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Cheung et al.                                                                                                                                                  Hepatorenal syndrome before liver transplantation

           Table 1: Comparison of three versions of the International Ascites Club diagnostic criteria of HRS-1
            1996                               2007                          2015
            Major criteria                     Criteria                      Criteria
            Chronic or acute liver disease with advanced   Presence of cirrhosis with ascites  Presence of cirrhosis with ascites
            hepatic failure and portal hypertension
            Low glomerular filtration rate: sCr > 1.5 mg/mL   sCr > 1.5 mg/dL  Diagnosis of acute kidney injury (increase in
            or 24 h sCr clearance < 40 mL/min                                sCr ≥ 0.3 mg/dL or 1.5 times over baseline)
            No sustained improvement in renal function   No improvement of sCr after at least   No improvement of sCr after at least 2 days
            following diuretic withdrawal and expansion   2 days of diuretic withdrawal and   of diuretics withdrawal and volume expansion
            of plasma volume with at least 1,500 mL of   volume expansion with albumin   with albumin (1 g/kg of body weight per day
            isotonic saline                    (1 g/kg of body weight per day up to a   up to a maximum of 100 g/day)
                                               maximum of 100 g/day)
            Absence of shock, ongoing bacterial infection  Absence of shock  Absence of shock
            No treatment with nephrotoxic drugs or   No current or recent treatment with   No current or recent treatment with
            gastrointestinal or renal fluid losses  nephrotoxic drugs        nephrotoxic drugs
            Proteinuria < 0.5 g/day and no evidence of   No macroscopic signs of structural   No macroscopic signs of structural
            obstructive nephropathy or parenchymal renal   kidney injury: normal findings on   kidney injury: normal findings on renal
            disease on ultrasound              renal ultrasonography, absence of   ultrasonography, absence of proteinuria
                                               proteinuria > 500 mg/day and absence   > 500 mg/day and absence of microhematuria
                                               of microhematuria
            Additional criteria
            Urinary volume < 0.5 L/day
            Urinary sodium < 10 mmol/L
            Urinary osmolality > plasma osmolality
            Urinary red blood cells < 50/HPF
            Serum sodium < 130 mmol/L
           HRS: hepatorenal syndrome; sCr: serum creatinine; HPF: high power field
           HRS since 2002.  A meta-analysis in 2014 identified   reduction  in activity of the renin-angiotensin  and
           four small randomized trials comparing noradrenaline   sympathetic nervous systems.  Another small study
           and terlipressin in the treatment of HRS.  The  4   also demonstrated an improvement in renal function
           studies comprising 154 patients showed no differences   after  TIPS in 18  patients  with type 2 HRS  awaiting
           between terlipressin and noradrenaline in reversal of   orthotopic liver transplant.   A  non-randomized
           HRS, mortality at 30 days, and  recurrence  of HRS.   comparative study of 41 HRS patients (31 with
           Adverse events, mainly abdominal cramps, were less   TIPS performed, and another 10 in which TIPS was
           common with noradrenaline.                         contraindicated due to advanced liver failure), type 1
                                                              and 2 included, showed that renal functions improved 2
           Midodrine   is  another  alpha-adrenergic  agent   weeks after TIPS and with better survivals.  However,
           commonly used in the United States as an alternative   the study was heavily biased towards the intervention
           to terlipressin, and is used in combination with   arm due  to patient  selection. Wong  et al.  further
           octreotide and albumin. Skagen  et al.  reported a   demonstrated in their case series the additional benefit
           case  control  study  comparing  75  HRS  patients  who   of TIPS on top of Midodrine, octreotide and albumin,
           received the triple therapy with a historical cohort of   in improving  renal function  and sodium  excretion  for
           87 HRS patients who did not. It showed a significantly   type  1  HRS patients. Despite these evidence,  TIPS
           better  transplant-free  survival,  overall  survival  and   is a risky procedure, if not contraindicated,  in HRS
           renal function at 1 month.                         patients requiring  liver transplantation  who have
                                                              advanced  liver failure. Procedural-related  mortality
           Besides the use of vasopressors and albumin,       was also reported.  Thus, the role of TIPS in bridging
           transjugular  intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)   HRS patients to liver transplantation remains limited to
           and extracorporeal albumin dialysis were also used to   selected patients.
           treat HRS in some centers. TIPS is a percutaneously
           created low-resistance channel between portal vein   Renal replacement therapy (RRT) has been provided
           and hepatic vein with the aim of  reducing the portal   to  cirrhotic patients with acute kidney injury,  with
           pressure by shunting  blood  from the portal to the   indications no different from other patients with acute
           systemic circulation.   Few  studies  have  evaluated   kidney injury. However, the renal failure was caused
           the effectiveness of TIPS in treating HRS. In 6 out of 7   by HRS in only 13% of these patients.  The 3-month
           patients with type 1 HRS, renal function improved 30   survival  was only 15% in these patients without
           days after TIPS, which was associated with a significant   liver transplant, which was the lowest comparing  to
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