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Magee et al.                                                                                                                                                                           Egr1 in liver metabolism and cancer

           hormones. However, high intracellular cholesterol   S transition, contributing to the final termination of
           is toxic to cells and high blood levels of cholesterol   regeneration [55] . Perturbations in the liver-regenerative
           increase the risk for atherosclerosis development [44] .   response cause prolonged liver injury and delayed
           Therefore, the overall cholesterol level is tightly   liver recovery.
           controlled in the body. The liver plays a central role in
           this regulation by balancing multiple pathways involved   The role of Egr1 in liver regeneration was first
           in de novo cholesterol biosynthesis, cholesterol   suggested by animal studies demonstrating that Egr1
           conversion to bile acids, biliary cholesterol excretion,   was immediately induced during the initiation phase
           and reverse cholesterol transport [45] . Sterol response   of liver regeneration [56,57] . Using a transgenic Egr1
           element binding proteins (SREBPs) are important    luciferase (Egr1-luc) mouse model, Dussmann et al. [14]
           transcription factors that regulate expression of genes   demonstrated that Egr1 expression was increased
           in lipid metabolism including fatty acids and cholesterol   at the site of wound healing in partial hepatectomy.
           synthesis. Three isoforms (SREBP-1a, SREBP-1c,     Another earlier study showed that Egr1 expression
           and SREBP-2) have been identified in mammals.      significantly increased after 15 min and subsided within
           SREBP-1 mainly regulates genes required for fatty   60 min after partial hepatectomy in rat livers [56] . More
           acid biosynthesis and SREBP-2 is responsible for the   recent studies in mice have extended the peak of Egr1
           induction of genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis   induction to 12 h in partial hepatectomy-induced liver
           and uptake, including HMG-CoA synthase (Hmgcs)     regeneration [58]  and to 2 h in carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 )
           and low-density lipoprotein receptor (Ldlr) [46] .   exposure-induced liver regeneration [18] . The specific
                                                              signals that regulate Egr1 expression during liver
           Egr1 regulates the expression of cholesterol       regeneration are not quite understood, a number of
           biosynthetic genes, such as  Hmgcs, farnesyl-      candidates are worthy of consideration. For example,
           diphosphate synthase (Fdps), farnesyl-diphosphate   extracellular ATP has been implicated as a potent
           farnesyltransferase 1 (Fdft1), lanosterol synthase (Lss),   stimulus for Egr1 expression [59] . P2Y purinoceptor
           sterol-4α-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase (Nsdhl), and   2 (P2Y2) is a G protein coupled receptor that is
           malic enzyme (Me1), in rat hepatomaH4IIE cells [24] .   activated by ATP in hepatocytes. The fact that the
           Additionally, Egr1 acts in concert with SREBP-2 to   induction of Egr1 is impaired in P2Y2  liver subjected
           mediate insulin-induced cholesterol biosynthesis in the   to partial hepatectomy indicates that P2Y2 may
           liver . Oncostatin M (OM) is a gp130 family member   regulate Egr1 expression during liver regeneration [60] .
           produced by the F4/80-positive macrophages [47] . In   Additional candidates that regulate Egr1 expression
           human hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells, Egr1 is induced   are likely to include interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C/EBPβ,
           by OM and binds to the sterol-independent regulatory   because the induction of Egr1 has been shown to be
           element (SIRE) in LDLR promoter region with co-    impaired in IL-6  or C/EBPβ  liver subjected to partial
           activator CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-beta (C/  hepatectomy [61,62] .
           EBPβ) and activates LDLR transcription [48,49] . Together,
           these studies point to Egr1 as an important modulator   EGR1 is essential for cell-cycle entry and progression
           of cholesterol metabolism in the liver.            during liver regeneration as Egr1 directly regulates cell
                                                              cycle mediators. Lai et al. [63]  found that Egr1-deficient
           EGR1 AND LIVER REGENERATION                        mouse livers had a substantially lower recovery rate
                                                              after liver injury, which was accompanied with the
           The liver has a tremendous capacity to regenerate   reduced expression of cell cycle mediators such as
           after injury, which is a highly coordinated process   Cyclin D1, Cyclin E, and proliferating cell nuclear
           involving both liver parenchymal and non-parenchymal   antigen. After subcutaneous administration of CCl 4 ,
           cells. During liver regeneration, adult hepatocytes enter   Egr1-deficient mice exhibited increased liver injury
           the cell cycle (G0 to G1) and progress through the cell   and delayed cell cycle progression [18,58] . Acute ethanol
           cycle (G1 to M) until liver mass is restored [50] . Many   dosing of Egr1  mice also resulted in exacerbated
           signals regulate the process of liver regeneration [51] .   liver injury associated with impaired liver repair [64] .
           For example, lipopolysaccharide and cytokines are   Collectively, these studies suggest that Egr1 and its
           important mediators of the initiation phase [52] . Growth   regulated cell-cycle entry and progression is critical
           factors such as hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)     for liver regeneration. Additionally, Egr1 contributes to
           and epidermal growth factor (EGF) regulate the     the regulation of a large number of genes required for
           progression phase [53] . TGF-β1 signals later terminate   the regenerative response, including cell division cycle
           hepatocyte  proliferation [54] .  Additionally,  growth   20 (cdc20), a key regulator of the mitotic anaphase-
           arrest-specific 1 (Gas1), a cell proliferation inhibitor,   promoting complex, and cytokines necrosis factor-
           is induced during liver regeneration at the cycle G1/  alpha (TNFα), IL-6, and lymphotoxin-beta [14,18,57,65,66] .

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