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Cheung et al. Hepatoma Res 2017;3:67-72                              Hepatoma Research
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-5079.2016.48
            Minireview                                                                          Open Access

           Updates on hepatorenal syndrome and

           strategies bridging to liver transplantation

           Chung Yeung Cheung , Kenneth S.H. Chok 2,3
           1 Department of Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital, 9990777 Hong Kong, China.
           2 Department of Surgery, University of Hong Kong, 999077 Hong Kong, China.
           3 State Key Laboratory for Liver Research, University of Hong Kong, 999077 Hong Kong, China.

           Correspondence to: Dr. Kenneth S.H. Chok, Department of Surgery, University of Hong Kong, 102 Pok Fu Lam Road, 999077 Hong Kong, China.

           How to cite this article: Cheung CY, Chok KSH. Updates on hepatorenal syndrome and strategies bridging to liver transplantation. Hepatoma Res

            Article history:              Hepatorenal syndrome is not an uncommon life-threatening complication arising from liver
            Received: 01-12-2016          cirrhosis. The diagnostic criteria for this syndrome have been revised throughout the years,
            Accepted: 08-02-2017          with recent revisions aimed at improving earlier diagnosis and treatment. Liver transplantation
            Published: 12-04-2017         remains the only definitive treatment for hepatorenal syndrome. Due to the scarcity of liver
                                          grafts, many patients die waiting. This review focuses on the different strategies to bridge
            Key words:                    patients to liver transplantation and to improve the postoperative outcome.
            Hepatorenal syndrome,
            liver cirrhosis,
            liver transplantation,
            portal hypertension,
            acute kidney injury

           DEFINITION OF HEPATORENAL                          and water  retention and hypoalbuminemia  due to
           SYNDROME                                           poor synthetic function of the liver, causes decreased
                                                              glomerular filtration rate (GFR), ascites, and edema. [1,4]
           Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is the deterioration of renal
           function resulting from cirrhosis.  Portal hypertension   Diagnostic criteria of  HRS have been revised
           leads to  splanchnic vasodilatation, accompanied  by   throughout  the  years.  They  were  initially  defined
           gradual decrease in systemic vascular  resistance.    by the International  Ascites Club  (IAC) in 1996,
           The fall in systemic arterial pressure, or so-called   based on major and minor criteria to  characterize
           “arterial under filling”, is compensated by an increase   the occurrence  of renal  failure in cirrhotic  patients.
           in cardiac output by activating the renin-angiotensin-  Major criteria can be summarized as the presence
           aldosterone system and sympathetic nervous system,   of  liver failure and portal hypertension  and acute
           which  causes vasoconstriction  of renal  arteries.    renal failure, while excluding  shock, ongoing  sepsis,
           Resulting  renal  hypoperfusion,  together with sodium   nephrotoxic drug, hypovolemia,  nephrotic syndrome,
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