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Zhang et al.                                                                                                                                                              Late recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma

           Table 5: Review of literature on the incidence of recurrence of HCC after LT
           Authors                Year     Area    No. of LT patients  Recurrence rate  Median follow-up  Mean follow-up
           Roayaie et al. [4]     2004   USA (NY)       311            18.3%        51.9 months
           Hwang et al. [9]       2011    Korea          87            1.3%          75 months
           Lee et al. [10]        2014    Korea          69            44.9%        24.5 months
           Schraiber et al. [11]  2016    Brazil        206            15.5%        43.6 months    49.8 months
           Hanouneh et al. [12]   2011   USA (OH)        92            13.0%        19.5 months
           Andreou et al. [13]    2016   Germany        364            25.0%         78 months
           Kondili et al. [14]    2007     UK           104            11.5%         36 months      47 months
           Escartin et al. [15]   2007    Spain         184            15.2%
           Varona et al. [16]     2015    Spain         109            7.0%          42 months
           Lai et al. [19]        2013  Italy, Brussels  422           14.5%          4.9 years
           Agopian et al. [20]    2015   USA (CA)       865            13.5%        29.7 months
           Parfitt et al. [21]    2007    Spain          75            26.7%                         8 years
           Chok et al. [23]       2011  Hong Kong       139            17.3%         55 months
           Zou et al. [26]        2008    China         303            15.8%
           Rodriguez-Peralvarez et al. [27]  2013  Spain  219          17.6%         51 months
           Nissen et al. [28]     2011   USA (CA)       122            10.7%        32.7 months
           Pfiffer et al. [29]    2011   Germany        139            17.3%        37.2 months
           Marelli et al. [30]    2008     UK           100            18.0%         29 months
           Sharma et al. [40]     2012   USA (MI)        94            18.0%          2.2 years
           Wai et al. [41]        2012   Singapore       77            38.0%                        953 days
           Iacob et al. [42]      2013   Romania         38            13.2%                        22 months
           HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; LT: liver transplantation

           globulin injections. Approximately 13.5 years after   include major vascular invasion, poorly-differentiated
           LT, he complained of persistent cough and was      tumor, unresectable disease, and bone metastases. [4,25]
           found to have a large pleural effusion. CT scan    Our small study is consistent with these larger studies
           showed multiple small pulmonary nodules and hilar/  in that larger tumors and microvascular invasion on
           mediastinal lymphadenopathy. CT guided biopsy      the explanted liver were associated with increased
           of a chest wall mass showed metastatic HCC. A      recurrence. Four patients with late recurrence died
           video-assisted thoracoscopy and pleurodesis was    within 18 months, suggesting that although their initial
           performed. The patient opted not to have any further   course after transplantation appeared to be favorable,
           treatment and died in hospice about 2 months after   recurrence at any time threatens survival.
           diagnosis of recurrent HCC.
                                                              Recurrent HCC tends to occur early or within 2 years
           DISCUSSION                                         of LT. There have been reported cases of recurrent
                                                              HCC beyond 5 years; however these cases may
           LT is the best treatment for localized HCC in terms of   become more prevalent as more patients are living
           long-term disease free survival. Despite this, patients   longer after LT for HCC. Table 5 demonstrates the
           do have a chance of recurrent HCC that varies from   current literature on recurrence after LT for HCC,
           1.3% to 44.9% depending on individual series. [9,13]   which may suggest a trend toward a higher proportion
           Multiple studies have determined that microvascular   of recurrences with longer follow-up when all cases
           invasion, poor tumor grade, larger tumor diameter,   are considered. [26-30]  Castroagudin et al. [31]  in 165
           and higher AFP are associated with increased       cases, reported a 10.9% recurrence with 78% of these
           recurrence after transplant. [14-18]  Other factors that   recurrences occurring within the first 3 years, but they
           have been reported to contribute include age, bilobar   had 3 recipients that had recurrences after 7, 9, and
           involvement, multiple lesions, absence of necrosis,   10 years. In our study, the recurrence rate was 17%
           tumor beyond Milan criteria, elevated neutrophil-to-  with a third of our recurrence cases occurring beyond
           lymphocyte ratio, microsatellitosis, and previous liver   5 years.
           resection. [19-22]  Two studies have found that the time
           between LT and HCC recurrence affects prognosis,   In terms of the site of recurrence, most of the cases of
           with worse outcomes associated with early recurrence   recurrent HCC after LT have been reported to involve
           within 2 years. [23,24]                            extrahepatic (38.5-53%) or both extrahepatic and
                                                              intrahepatic sites (31-38.5%). In general, intrahepatic
           Once a patient develops a recurrence after transplant,   recurrence  is  more  common in  cases  of  early
           prognostic factors associated with decreased survival   recurrence, while more extrahepatic involvement is

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