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Qu et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Etiological prevention of liver cancer

           a recommendation/guideline of HBV vaccination in   = 1.88, 95% CI: 1.07-3.30) and detectable HBV DNA
           children in December 2016 (  in the cord blood (OR = 39.67, 95% CI: 14.22-110.64)
           s3581/201701/a91fa2f3f9264cc186e1dee4b1f24084.     are independent  risk  factors  for  immunoprophylaxis
           shtml). For general infants, it recommends three doses   failure [65] . Maternal HBV-DNA level > 6 log10 copies/mL
           of HBV vaccines, with the first dose vaccine to be given   (200,000 IU/mL) in Chinese women is still associated
           within 24 h after delivery. The second and third doses are   with the risk of immunoprophylaxis failure [65] .
           to be given at 1 month and 6 months of age. Each dose
           contains 10 μg vaccine from recombinant yeast or from   Treatments aimed at lowering HBV-DNA levels during
           Chinese  hamster  oocyte.  For  infants  born  to  HBsAg-  pregnancy may be helpful to ultimately decrease global
           positive mothers, it recommends the administration of   disease  burden.  The  exact  threshold  for  treatment
           100 IU HBIG within 12 h after birth combined with a full   remains controversial. However most studies have
           course of HBV vaccination. The administration dose is   accepted levels greater than 200,000 IU/mL as
           10 μg vaccine from recombinant yeast or 20 μg vaccine   significant viremia [69] . A Systematic Review and Meta-
           from Chinese hamster oocyte. The vaccinated infants   Analysis found that the use of any antiviral therapy
           should be tested for the presence of HBsAg and the   compared to control reduced the MTCT risk as defined
           anti-HBs titer 1-2 months after completing the third   by infant HBsAg seropositivity (RR = 0.3; 95% CI: 0.2-
           dose of vaccine. If he/she is seronegative for HBsAg   0.4) or infant HBV-DNA seropositivity (RR = 0.3; 95%
           and has anti-HBs < 10 mIU/mL, the fourth dose of HBV   CI:  0.2-0.5)  at  6-12  months.  Notably,  no  significant
           vaccine should be given. If the neonates are born to   differences were found in congenital malformation rate,
           HBsAg-positive mothers at premature gestation ages or   prematurity rate, and Apgar scores [70] .
           low birth weights, the first dose of the vaccine should be
           administered when they are one month old.          Lamivudine  has  been  used  the  longest  as  antiviral
                                                              therapy of chronic HBV approved by the Chinese Food
           Anti-viral therapy and vaccination for             and Drug Administration, and is currently classified as
           prevention of mother-to-child transmission         a pregnancy Category C drug. A meta-analysis and
           Despite  the  increased  efficacy  of  passive-active   systematic review of 14 lamivudine studies showed that
           immunization given to infants born to HBsAg-positive   lamivudine reduced maternal HBV DNA levels, reduced
           mothers, some infants still become infected with   infant HBsAg seropositivity by 11.7% and reduced infant
           HBV,  especially  those born  to HBeAg-positive and   HBV DNA seropositivity by 21.2%, respectively [70] . During
           highly viremic mothers [59] . Many different studies have   the period of January 2009 to March 2011, a prospective,
           identified that mothers with significant viremia are at   open-label, interventional trial was conducted in Beijing
           a  much  higher  risk  of  MTCT.  HBV  can  be  vertically   Youan Hospital of China ( Number:
           transmitted to their infants,  indicated by HBV-DNA   NCT01743079). In the enrolled 700 pregnant women
           positivity in the cord blood [64,65] . Experience in   who were HBsAg-positive and HBeAg positivity, with
           reducing the risk of perinatal transmission of human   HBV-DNA levels > 6 log10 copies/mL (200,000 IU/mL),
           immunodeficiency  virus  with  lamivudine-zidovudine   and  alanine  aminotransferase  (ALT)  <  40  IU/mL,  55
           combination therapy drove the physicians to follow a   women were treated with lamivudine, 263 were treated
           similar rationale to prevent the perinatal transmission   with telbivudine, and the rest (374 women) received no
           of HBV-infection. Lamivudine, which strongly inhibits   antiviral therapy (the control group). Based on the data
           HBV  replication,  was  used  to  treat  eight  highly   from 661 infants who completed the HBV vaccination
           viraemic HBV-positive Caucasian or Negroid pregnant   series  and  the  52-week  follow-up,  the  study  found
           women (HBV-DNA levels ≥ 1.2 × 10  geq/mL) starting   that  mothers  who received  lamivudine or telbivudine
           from week 34. The results suggest that reduction   had  significantly  lower  HBV  DNA  levels  than  those
           of viremia by antiviral therapy may be an effective   who received  no  antiviral  therapy.  At  birth, HBsAg
           and safe measure to reduce the risk of MTCT  [66] .   was detected in 20% of treated and 24% of untreated
           Therefore, several studies were conducted to evaluate   newborns;  however,  by  week  52,  an intention-to-treat
           the risk of MTCT with different maternal levels of HBV   analysis indicated 2.2% (95% CI: 0.6-3.8) of HBsAg-
           DNA.  Many  studies  have  identified  that  serum  HBV   positive infants from the treated versus 7.6% (95% CI:
           DNA level in pregnant women was the single most    4.9-10.3) in the untreated group (P = 0.001), and no
           important  predictor  and independent  risk  factor  for   difference in HBsAg-positive rate between infants in the
           immunoprophylaxis failure in different populations [59,65] .   lamivudine or telbivudine groups. On-treatment analysis
           Some studies reported that maternal HBV DNA level   indicated 0% of HBsAg-positive infants in the treated
           of  >  8  log10  IU/mL  was  associated  with increased   group versus 2.84% in the untreated group (P = 0.002).
           likelihood of immunoprophylaxis failure [67,68] . A large   The study concluded that lamivudine or telbivudine in
           scale study on more than 1000 Chinese mother-      late pregnancy for highly viremic mothers was equally
           infant pairs found that maternal HBV DNA levels (OR   effective in reducing MTCT .
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