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Zhang et al.                                                                                                                                                              Late recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma

           Table 3: Late recurrence cases (more than 5 years after LT)
           Age/      Time to   Site of   Preop   AFP pre-    Size of largest   Explant   Explant   Treatment of   Status after
                                                               tumor on
           gender  recurrence   recurrence  biopsy  LT (ng/mL)  ESLD  imaging (cm)  vascular   with 4+   recurrence  recurrence
           53/M       11.3    Chest wall,   Yes  2,387  HBV      3.4       No     Yes    Resect chest   Deceased,
                              liver, lung                                               wall mass, left   8 months
                                                                                        liver, everolimus
           57/M       5.9     Chest wall  Yes    34     HCV      2.0       No      No    Resect chest   Deceased,
                                                                                         wall, radiation  12 months
           59/M       5.2    Pelvic mass,   Yes   7    NASH      4.0       Yes     No    Resect pelvic   Deceased,
                                bone                                                    mass, sorafenib  18 months
           58/M       6.6       Liver    Yes     46     HCV      2.3       No      No  RFA, everolimus,   Living,
                                                                                          sorafenib  44 months
           59/M       13.4      Lung     No     10.2    HBV      2.2       No     Yes       None     Deceased,
                                                                                                      2 months
           AFP: alpha-fetoprotein; LT: liver transplantation; ESLD: end-stage liver disease; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis C virus; NASH: non-
           alcoholic steatohepatitis; RFA: radiofrequency ablation

           Table 4: Characteristics of patients with early recurrence vs. late recurrence on initial presentation, n (%)
           Characteristics                              Early recurrence (n = 10)  Late recurrence (n = 5)  P value
           Age, years, mean ± SD                              58.7 ± 3.4            57 ± 2.5          0.34
           Males                                               6 (60.0)             5 (100.0)         0.23
           Asians                                              7 (70.0)             3 (60.0)          1.00
           Hepatitis B                                         6 (60.0)             2 (40.0)          0.61
           Hepatitis C                                         5 (50.0)             2 (40.0)          1.00
           Diabetes                                            4 (40.0)             2 (40.0)          1.00
           Imaging: largest tumor size, cm, mean ± SD          3.3 ± 1.3            2.8 ± 0.9         0.48
           Explant: largest tumor size, cm, mean ± SD          4.7 ± 2.0            2.3 ± 1.0         0.05
           Explant: largest tumor > 3 cm                      5/8* (62.5)          1/4* (25.0)        0.55
           Imaging: no. of tumors, mean ± SD                   1.2 ± 0.6            1.2 ± 0.5         1.00
           Explant: no. of tumors, mean ± SD                   3.3 ± 4.3            2.8 ± 2.9         0.82
           Explant: > 4 tumors                                3/8* (37.5)           2 (40.0)          1.00
           Well differentiated tumor                           0/8* (0)             2 (40.0)          0.13
           Met milan criteria                                  9 (90.0)             4 (80.0)          1.00
           AFP at diagnosis, ng/mL, mean ± SD              1,014.9 ± 2,950.0     496.8 ± 1,056.8      0.72
           AFP > 500 ng/mL                                      1/9*                  1               1.00
           AFP > 1,000 ng/mL                                    1/9*                  1               1.00
           Lab MELD score, mean ± SD                           12 ± 4.2             11 ± 3.5          0.71
           Received locoregional therapy                       9 (90.0)             3 (60.0)          0.24
           Waiting time  (from diagnosis to LT), days, mean ± SD  222.6 ± 185.2   135.0 ± 102.0       0.35
           Explanted liver met Milan criteria                 3/8* (37.5)           4 (80.0)          0.27
           Explanted liver with microvascular invasion        4/8* (50.0)           1 (20.0)          0.56
           *Data not available for all patients. No. of cases for which data was available is indicated. AFP: alpha-fetoprotein; MELD: Model for End-
           stage Liver Disease; LT: liver transplantation
           Immunosuppression consisted of steroids,           pericardium, pleural and sternum, and left lateral
           mycophenolate, and tacrolimus with eventual wean to   segment of liver. After surgery, he was given sorafenib
           tacrolimus monotherapy. Hepatitis B was controlled   and immunosuppression was changed to very low
           with monthly hepatitis B immune globulin injections and   dose tacrolimus and everolimus 0.5 mcg twice daily.
           lamivudine, but he was eventually switched to adefovir   His AFP reached a nadir of 1,097 ng/mL, but then
           and then tenofovir. Seven years post-LT, he was found   increased to 60,000 ng/mL. He eventually developed
           to have a hepatitis B surface Ag escape mutant.    lung metastases and died 8 months after the surgery.

           Eleven years post-LT, the patient noted a prominent   Case 2
           xiphoid process. CT scan showed an 8.9 cm mass     This patient was a 57-year-old Caucasian male who
           involving the left lobe of the liver, xiphoid and anterior   presented with decompensated hepatitis C cirrhosis
           chest wall. AFP was 60,000 ng/mL and bone scan     and a 2.3 cm well-differentiated HCC. He underwent
           was negative. He underwent en-bloc resection of    RFA via an intercostal approach at the right upper
           recurrent HCC with partial resection of the diaphragm,   abdomen/chest wall. Seven months after the biopsy,

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