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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                  Function of Mcl-1 and its regulative relations with HCC

           advances in the relationship between HCC treatment   that alternative splicing occurred in the transcription of
           and anti-apoptotic molecule Mcl-1 and suggests that   Mcl-1  and  eventually  generated  2 different transcript
           Mcl-1 is a potential target in abolishing the HCC cells’   variants. The one including 3 exons encodes Mcl-1L
           malignant proliferation.                           isoform while the other lack of exon 2 encodes Mcl-
                                                              1S isoform. Sequence analysis revealed that Mcl-1L
           Bcl-2 is a well established  family of proteins and   contains 350 residues which is larger than Bcl-2 (237
           has  a  significant  impact  on  mitochondrial  integrity   residues) and Bcl like protein X (Bcl-xl) (233 residues)
           by  influencing  the  permeability  of  the  mitochondrial   and has 3 homo domains BH1, BH2, BH3 and C-terminal
           membrane. Bcl-2 is localized to the outer membrane   transmembrane (TM) domains but lack the N-terminal
           of mitochondria, where it plays a part by regulating the   BH4 domain  compared  to Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl.  The  TM
           progression of apoptosis. According to the structures   domain could anchor Mcl-1L to the outer mitochondrial
           and the functional contribution, Bcl-2 family members   membrane (OMM). [14]  By contrast, Mcl-1S comprises
           can be divided into two subfamilies:  pro-apoptotic   271 residues and retains only BH3 domains just like
           members and anti-apoptotic members.   And it is    other BH3-only members of Bcl-2 family and is primarily
           the balance  in activity between  the two opposing   localized  to the cytosol. Surprisingly,  Mcl-1L inhibits
           groups which determines a cell’s progression towards   apoptosis while Mcl-1S exhibits an opposite role and
           apoptosis.                                         promotes apoptosis. [13,15]  Different from other proteins
                                                              of Bcl-2 family, the N-terminal region of Mcl-1 (Mcl-1L
           Mcl-1 as an antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family protein, is   will be simply called as Mcl-1 hereafter), affecting Mcl-
           playing a pivotal role in the intrinsic apoptosis pathway   1’s function and localization, is larger than that of other
           and mitotic regulators.  As reported, Mcl-1 expresses   Bcl-2 family members which contains PEST sequences
           extensively  in the normal  tissue of human  and its   rich in proline (P), gluatamic acid (E), serine (S), and
           overexpression is observed in many types of human   threonine (T). As characteristic sequences of Mcl-1, the
           tumors. In addition,  Mcl-1 expression  involves  in   PEST regions are rich in putative regulatory motifs that
           disease grade  and survival in human malignancies   have been shown to target proteins for degradation,
           e.g. in patients with multiple myeloma or B-cell non-  which are thought to be as the main reasons of the
           Hodgkin’s lymphoma. [7,8]  It is also one of the pervasive   short half-life of Mcl-1 protein. [14,16]   There are also
           recognized  anti-apoptosis factor in HCC and mainly   multiple phosphorylation sites in Mcl-1 PEST region,
           participate in maintenance of mitochondrial membrane   and it is likely that multiple proteins resulting in different
           stability and suppresses cytochrome c  release from   fates of Mcl-1 mediate the phosphorylation  of these
           mitochondria  to promote  cell survival  and  inhibit  cell   sites. Moreover, with a surface-exposed hydrophobic
           apoptosis.   In  addition, Mcl-1,  serves as  one of  the   groove formed  by BH1, BH2, and BH3, Mcl-1 can
           important antiapoptotic factors in HCC, is involved in   integrate  with other pro-apoptotic  protein  containing
           the development and progression of HCC. According to   BH3-domain to impede apoptosis [Figure 1]. [17]
           a research made by Sieghart et al., [10]  there were 51%
           liver tumor tissue appeared highly expression of Mcl-1   Function
           in 149 HCC patients, while the adjacent normal liver   Mainly, Mcl-1 protein is located in OMM, which enables
           tissue presented a lower expression, which indicates   Mcl-1 to interact with other proteins to play a part in
           the overexpression of Mcl-1 is one of the characteristics   anti-apoptosis.  Immunoblot analysis  revealed  that
           of specific changes of tumor. Additionally, silencing Mcl-  both Mcl-1’s C-terminal  and N-terminal  domains are
           1 gene gives rise to apoptosis of tumor cells with no   necessary for  its mitochondrial  localization.  There is
           effect to biological character in normal hepatocytes. [11]    a mitochondrial targeting sequence at Mcl-1’s amino-
           Hence, it is indeed escapable and essential to discuss   terminus which anchors Mcl-1 at outer membrane or
           the relationship between Mcl-1 and HCC progression.   matrix. Particularly, the anti-apoptotic activities of Mcl-
                                                              1 require outer membrane-localized Mcl-1. [18]  Besides,
           STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL                          the first 79 amino acids of Mcl-1 regulate its subcellular
           PROPERTIES OF MCL-1                                localization and overexpression of the N terminus of
                                                              Mcl-1 recruit more Mcl-1 at mitochondria  and as a
           Mcl-1, one of the antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2
           family protein, was first identified by Kozopas et al. [12]
           from a human myeloid leukemia cell line in 1993. The   Figure 1: The structure of myeloid cell leukaemia-1 (Mcl-1) protein
           human locus of Mcl-1 gene is on chromosome 1q21.   sequence. A schematic of the wild-type Mcl-1 protein, highlighting
           With 6502  bp full-length  gene, Mcl-1  coding  region   the relative location of functional domains of Mcl-1. PEST: proline,
                                                              glutamicacid, serine, and threonine domain; BH1, 3, 2: Bcl-2
           comprises 3 exons and 2 introns. Bae et al. [13]  verified   homology domains 1, 3, 2; TM: transmembrane domain
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