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Isetani et al.                                                                                                                                                        Laparoscopic surgery for gallbladder carcinoma

           standard deviation unless otherwise noted. Differences   The peripheral part of  the middle hepatic vein was
           in each parameter between the GBT and other groups   revealed and divided on the transection plane
           were evaluated using the Mann-Whitney  U  test.  All   between S4b and S5 [Figure 4]. When the bottom of
           analyses were  performed using SPSS,  version 22.0   the transection line reached the right edge of the hilar
           (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). A P value of < 0.05   plate, the LNs around the bile duct were dissected and
           (two-tailed) was considered statistically significant.  the root of the cystic duct was exposed and divided
                                                              [Figure 5]. Intraoperative frozen section pathology of
           Operative procedure for GBTs of the fundus/        the stump of the cystic duct confirmed the absence of
           body suspected to be T1b/T2 GBC                    tumor invasion.  The cystic plate including  the cystic
           The patients underwent general anesthesia and      duct, artery, and LNs was attached to the resected
           were placed in the reverse trendelenburg position.   liver. Dissection was then performed from the hepatic
           The operating table was tilted to the left or right as   duct to right Glissonian pedicle.
           necessary to acquire an adequate operative field
           of view.                                           During dissection of the right Glissonian pedicle, G5a,

                                                              G6a, and G5b were exposed and divided [Figure 6]. Liver
           The  first  trocar  port  was  introduced  with  a  mini-
           laparotomy on the umbilicus, and 8- to 12-mmHg     parenchyma transection was performed according to
           carbon  dioxide  pneumoperitoneum  was  established
           through  this  port.  This  port  was  also  mainly  used
           for  the  laparoscope.  Three  other  12-mm  ports  and
           one 8-mm port were placed in the upper middle to
           right abdomen and used to introduce the surgeons’
           forceps, energy devices (SonoSurg, BiClamp bipolar
           forceps, and irrigation monopolar electric cautery with
           soft-mode coagulation), clips, and Cavitron ultrasonic
           surgical  aspirator  (CUSA)  as  well  as  the  assistant’s
           forceps. The Pringle maneuver was not applied.

           S4b+5+6a LLR
           For S4b+5+6a  LLR, the operation  was  started with
           liver parenchymal transection on the right edge
           of the umbilical Glissonian  pedicle  [Figure 1] after
           confirming the locations of the GBT and major vessels   Figure 1: Operative procedure for gallbladder tumor of the fundus/
           by intraoperative  laparoscopic  ultrasonography. If   body suspected to be T1b/T2 gallbladder carcinoma-1 (liver
           needed,  adhesions from a previous  surgery were   parenchymal transection on right edge of the umbilical plate).
                                                              For S4b+S5+S6a LLR, the operation was started from the liver
           dissected  before  the ultrasonographic  examination   parenchymal transection on the right edge of the umbilical plate
           and transection.  The liver parenchymal  transection
           started with the use of the SonoSurg on the shallow
           surface of the liver. The BiClamp bipolar forceps, used
           in a clamp-and-crush  manner,  and the CUSA  were
           used for deep parenchymal transection far from and
           near the major vessels, respectively.  Small vessels
           were exposed and sealed with energy devices, clipped
           or ligated, and finally divided. Hemostasis of bleeding
           from the transection surface was accomplished  by
           irrigation  monopolar  electric cautery  with  soft-mode
           coagulation or suturing by hand. During the transection
           on the umbilical line, two or three Glissonian pedicles
           to S4b (G4b) were dissected, encircled, ligated, and
           divided  [Figure 2].  The ischemic demarcation line
           appeared on the liver surface after  division of  G4b
           [Figure 3], showing the left part of the transection line
           of the resected liver (S4b of S4b+5+6a). According to   Figure 2: Operative procedure for gallbladder tumor of the fundus/
                                                              body suspected to be T1b/T2 gallbladder carcinoma-2 (Glissonian
           this line, liver transection was performed from left to   pedicles to S4b). During the transection, the Glissonian pedicles to
           right, exposing the hilar plate at the bottom.     S4b were dissected, encircled, ligated, and divided
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