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Isetani et al.                                                                                                                                                        Laparoscopic surgery for gallbladder carcinoma

           or GB bed with limited LN dissection and no bile   to patients with proven T2 GBC in our institute.
           duct resection for treatment of GBC is thought to
           have similar advantages, although such a procedure   Itano  et al.  reported that the disease-free and
           also has potential disadvantages (risk of tumor cell   overall survival rates of patients with T2 GBC tended
           dissemination and port site recurrence). [11]      to be superior, although not significantly so, among
                                                              patients who underwent laparoscopic than open
           Liver resection for treatment of T1b/T2 GBC involves   surgery. However, they also mentioned that this
           PR of the anterolateral segments, where laparoscopic   observation may have been due to selection bias
           approaches are easily applied, [4,5]  and the techniques   because their study was a semi-historical control
           for LN dissection have also been applied in other   study (the period for the laparoscopic group was
           established procedures. [15,18]  Although dissection of the   from December 2007 to December 2013, and that for
           posterosuperior pancreatic and peri-splenic vein LNs   the control open group was from June 2003 to May
           is difficult, this dissection can reportedly be easier with   2011), and patients with more advanced disease
           the Kocher maneuver. [8,9]  However, bile duct resection   might have been selected for the open surgery
           and reconstruction is still a demanding technique   group before the advent of precise endoscopic
           with limited reports. [9,16,19,20]  It is often required for bile   ultrasonography examination.  They still concluded
           duct invasion by the tumor in patients with T3 GBC   that the laparoscopic approach for suspected  T2
           or GBC in the neck. Therefore, in the present series,   GBC was at least comparable with open surgery in
           only patients with GBTs suspected to be T1b/T2 GBC   terms of both the surgical and oncological outcomes.
           in  the  body/fundus  were  selected  for  laparoscopic
           surgeries with intraoperative pathological examination   The sample size of the present study was too
           for  confirmation  of  negative  cystic  duct  tumor   small  to  perform  a  definitive  statistical  analysis  of
           invasion. No cases of mismatch of the intraoperative   the  short-term  outcomes,  and  concerns  regarding
           and postoperative pathological results of cystic duct   tumor dissemination and port site recurrence are
           tumor invasion were encountered. Furthermore, an   still valid when performing laparoscopic procedures
           accurate preoperative diagnosis of the tumor depth   with restricted manipulation and instruments. Further
           (T stages 1a, 1b, 2, and 3 [12] ) is needed for application   studies of laparoscopic surgery for GBC are needed.
           of this technique. Itano et al.  reported that precise   Nevertheless, this technique could be a good
           preoperative endoscopic ultrasonography led to     treatment option for GBTs suspected to be  T1b/T2
           no  underestimation  of  the  preoperative  diagnosis   GBC in the GB body/fundus without invasion of the
           regarding  tumor  invasion  into  the  muscular  or   cystic duct.
           subserosal layer in their patients with T1/T2 cancer.
           We  also  attempted  to  avoid  underestimation,  which   DECLARATIONS
           leads  to  the  need  for a second  operation and/or
           carcinoma recurrence, rather than overestimation in   Authors’ contributions
           our series. We observed no cases of underestimation;   Performed the treatments and wrote this manuscript:
           however, 2 patients had benign (overestimated)     M. Isetani
           lesions, including 1 xanthogranuloma. Overestimation   Planned and performed the treatments: Z. Morise
           and overapplication of this procedure for benign or   Supervised planning and writing this manuscript: Z.
           Tis/T1a GBC is also a potential problem. However,   Morise, A. Horiguchi
           the drawbacks of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for
           Tis/T1a GBC include the risk of GB wall perforation   Acknowledgments
           and  bile  leakage  contaminated  with  tumor  cells,   We thank  Angela  Morben, DVM, ELS, from Edanz
           which may lead to port site recurrence and peritoneal   Group ( for editing a draft of
           dissemination. [21]  These risks could be overcome by   this manuscript.
           combined GB bed resection. Given the fact that this
           procedure was performed with short-term outcomes   Financial support and sponsorship
           comparable with those of laparoscopic LLS or PR,   None.
           overestimation and overapplication of this procedure
           might  be  justified.  However,  LLR  of  S4b+5+6a  with   Conflicts of interest
           regional LN dissection, which we applied to the    There are no conflicts of interest.
           patients with  T2 GBC, is a more complicated and
           demanding procedure and was associated with a      Patient consent
           longer OT and larger BL volume comparable with AR.   Patients were fully involved in the treatment decision-
           The application of this procedure is currently limited   making process. Informed consent was obtained
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