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Qu et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Etiological prevention of liver cancer

           are uniformly resistant to chronic HBV infection when   infection among vaccinated young adults [87,88] , it might
           they grow up and engage in risky behaviors that might   be appropriate to receive the adolescent boosters,
           increase HBV exposure.                             especially for the high-risk individuals [33,56,80,82,88] .

           Studies were done to examine the different responses   Experience and recommendation to reduce
           to booster doses conducted in different areas, to   liver cancer risk beginning at birth by
           determine if this might be due to enrolling populations   preventing chronic HBV infection
           with different or unknown maternal HBsAg status.   To control chronic HBV infection, plasma-derived
           Recently, by enrolling the participants of the vaccination   HBV  vaccine,  the  first  generation  vaccine,  had  been
           group in the QHBIS, Wang  et al. [54]  addressed the   administered to millions of infants. In addition, due to
           question of adolescent booster effect against HBV   various  reasons,  the  HBIG  was  not  administered  to
           infection in individuals born to mothers with different   high-risk  infants  who  were  born  to  HBsAg-positive
           HBsAg-carrying status [54] . In this study, a total of 9,793   mothers in many low- and middle-income countries and
           vaccinated individuals, who were HBsAg(-) at childhood   areas [23] . The plasma-derived HBV vaccine has now
           (10-11 years of age), re-donated their blood samples   been totally replaced by recombinant HBV vaccines,
           for HBV serological surveys in mature adulthood (23-  and  most  of  the  high-risk  infants  were  immunized
           28 years of age). Among them, a total of 7,414 children   together with HBIG administration.
           received one dose (10 μg) of recombinant HBV vaccine
           booster and 2,379 did not receive the adolescent   As the population who was vaccinated with plasma-
           booster. Although the booster was not randomized, the   derived HBV vaccine stepped into their third decades,
           distributions between the participants who received the   we can get further insights from them by monitoring their
           booster and those who did not receive the booster were   HBV serological markers, and disease development.
           similar in age, gender, maternal HBsAg status, maternal   The  studies  based  on  QHBIS  provided  some
           childbearing age, and family income per capita. Their   information on HBV vaccination strategies in controlling
           results showed that HBV breakthrough infection occurred   chronic HBV infection, liver cancer, and chronic liver
           in the vaccinated individuals, who had been protected at   failure. Our accumulated clinical data on using antiviral
           childhood by a neonatal vaccination series. Some of the   therapies in HBV-infected Chinese pregnant women
           infection  developed  chronicity  in  adulthood,  especially   with  higher  viremia  have  shown  efficacy  in  blocking
           among the individuals who were born to HBsAg-positive   MTCT transmission of HBV. All these experiences will
           mothers and lost anti-HBs or anti-HBs < 10 mIU/mL in   be helpful for better controlling PLC, especially HCC, by
           the childhood. Hence, some of the adolescents born to   eradicating HBV beginning at birth.
           HBsAg-positive mothers might be susceptible to chronic
           HBV infection if serum anti-HBs is < 10 mIU/mL [95,96] .  The experiences and recommendations are as follows
                                                              [Table  1]:  (1)  in  endemic  regions,  HBV  vaccination
           Further analysis showed that one dose of adolescent   in neonates is crucial against chronic  HBV infection.
           booster provided protection (against chronic HBV   Although catch-up vaccination given after age 10
           infection in adulthood) to these high-risk individuals who   was  useful,  the  protection  efficacy  was  substantially
           were born to HBsAg-positive mothers and had lost anti-  weaker compared to neonatal vaccination; (2) children/
           HBs or had anti-HBs < 10 mIU/mL. Nevertheless, no   adolescents  born  to  mothers  with  different  HBsAg-
           booster effect was observed in those who were born to   status had distinct immunity against chronic HBV
           HBsAg-negative mothers, regardless of their anti-HBs   infection,  even  after  initial  protection  offered  by  HBV
           status at 10-11 years of age when they completed the   vaccination. The adolescents/young adults seem to
           neonatal three-dose HBV vaccine series. The difference   be susceptible to chronic HBV infection when they
           in immunity in the HBV-exposed neonates was proven   were born to HBsAg-positive mothers when they have
           to be very different from the healthy ones [89] . When they   lost anti-HBs or when their anti-HBs is < 10 mIU/mL.
           grow up, their immunity and the immunological memory   It is recommended to have at least one booster dose
           in the prenatal HBV-exposed individuals seem to be also   given during adolescence to those who were born to
           different in their response against chronic HBV infection.   HBsAg-positive mothers and had lost anti-HBs or when
           The presence of immunological memory and effect of   their anti-HBs is < 10 mIU/mL, to ensure the immunity
           adolescent booster should be re-visited [95,96] . A recent   against chronic HBV infection; (3) to prevent MTCT
           study reported that the HBsAg prevalence was 6.35-  transmission of HBV, screening for HBsAg in the first
           6.47% in men aged 25-39 years living in the rural areas   trimester of pregnancy is strongly recommended; (4)
           of China [97] , indicating the high risk of HBV infection   For pregnant women with serum HBV DNA levels >
           upon sexual, parenteral, or horizontal (household)   200,000 IU/mL, antiviral treatment is recommended.
           HBV exposure. Following the documentation of HBV   Therapy with tenofovir or telbivudine should start at
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