, more blood transfusions, worse   treatment, such as that with terlipressin together with
           postoperative renal function at 1 year and poorer overall   volume  expander  (i.e.  albumin),  has  been  shown  to
           survival. However, 5-year overall survival was still nearly   be  an  important  strategy  to  stabilize  patients  and
           80%, which is satisfactory. The authors concluded that   bridge them to liver transplantation, which is the
           living donor liver transplantation should be considered   only  definitive  treatment.  It  would  be  interesting  to
           for  such  patients.  Other  centers  also  reported  similar   know the impact on prognosis in future after revising
           outcome. [40,41]  Some patients with a longer duration of type-  the  diagnostic  criteria  and  initiating  treatment  in  an
           1 HRS before liver transplantation were reported to have   earlier phase. Moreover, studies showed contradicting
           non-reversal of HRS after transplantation. Wong et al.    results on whether the short-term survival benefit of
           analyzed the 15 patients with non-reversal of HRS   terlipressin  in  patients  with  HRS,  or  the  reversal  of
           among the 62 HRS patients with liver transplantation.   HRS, would translate into a better long-term outcome
           They found a 6% increased risk of non-reversal with   after liver transplantation. Further well-designed trials
           each additional day of pre-transplant dialysis. This has   are needed to address this question.
           illustrated that timely liver transplantation can improve
           the outcome of HRS patients.                       Authors’ contributions
                                                              Design of the review: K.S.H. Chok
           PERIOPERATIVE USE OF TERLIPRESSIN                  Literature review and manuscript writing: C.Y. Cheung
           AND REVERSAL OF HRS IN LIVER                       Manuscript revision: K.S.H. Chok
                                                              Financial support andsponsorship
           There are little data regarding the role of perioperative   None.
             70                                                                                                     Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ April 12, 2017
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