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Qu et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Etiological prevention of liver cancer

           prospective study of 22,707 men in Taiwan [17] . In 1992,   Beginning  in  January  1992  universal  immunization  to
           before the national HBV vaccination program was    newborns was integrated into the national Expended
           implemented,  HBsAg seropositive  rate in  the  1-4  age   Program of Immunization (EPI) of China with the family
           group was 9.67%, as high as in the general population   paying  for  all  the  costs [18,19] .  Due  to  the  relative  high
           (9.75%) [15] ,  reflecting  the  fact  that  most  of  the  chronic   vaccine cost during that period, the immunization was
           infections in Chinese population were acquired in the   mainly carried out in some urban areas and the wealthier
           perinatal period  or in early life.  It  is instrumental to   Eastern provinces of China. From 1 January 2002, the
           reduce the incidences and mortalities of HCC and other   vaccines were provided for free and the family paid only
           liver  diseases  through  universal  HBV  vaccination  for   for user fee [18,19] . Between 2002-2007, with the support
           infants and children. The Chinese government therefore   from the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
           developed a substantial number of policies to promote   and the central government of China, HBV vaccination
           and implement the vaccination program [18,19] . A brief   was fully integrated into routine immunization to all
           history of the HBV vaccination program is summarized   infants in Western region and in poverty-affected
           in Figure 1.                                       counties in the Central regions of China, and from 2008
                                                              the central government of China took over the cost [19] .
           The  plasma-derived  HBV  vaccine  was  firstly
           manufactured and found to be effective in humans in   In 2006 (14 years after universal HBV immunization
           clinical trials [20-22] . In 1982 two plasma-derived HBV   to newborns), the Chinese government conducted a
           vaccines, which were prepared from plasma of chronic   national hepatitis serosurvey in the same areas as did
           HBsAg carriers,  from  France and from  the United   in 1992 by measuring the prevalence of HBV markers
           States were licensed [23] . A World Health Organization   among the population aged 1-59 years to evaluate the
           (WHO) Scientific Group meeting was convened from
           Jan 30 to Feb 4, 1983 to discuss HBV vaccination for   impact of the HBV vaccination program. Overall, 82,078
           the prevention of PLC [24] . Millions of the first-generation   persons  were  surveyed,  from  whom  82,008  blood
           plasma-derived    vaccines   were    administered  samples were collected. Among the general population
           worldwide to neonates, infants, children, and adults   aged 1-59 years, the prevalence of HBsAg, anti-HBs,
           at high-risk, and the effectiveness and safety records   and anti-HBc were 7.2%, 50.1%, 34.1%, respectively.
           are excellent [18,23,25] . Due to the large population and   However, the HBsAg prevalence was greatly reduced
           high prevalence of HBV in China, the most important   among those age < 15 years compared to that found in the
           technical issue was to provide a safe and effective   1992 national serosurvey. The HBsAg seroprevalence in
           HBV  vaccine  sufficient  to  meet  the  requirement  of   the 1-4 age group was 0.96% [27] , which was significantly
           immunizing 20 million newborns  each year as well   reduced compared to the same group studied in 1992 [15] .
           as other high risk groups. Through technical transfer   The HBsAg seroprevalence was also reduced in the
           from Merck, China manufactured both plasma-derived   5-59  age  group,  with  a  2.32%  seroprevalence  in  the
           and recombinant HB vaccines domestically in late   5-14 age group, and a 5.4% seroprevalence in the 15-19
           1980s [18] .  With the maturation of  recombinant  DNA   age group, and more than 8.0% in individuals aged 20-
           technology, the recombinant vaccines, prepared from   59 years [27] . Further investigation was done in the same
           yeasts, or from mammalian cells, were manufactured   areas in 2014 among the 1-29 years age group. The
           in early 1993, and entirely replaced the plasma-derived   HBsAg seroprevalence was 2.64% (95% CI: 2.28-3.06%)
           vaccine in 1997 [18,19,26] .                       in 2014 and decreased by 73.92% as compared with the

                1. Plasma-derived HB                  1. National hepatitis survey,
                vaccine was effective in              68,000 participants aged 1-59
                human [20-22]       Both plasma-derived and   years [15]                      National hepatitis
                2. Two plasma-derived HB   recombinant HB vaccines   2. EPI included HB immunization.   National hepatitis survey,
                vaccines were licensed in   were manufactured in   Family paid for the cost [18,19]  82,078 participants aged   survey, 31,713
                                                                                              participants aged 1-29
                France and USA [23]  China [18,19]                           1-59 years [27]      [28]
                      1982         Late of 1980s            1992                  2006

              1981           1983           1983-84: Pilot. 1985-90: Main  1997   2002-2007   2008
            Relationship of HCC   A WHO Scientific   QHBIS: plasma-derived HB vaccine  Recombinant HB   GVAI support 50%   Free vaccines national
            and chronic HBV   Group meeting on HB   about 80,000 newborns involved  vaccine entirely   Free vaccines   wide. Central
            infection [17]  vaccination for liver   population-based, controlled,   replaced plasma-  national wide [19]  government took over
                           cancer prevention [24]  cluster-randomized  [18,33,53]  derived HB   cost [19]
                                                                 vaccine [18,19,26]
           Figure 1: Brief history of HBV vaccination program in China. HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; WHO: World Health
           Organization; QHBIS: Qidong Hepatitis B Intervention Study; EPI: Expended Program of Immunization
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