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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                  Function of Mcl-1 and its regulative relations with HCC

           kinase contributed to phosphorylation of Thr 163 and   Mcl-1 and then CDK1 and CDK2, proteins related to
           Serine 121 of Mcl-1, prolonged the half-life of the Mcl-  cell  cycle,  and  JNK  were  affirmed  to  phosphorylate
           1 protein and protected hepatocytes against apoptosis   this residue, which plays a negatively role on the
           induced by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). And   progression  of  apoptosis.  Moreover,  it  was  reported
           data from Wang et al. [73]  demonstrated that the Bcl-2/  that  both  protein  and  mRNA  levels  of  Mcl-1  were
           xL inhibitor ABT-263 increased Mcl-1 stability in HCC   down-regulated  by  a  novel  synthetic  CDK  inhibitor
           cells  while  activation  of  ERK  and  JNK  involved  in   ibulocydine in HCC cells. [84]
           ABT-263-mediated Mcl-1 protein stabilization through
           phosphorylation  of Mcl-1  Thr163.  And also it has   Another protein impacting Mcl-1’s roles in cell cycle
           been  reported  that the new  tubulin  inhibitor  MT189   is PCNA. It has been mentioned before that Mcl-1
           (2-(6-fluoro-3-((4-methoxybenzyl)amino) imidazo [1,2-  can  bind  to  PCNA  and  CDK1  in  the  nucleus,  which
           α]  pyridin-2-yl)  phenol)-mediated  JNK  activation   participate in repression of cell cycle progression.
           caused degradation of Mcl-1 protein via facilitating its   When  transfection  of  Huh7  and HepG2  cells  with
           phosphorylation in the SMMC-7721 cells. [74]       glypican  3-specific  siRNA,  cell  proliferation  detected
                                                              by PCNA immunohistochemistry was inhibited, cell
           Glycogen  synthase  kinase-3  (GSK-3)  inactivated  by   cycle was arrested at the G1 phase and anti-apoptotic
           Akt plays a crucial role in the regulation of apoptosis.   proteins (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and Mcl-1) were down-
           It has been demonstrated that the control of Mcl-  regulated. [85]   Besides, different from other reports
           1  stability  by  GSK-3  is  an  important  mechanism  for   about interaction between PCNA and the Mcl-1 or the
           the  regulation  of  apoptosis  by  growth  factors,  PI3K,   CDK2 protein in biochemical assays, De Biasio et al. [31]
           and Akt. [75]   Deeper  research  indicated  that  GSK-  detected no binding between them and suggested that
           3 was  conducive  to  degradation  of  Mcl-1  by  means   the interaction, if any, occurs with very low affinity or is
           of phosphorylation of its Serine 155 and Serine 159   mediated by other factors. Lately, a report described
           and the  latter  inhibited the  interaction  of  Mcl-1 with   that  following  the  inhibition  of  RNA  polymerase  II
           the pro-apoptotic protein, Bim, thus impairing its anti-  phosphorylation, ibulocydine caused down-regulation
           apoptotic function. [75,76]  What’s more, Wang  et al. [73]   of Mcl-1, survivin, and X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis
           indicated that Akt-mediated GSK-3β inactivation also   protein (XIAP), thus inducing apoptosis in HCC cells.
           implicated in  ABT-263-induced Mcl-1 stabilization,
           possibly  through  regulating  the  phosphorylation  of   Owing to the extremely labile nature of Mcl-1, it is as
           Mcl-1 Ser159 in HCC cells.                         important as those that regulate Mcl-1 synthesis for
                                                              cellular processes to regulate Mcl-1 stability. Recently,
           Mcl-1 interacting proteins                         a Mcl-1 interacting protein the translationally controlled
                                                              tumor protein (TCTP) was identified to upregulate the
           The majority of proteins interacting with Mcl-1 belong   expression levels of Mcl-1 through modulating Mcl-1
           to the Bcl-2 protein family including multidomain pro-  stability and eventually modulate Mcl-1’s antiapoptotic
           apoptotic members and the BH3-only proteins. [77-79]  In   activity by the ubiquitin-dependent  proteasome
           this review, we just discuss other proteins interacting   degradation  pathway. Detailed  analysis  revealed
           with Mcl-1. The Mcl-1 protein level can be downregulated   that  TCTP  overexpression inhibited apoptosis by
           by adenovirus infection through proteasome-mediated   binding to Mcl-1 and antagonizing Bax. [86]  It has been
           turnover of Mcl-1. [80]  Mcl-1 ubiquitin ligase E3 (Mule)   well documented that TCTP was implicated in many
           contains a region similar to BH3 domain that enables   cellular functions including human allergic response, [87]
           Mule to interact with Mcl-1. It has been demonstrated   apoptosis [88]  and cell growth. [89]  Chen et al. [90]  described
           that Mule was required for the polyubiquitination of Mcl-  that Sann-Joong-Kuey-Jian-Tang (SJKJT), a traditional
           1 in the ubiquitin dependent proteasome degradation   medicinal prescription, could downregulate the protein
           pathway. [81]   According to  a  research treatment of   expression level of Mcl-1 and TCTP in Hep-G2 cells,
           HepG2  cells with glycochenodeoxycholate  (GCDA),   thus they considered that decreasing TCTP and Mcl-1
           one of the major human bile salts, the author reported   expression may be one of the molecular mechanisms
           that GCDA facilitated Mcl-1 dissociation from E3 ligase   by  which  SJKJT  inhibits  Hep-G2  cells.  It  has  also
           Mule and increased the half-life of Mcl-1. [82]    been reported that curcumin inhibited the proliferation
                                                              of  human HCC  J5  cells and  induced mitochondrial
           Cyclin-dependent  kinase  (CDK)  could  combine  and   dysfunction by decreasing  the expressions  of TCTP,
           activate cyclin, and thus lead to phosphorylation   Mcl-1 and Bcl-2. [91]   Similarly,  after  treatment  of  HCC
           of  target  protein.  The  phosphoresidue  serine  64  of   SK-Hep-1  cells  with  ursolic  acid,  the  western  blot
           Mcl-1  was  identified  by  Kobayashi  et  al. [83]   through   results were associated with decreased expression of
           MS analysis of a threonine 163 to alanine mutant of   Mcl-1, TCTP and Bcl-2. [54]

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