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Magee et al. Hepatoma Res 2017;3:268-77                              Hepatoma Research
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-5079.2017.36
            Review                                                                              Open Access

           Role of early growth response 1 in liver

           metabolism and liver cancer

           Nancy Magee, Yuxia Zhang

           Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Therapeutics, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160, USA.
           Correspondence to: Dr. Yuxia Zhang, Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Therapeutics, University of Kansas Medical Center, 4089 HLSIC,
           MS 1018, 3901 Rainbow Blvd, Kansas City, KS 66160, USA. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Magee N, Zhang Y. Role of early growth response 1 in liver metabolism and liver cancer. Hepatoma Res 2017;3:268-77.


            Article history:              The liver is an essential organ for nutrient and drug metabolism - possessing the remarkable
            Received: 15 Aug 2017         ability  to sense  environmental  and  metabolic  stimuli  and  provide  an  optimally adaptive
            First decision: 25 Sep 2017   response. Early growth response 1 (Egr1), an immediate early transcriptional factor which
                                          acts as a coordinator of the complex response to stress, is induced during liver injury and
            Revised: 10 Oct 2017
            Accepted: 7 Nov 2017          controls the expression of a wide range of genes involved in metabolism, cell proliferation, and
                                          inflammation. In support of an important role of Egr1 in liver injury and repair, deficiency of
            Published: 20 Nov 2017
                                          Egr1 delays liver regeneration process. The known upstream regulators of Egr1 include, but
            Key words:                    are not limited to, growth factors (e.g. transforming growth factor β1, platelet-derived growth
            Early growth response 1,      factor, epidermal growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor), nuclear receptors (e.g. hepatocyte
            liver,                        nuclear factor 4α, small heterodimer partner, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ),
            fibrosis,                     and other transcription factors (e.g. Sp1, E2F transcription factor 1). Research efforts using
            injury,                       various animal models such as fatty liver, liver injury, and liver fibrosis contribute greatly
            liver cancer                  to the elucidation of Egr1 function in the liver. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents
                                          the second leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide due to the heterogeneity and the
                                          late stage at which cancer is generally diagnosed. Recent studies highlight the involvement
                                          of Egr1 in HCC development. The purpose of this review is to summarize current studies
                                          pertaining to the role of Egr1 in liver metabolism and liver diseases including liver cancer.

           INTRODUCTION                                       it is not elusive that zinc metal is crucial to the
                                                              function of Egr1, such as nuclear localization .
           Early growth response 1 (Egr1) is an immediate early,   Specifically, two of three zinc fingers interact with
           zinc finger transcription factor that was first identified   the nuclear localization sequence to promote Egr1
           based upon its induction by nerve growth factor (NGF)   nuclear localization . Depletion of the zinc metal
           in rat PC12 cells, which is why it was initially known as   reduces Egr1 promoter activity . Transcriptional co-
           nerve growth factor inducible protein A (NGFI-A) . Egr1   repressors NGFI-A binding protein 1 and 2 (NAB1
           is one of four family members that also include Egr2,   and NAB2, respectively) repress Egr1, Egr2, and Egr3
           Egr3, and Egr4 . Also known as Krox24, zif268, and   transcriptional activity by binding to the respective
           TIS8, Egr1 encodes a protein of 80-82 kDa that consists   repressor domains upstream of the zinc finger motifs
           of three zinc finger DNA-binding motifs [Figure 1]. Thus,   and could potentially co-regulate Egr1 target genes [5-7] .
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