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Qu et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Etiological prevention of liver cancer

           period when HBV vaccine was not available in any rural   chronic liver diseases, including liver cancer and chronic
           areas of China. The neonates in the control group did   liver  failure,  was  significantly  lower  in  the  neonatal
           not receive the HBV vaccine at birth, and the neonates   vaccination group than in the control group (HR = 0.30,
           in the vaccination group received the three-dose   95% CI: 0.11-0.85), and the efficacy was 70% (95% CI:
           plasma-derived HB vaccine, which were manufactured   15-89%) [33] . The study population was still young and
           and donated by the Merck Company through the WHO.   incidence  and  deaths  were  very  low.  Remarkably,  in
           The first dose (5 μg) of HBV vaccine was administered   the QHBIS participants, no differences in liver cancer
           within 24 h after birth, followed by two doses (5 μg/dose)   incidence and mortality of chronic liver failure were
           at 1 and 6 months of age, respectively [18,33] . Due to the   observed by age 30 years between the individuals who
           shortage of hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG), all the   received and those who did not receive the catch-up
           newborns were given the vaccine only regardless of   vaccination [33] . These results further addressed the
           their maternal HBsAg status. The protocol can be found   importance of HBV vaccination on neonates in highly
           via  HBV endemic regions.

           During that time, it was considered ethically justifiable   Risk factors related to vaccination failures in
           (to have neonates in a control group that did not receive   children and HBV vaccination guideline by
           the HBV vaccine) given that the plasma-derived HBV   Chinese Center for Disease Control
           vaccine and recombinant vaccine was not universally   HBV  vaccination  has  been  recommended  universally
           available in China. However, in June 2000, the Qidong   for prevention of HBV infection and liver diseases. As
           Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)    of 2012, 183 (94%) of the 193 member states have
           issued  a  Notification  (File  No.  2000-010)  regarding   initiated a HBV vaccination program, with an average
           HBV catch-up vaccination and booster (https://doi.  of 79% for the third dose vaccine coverage in infants
           org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001774.s004). Children born   worldwide (
           in 1986-1990 and randomized into the control group of   en). Current data from different areas demonstrated
           QHBIS received 3 doses of recombinant HBV vaccine   that  vaccination  is  very  efficacious  in  decreasing  the
           at age 10-14 years, and those in the vaccination group   HBsAg  seroprevalence  in  children  and  in  preventing
           received 1 dose of recombinant HBV vaccine at age 10-  the devastating complications of HBV infection in young
           14 years [33] .                                    adults [32,33,55-57] .

           This cohort provides us a unique opportunity to    The vaccination failure in children was found mainly due
           examine the efficacy of HBV vaccination administered   to being born to HBeAg-positive HBsAg carrier mothers,
           at different ages against liver cancer and other liver   the mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) [23,58-60] . It
           diseases.  To  reflect  the  real  world  situation  of  HBV   had been reported that the protective efficacy of HBV
           vaccination, participants who were involved in the pilot   vaccination was enhanced by co-administration of HBIG
           study were no longer included in our analysis [33,54] . The   among the neonates who were born to HBsAg-positive
           30-year follow-up study demonstrated that more than   mothers. Current recommendations strongly suggest
           72%  efficacy  of  neonatal  vaccination  against  chronic   screening pregnant women, and adding on HBIG to the
           HBV  infection  in  adulthood  was  achieved.  However,   newborns if the mother is positive for HBsAg, regardless
           when catch-up HBV vaccination was administered to   of the HBeAg status [23] . For neonates born to the HBeAg-
           the control group at age 10-14, the protection efficacy   positive HBsAg carrier mothers, another important issue
           was only 21% (95% CI: 10-30%), substantially weaker   affecting the efficacy of HBV vaccination is the timely
           compared to neonatal vaccination, and highlighting the   birth dose of the vaccine. The delay in this initial dose
           crucial  importance  of  HBV  vaccination  on  neonates   showed an increased risk of infection in children [61] .
           against chronic HBV infection in highly HBV endemic   Premature gestation ages or low birth weights also
           regions [33] .                                     affected the vaccination efficacy [6,63] . The administration
                                                              of a recombinant HBV vaccine shortly after birth is less
           Using brain tumor as the negative control, the incidence   immunogenic in preterm infants weighing < 1,800 g
           rates between the vaccination group (0.52/10 ) and the   at  birth  than  in  full  term  infants.  Therefore,  it  was
           control group (0.71/10 ) were similar.  However, liver   suggested that the first dose of the vaccine in HBsAg-
           cancer cases were only diagnosed in the control group   negative mother’s infants weighing < 2,000 g might be
           when the participants reached 20 years or older. The   administrated until they reached 2,000 g, or alternatively,
           incidence  rate  in  the  vaccination  group  was  0.71/10 5   until one month old [23] .
           person-year, and it was 1.41/10  person-year in the
           control group. The protective efficacy was 84% against   Based on the practices and experiences conducted in
           HBV-related liver cancer development in young adults   different areas, the National Health and Family Planning
           <  30  years.  The  mortality rate  of  severe  end-stage   Commission of the People’s Republic of China issued
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