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Lecchini et al.                                                                                                                                                         HCC vascular invasion in sorafenib treatment

           Table 3: Dose, duration and response of treatment  received other treatments: percutaneous ablative
           Characteristics                        Data        treatments (2 patients) or other systemic treatments
           Treatment duration (median months)     2.5         such as capecitabine or tivantinib (6 patients).
           Response rate
              PR                                5/84 (6%)     Survival analysis based on epidemiological
              SD                               27/84 (32%)
              PD                               26/84 (31%)    and clinical data and previous treatments
              NA                               26/84 (31%)    Median overall survival was 8.5 months [Figure 1A].
           Median daily dose mg (IQR)          800 (600-800)  The epidemiological and clinical parameters shown
           Patients treated with median dose of 800 mg  53/84 (63%)  in Table 1 were assessed as factors that could have
           Patients treated with median dose < 800 mg  31/84 (37%)  an effect on survival. Only Child-Pugh score (A vs. B;
           Dose reduction
              Yes                              44/84 (52%)    P = 0.0289) showed an impact on survival, while the
              No                               40/84 (48%)    remaining epidemiological and clinical characteristics
           Adverse events (yes/no)          77 (91.5%)/7 (8.5%)  did not show significant differences. History of previous
              Asthenia                         72/77 (93.5%)  treatment for HCC was a positive factor, however
              Gastro-intestinal symptoms       63/77 (82%)
              Rash, peeling, itchy (general)   48/77 (62%)    not achieving statistical significance [Table 4], in
              Hypertension                     36/77 (47%)    particular also considering independently locoregional
              HFSR                             27/77 (35%)    treatments, that represented the most frequent
              Alopecia                         21/77 (27%)
              Bleeding                         15/77 (19.5%)  treatment, there was no significant impact on survival
              Cardiovascular events             0/77 (0%)     (not shown). Eight patients with history of different
           Reason of treatment suspension                     tumors showed comparable survival to the remaining
              Progressive disease              25/84 (30%)    subjects (not shown).
              Adverse events                   23/84 (27%)
              Liver failure                    22/84 (26%)
              Other reasons                     7/84 (9%)     Impact on survival of HCC characteristics
           PR: partial response; SD: stable disease; PD: progressive disease;   Tumor parameters [Table 2] were evaluated as factors
           NA: not applied; IQR: interquartile range; HFSR: hand-foot skin   potentially influencing survival. Unexpectedly, alpha-
           reaction                                           fetoprotein levels, multifocal tumor extended to both
           were used to perform the statistical analysis. The   lobes as well as extrahepatic spread didn’t influence
                                                              survival significantly. Macroscopic vascular invasion
           comparison between mean values was performed with   was found to be a strong predictor for survival (P =
           Student t test for unpaired data. Statistical significance   0.0141) [Figure 1B], while the association of metastasis
           was considered for values P < 0.05.
                                                              and vascular invasion did not worsen patient outcome.
           RESULTS                                            Survival analysis based on response rate,
                                                              sorafenib dose and treatment duration
           Overall picture                                    All data related to therapy reported in Table 3 were
           Results on response rate, treatment duration, sorafenib   analyzed as parameters that could influence clinical
           dose and side effects are reported in Table 3: PR was   outcome. As expected, longer duration of therapy
           achieved in 5 patients (6%), SD in 32% and PD in 31%   (beyond median time of treatment) was positively
           of patients. None of patients achieved a CR. Treatment   associated with survival (P < 0.0001) [Figure 1C], even
           was discontinued for adverse events or clinical    though this may not represent an effect of treatment,
           worsening before radiological evaluation in 26 patients   since other factors like progressive disease or adverse
           (31%). Median treatment duration was 2.5 months.   events, could have influenced time on treatment.
           Forty patients (48%) received full sorafenib dose   Response rate showed a significant impact on survival
           (800 mg/day) during all the treatment, while 44 subjects   (P = 0.0237) [Figure 1D], with median survival of 12.5
           (52%) reduced sorafenib dose. Median daily dose was   months in patients with SD or PR compared to 9.5
           800 mg. Thirty-seven percent of patients received a   months for patients with PD. Dose reduction was a
           median dose of 800 mg, while the remaining (63%) a   favorable parameter (P = 0.004) as well as drug regimen
           minor dose (range 200-600 mg) because of adverse   below median daily dose (P = 0.04) [Figure 1E and F].
           events. Dose reductions ranged between 5% and
           90% of the time on treatment. Most of patients (92.5%)   Adverse events and tolerability
           developed adverse events: gastro-intestinal symptoms,   Sorafenib appeared well-tolerated as in previous
           asthenia, rash and skin peeling and high blood     studies and registration trials, however adverse events
           pressure; the most common adverse event was severe   were reported, also in this study. Overall incidence
           weight loss associated with asthenia and diarrhea.   of adverse effects was 91.5% of this cohort [Table 3].
           Finally, 20 patients after sorafenib discontinuation   Asthenia, fatigue and gastro-intestinal symptoms

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