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Qu et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Etiological prevention of liver cancer

           rate of 10.13% (95% CI: 9.81-10.45%) in 1992. Further   abuse leading to liver cirrhosis . In addition, cohort
           analysis found that HBsAg prevalence was only 0.64%   studies showed that the intakes of vitamin C  and
           (95% CI: 0.54-0.75%) in 2014 among those (1-12 years   vitamin E [42] , from both diet and supplements could
           of age) who were born between 2002-2013 after HBV   potentially reduce the risk of liver cancer. Reducing
           vaccination was integrated into national EPI program [28] .   the dietary aflatoxin exposure to non-detectable levels
           China has already reached the national goal of reducing   could also reduce HCC cases in high risk areas by about
           HBsAg prevalence to less than 1% among children under   23% [43] . An observational study in a rural population
           5 years,  and  an  estimated  16-20  million  HBV  carriers   indicated  that decline  of  liver  cancer  incidence  in  the
           were prevented through the HBV vaccination program [27] .  younger generation was not fully attributed to controlling
                                                              chronic HBV infection alone. Changes in their staple
           Reduced liver cancer incidence in general          food and drinking water were also important in reducing
           population by historical comparison cannot         liver cancer risk [44] . A study conducted in an urban
           be entirely attributed to HBV vaccination          area of China reported the positive roles of vegetable-
           Some perinatal infection from maternal HBV         based dietary pattern in decreasing liver cancer risk [45] .
           transmission may cause fulminant hepatitis in infancy ,   All  studies  based  on  cancer  registry  data  historically
           a very rare condition that develops in about 0.5-1% of   comparing  the  immunized  and  unimmunized  cohorts
           cases [29] . Mortality rate of fulminant hepatitis can be as   at either the national or community level, support the
           high as 67% [30] . Reports from several countries and   hypothesis that HB vaccination is associated with a
           areas have documented the dramatic decrease of the   reduced risk of liver cancer. Nevertheless, because of
           incidence of fulminant hepatitis after HBV immunization   potential differences in baseline characteristics and in
           to newborns was implemented   [31-34] . However, the   exposures to other risk factors  between the immunized
           infection  in  the  perinatal  period  and  early  life  mainly   and historical comparison (unimmunized) birth cohorts,
           resulted in chronic HBV infection, which could be as   it  is  difficult  to  make  the  inference  that  the  observed
           high as 90% [12,14] .                              reduced liver cancer risk was entirely attributed to HBV
                                                              vaccination [35,44,46] . The Qidong Hepatitis B Intervention
           Long-term  major  adverse  outcomes  of  chronic  HBV   Study (QHBIS) addressed the causal link between HBV
           infection  are  liver  cancer  and  cirrhosis.  Studies  from   vaccination and the observed benefits [33,47,48] .
           Taiwan, which analyzed data based on cancer registry
           in  birth  cohorts  born  after  the  universal  vaccination   Efficacies of HBV vaccination in preventing
           program as compared to the birth cohorts born before   liver cancer and other liver diseases in rural
           the program, documented that HBV vaccination was   China: experience from Qidong Hepatitis B
           effective in reducing the incidence and mortality of liver   Intervention Study
           cancer [35] . A study among the Alaskan Native of the   Qidong County, China, is a rural area with high liver cancer
           United States reported the elimination of HCC and acute   incidence and mortality compared to China as a whole.
           hepatitis B in children 25 years after a HBV immunization   The incidence of PLC in Qidong was 79.6/10  for man
           program [36] . Studies based on the cancer registry data   and 23.1/10  for woman during 1978-2002 [49] , and it was
           of Korea [37]   and  Japan [38]  also reported a decreased   28.15/10  for man, 9.31/10  for woman in China cancer
           incidence of liver cancer after the implementation of HBV   registry which covered 11 cities and counties during 1988-
           vaccination programs. In China, the time trend analysis   2005 [39] . Two major risk factors identified in Qidong were
           of liver cancer incidence during 1988-2005 also showed   high prevalence of chronic HBV infection and appreciable
           a gradual decrease based on the cancer registry data   dietary aflatoxin exposure, with the HBV infection greatly
           in 11 cities and counties that covered a population of   sensitizing  hepatocytes  to  the mutagenic  effects  of
           401,506,812 (male patients 204,475,147; female patients   aflatoxin [50-52] .  Therefore,  the  neonatal  HB  vaccination
           197,031,665, sex ratio 1.04). The annual percent change   began in a large controlled clinical trial on 1 September
           was  -1.44% [39] .  Recent  analysis  showed  that  the  age-  1983 in Qidong (World Health Organization, Prevention
           standardized liver cancer incidence rate during 2000-  of liver cancer. Technical Report Series 691, World Health
           2011 was further decreased with an average annual   Organization, Geneva.1983). It was later registered with
           percentage change of -1.8% [40] , reflecting the effect of   Clinical number NCT00222664 [33] .
           HBV vaccination in reducing liver cancer risk.
                                                              QHBIS  is  a  population-based,  cluster  randomized,
           Chronic HBV infection is the most important risk factor   controlled trial of HBV vaccination conducted between
           for liver cancer in humans, which is endemic in the   1983-1990 in Qidong. During that time, Qidong had
           regions  of  Africa  and  Asia,  especially  in  China.  The   a  population  of  1.1  million  and  approximately  13,000
           other established etiological factors also include heavy   births  each year.  Approximately  80,000  newborns
           exposure to aflatoxin, algal hepatotoxins in contaminated   were randomly assigned into the vaccination or control
           water, betel nut chewing, diabetes mellitus, and alcohol   groups [18,33,53] . The study was conducted during a time

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