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Gomaa et al.                                                                                                                                                       Advanced HCC: current and potential therapies

           patients with HCC are diagnosed with advanced      1 and B-Raf and the activity of vascular endothelial
           disease [Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) stage   growth factor receptors (VEGFRs) 1, 2, and 3 and
           C], unsuitable for surgery or loco-regional curative   platelet-derived growth factor receptor β (PDGFR-β).
           treatment. Prognosis of advanced HCC is poor, and   Also it induces down-regulation of anti-apoptotic
           the 1-, 2- and 3-year survival rates are 29%, 16%,   proteins, leading to significant enhancement of the
           and 8%, with median OS less than 6 months.  This is   cytotoxicity of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis
           even less in low and middle income countries, where   inducing ligand (TRAIL) to HCC cells. [10]
           resources and access to therapy are limited.
                                                              Sorafenib improves survival compared to placebo, with
           In the BRIDGE study that included data for 18,031   median OS of 6.5-10.7 months, with significant benefit
           patients with HCC from 42 sites in 14 countries in Asia,   in time to progression (TTP). Many molecular agents
           Europe and North America, more than 50% of cases   have been studied, but only the sorafenib showed
           were diagnosed in advanced and terminal stages. [7]   efficacy in terms of OS and TTP, based on results of
           Whereas 12% of HCC patients in Japan and 17% in    two phase III, randomized controlled studies [2,11]  and
           Taiwan present in advanced stage HCC (BCLC stage   confirmed in other clinical trials comparing sorafenib
           C) and only 1-2% in terminal stage (BCLC D), between   to other molecules, [12-16]  as well as in real life clinical
           50% and 60% of HCC patients in North America,      practice. [17,18]
           Europe, China and South Korea present in BCLC
           stages C and D. [7]                                Despite the approval of sorafenib in advanced-stage
                                                              HCC, several issues remain not known. An important
           The proportion of HCC patients presenting in advanced   concern is to identify patients who will most probably
           stages is even larger in limited resource countries. A   benefit from sorafenib, to avoid unnecessary toxicity
           study that included 2,566 HCC patients from 21 tertiary   in patients who will not. Several markers at baseline or
           referral centers in 9 African countries showed that   during treatment, as vascular endothelial growth factor,
           only 23% presented in early and intermediate stages   angiopoietin-2, hepatocyte growing factor, c-Kit or alfa-
           (BCLC A and B), 49% in advanced stage (BCLC C)     feto-protein (AFP) have been shown to predict OS, but
           and 28% in BCLC stage D. The proportion of patients   not response to sorafenib in patients with advanced
           diagnosed with HCC while in advanced or terminal   HCC. [19]
           stage was much larger in sub-Saharan countries, with
           95% of the patients diagnosed in BCLC stages C and   Several reports showed that the development of some
           D, and 97% of 1,315 patients with HCC did not receive   adverse events as dermatological adverse events, [20-22]
           HCC specific therapy because of advanced stage and   diarrhea, [23]  or arterial hypertension [24]  are associated
           unavailability of therapy. [8]                     with favorable outcomes. Patients who develop early
                                                              dermatological adverse events within the first 2 months
           This highlights the importance of developing effective   after starting sorafenib experienced a longer median
           therapies for advanced HCC, and that these therapies   OS, comparing to those who did not develop this
           should be made available and affordable in limited   adverse event (18.2 vs. 10.1 months, respectively). [20]
           resource countries where most patients present in   Hence, it is mandatory to closely follow the patients
           advanced stage (especially sub-Saharan Africa).    and to adjust the dose if needed to avoid unnecessary
           This also emphasizes the importance of screening   interruption of the drug in a probably responding
           programs for detection of HCC in early treatable   patient.
                                                              Using sorafenib in patients with Child-Pugh B cirrhosis
           SYSTEMIC THERAPIES                                 is challenging. Sorafenib was effective in Child-
                                                              Pugh class B patients as class A patients in terms of
           Molecular targeted therapy                         progression free survival (PFS), but with lower OS. The
           Advanc ed  HCC  has  experienc ed  the  most       median OS was 5.5 months for Child class B patients
           relevant advancements in research in HCC lately.   compared to 11.3 months for Child A patients. [25]  The
           Hepatocarcinogenesis is associated with genetic    prospective GIDEON trial confirmed that the median
           and epigenetic alterations that eventually lead to   OS was shorter in Child-Pugh class B patients, 5.2
           an alteration in the molecular pathways, leading to   months compared to 13.6 months in Child A, although
           uncontrolled growth of the hepatocytes. [9]        the TTP and the incidence of adverse events of
                                                              sorafenib was similar across subgroups, Child-Pugh
           Sorafenib                                          class B patients experienced more serious adverse
           Sorafenib inhibits the serine-threonine kinases Raf-  events. The liver dysfunction in advanced cirrhosis may

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