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Lecchini et al.                                                                                                                                                         HCC vascular invasion in sorafenib treatment

           problem of cirrhosis developing in the setting of non-  Diseases and Hepatology, Azienda Ospedaliero-
           alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with obesity,   Universitaria di Parma. Data were obtained from the
           type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension [5-8] .   analysis of medical charts and a dedicated database.
           Programs of surveillance with upper abdomen        Inclusion criteria were: radiological or histological
           ultrasound examination and characterization of focal   diagnosis of HCC not amenable to surgical resection
           liver lesions with computed tomography (CT) scan   or locoregional treatment, BCLC stage C, PS < 2
           or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) increase       according to the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
           the rate of early diagnosis and curative treatments   system, measurable lesions in CT or MRI scans.
           such as surgical resection, liver transplantation and   Patients with an impaired liver function and a Child-
           locoregional ablative treatments [9-13]  with improved   Pugh score ≥ 10 were excluded. Eighty-four patients
           survival. In the advanced stage, Barcelona Clinic   were considered, 63 males (75%) and 21 females
           Liver Cancer (BCLC) stage C, systemic therapy with   (25%), with a median age of 73 years (range 32-81)
           sorafenib [14]  represents the first line treatment for these   [Table 1]. Of these patients, 45% had comorbidities:
           patients, while regorafenib is available for second line   the most frequent was hypertension (29 subjects),
           as well as anti-PD-1 that has been recently approved   followed by diabetes mellitus (16 subjects), previous
           by the Food and Drug Administration for HCC.       ischemic vascular events like heart attacks and stroke
                                                              (11 subjects) and chronic obstructive pulmonary
           Sorafenib is an oral multi-kinase inhibitor that   disease (COPD, 9 subjects). Eight subjects had a
           acts both on tumor cells by inhibiting cytoplasmic   history of tumors other than HCC [Table 1]. The
           cascades RAS-RAF and MEK-ERK, involved in          etiology of chronic liver disease underlying HCC was
           cells proliferation, and also on endothelial cells by   HCV infection in 46 patients (54.5%), nonalcoholic
           blocking plasmatic receptors implicated mainly in neo-  steatohepatitis or alcohol in 21 patients (25%), HBV
           angiogenesis (VEGFR and PDGFR)    [15-19] . A correct   infection in 7 patients (8.5%), HBV-HCV confection in
           patient management can increase drug tolerability   3 patients, while in 7 patients (8.5%) the cause of liver
           and seems to improve significantly quality of life and   disease was unknown [Table 1]. Most of subjects (91.5%)
           survival [20-24] . The opportunity to continue treatment   was on a Child-Pugh score A, seven were scored B7
           also in patients with radiological progressive disease   [Table 1]. Majority of patients (82%) was previously
           or when tolerance is poor despite dose adaptation   treated: 72.5% underwent loco-regional therapies, 33%
           remains controversial [25,26] . However, in clinical practice,   surgical resection and 18% both [Table 1]. Regarding
           progression is not always a clear indication to stop   the anatomical characteristics of HCC, it appeared
           sorafenib, especially if there isn’t a second-line trial   multifocal in 96.5% of cases and was interested in
           available and in patients with a good Performance   only one lobe of the liver in 77.5% of cases, most
           Status (PS) with a reasonable life expectancy, an   frequently the right [Table 2]. In 47 patients (56%) HCC
           excellent drug tolerance and slow tumor progression.   showed signs of neoplastic vascular invasion and 20
           Sorafenib, compared to other target therapies, shows   subjects (24%) presented both vascular invasion and
           low frequency of radiological responses, but stable   extrahepatic spread [Table 2]. Treatment was stopped
           disease can be achieved frequently as shown in     at radiological evaluation at 8 weeks of treatment in
           registration trials [27] .                         case of disease progression.

           The aim of the present study was to evaluate       The study was approved by the local ethical committee
           prognostic relevance of clinical, epidemiological and   [Comitato Etico Indipendente (IRB/IEC) of the Azienda
           tumor characteristics on survival. Reported results   Ospedaliero-Universitaria of Parma, Italy].
           confirmed that dose reduction is associated with longer
           survival underlining relevance of drug management   Treatment with sorafenib and evaluation of
           to increase tolerability. On the other hand, neoplastic   response rate
           portal vein thrombosis, a condition associated with fast   Sorafenib was administered at a dose of 400 mg bid
           liver decompensation and disease progression, was   continuously, equivalent to a total daily dose of 800 mg,
           independently associated with poor clinical outcome.  without food or with a low or moderate fatty meal.
                                                              Therapy was continuous, but by convention was
           METHODS                                            codified in cycles of 28 days. Patients had to measure
                                                              their blood pressure at least twice daily and use skin
           Patient characteristics                            lotions to prevent or reduce any hand-foot syndrome
           This is an observational monocentric retrospective   manifestation. Every 4 weeks a revaluation of treatment
           study conducted on 84 consecutive subjects         was planned through a detailed physical examination
           starting sorafenib treatment at the Unit of Infectious   of patients, the correction of possible adverse effects

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