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Hann et al.                                                                                                                                                                                Urine markers for HCC monitoring

           TACE in a 3-year period. Urine was collected every   and then shipped to certified laboratories for testing,
           6 months starting 4 years after the last TACE. TP53m   the urine screening may result in better compliance
           mutation  was  detected  in  the  urine  collected  on  the   while  not  requiring  a  doctor’s  office  visit.  A  larger
           second visit and decreased, but remained detectable   longitudinal study will be needed to explore the
           in the third urine sample as indicated in Figure 1I. MRI   application of urine DNA markers in monitoring HCC
           suggested a mass in the liver, but the mass was not   recurrence. Lastly, the levels of DNA biomarkers in
           confirmed as recurrent HCC. The serum AFP levels   urine  may  also  be  useful  to  measure  effectiveness
           were below 20 ng/mL in the period of study. The patient   of cancer treatments that induces apoptosis of
           has been on antiviral treatment since the diagnosis of   tumor cells. We have shown that circulating tumor
           HCC.                                               DNA found in urine was mostly from apoptotic tumor
                                                              cells. [28,34]  The treatment that induce apoptosis should
           Case 10                                            increase the amount of tumor derived DNA deposited
           A  66-year-old  male  with  HCC  underwent  RFA    in the blood and secreted into urine. This could be the
           followed by resection. He has had no recurrence for   circumstance for cases 2, 3 and 4 where an elevated
           the past 10 years. Two urine samples were collected   mRASSF1A or mGSTP1 marker was detected after
           at 8 years (-18) and 9 years (-6) after resection   the treatment, suggesting the potential to use urine
           [Figure  1J].  Serum AFP  is normal, and none of  the   DNA markers to monitor effectiveness of therapy that
           DNA markers were  detected until  6 months prior  to   induces tumor cell apoptosis.
           the MRI, when the TP53m and mRASSF1A markers
           were elevated [Figure 1J]. TP53m reverted to baseline   Finally, HCC is often recognized as being multi-clonal.
           and mRASSF1A levels declined 3 months later (-3). At   Interestingly,  in recurrent  case  3,  mGSTP1  levels
           the time of MRI testing, there was no HCC recurrence   returned to not detectable in urine while TP53m was
           detected from the visit.                           elevated in the urine collected 3 months later with
                                                              the MRI report of a 1.6-cm lesion. We speculate that
           DISCUSSION                                         the  rising  of  the  TP53  mutated  clone  was  different
                                                              from the previously treated tumor nodule and was
           This study demonstrates the potential applicability of   either not responding to the treatment or was derived
           using urine DNA markers in combination with serum   from tumor evolution. Furthermore, it is possible that
           AFP for the early detection of HCC recurrence in a   apoptosis  of  a  small  tumor  nodule  through  immune
           small 10-case study. HCC recurrence is known to be   system targeting could lead to a temporary rise in DNA
           the major factor for poor prognosis. In this small 10-  markers associating with that tumor. For example, for
           case  study,  MRI  identified  recurrence  in  5  out  of  10   case 6 the mRASSF1A was found elevated at 3 years
           patients (cases 1-5). Encouragingly, for all 4 recurrent   and negative at 4 years post TACE, where recurrence
           patients that remain in the study (cases 1-4), urine DNA   was not detected.
           markers were found to be elevated in urine samples as
           early as 9 months before MRI confirmation.         It is important to note that the levels of urine DNA
                                                              markers can fluctuate for several reasons including
           Although this is a small longitudinal 10 patient   hydration of the patient at time of collection (which
           study, the potential of these urine DNA markers for   can  result  in  diluted  DNA  in  the  urine).  Therefore,
           management of HCC recurrence and important         the use of an internal control is important for
           characteristics  of  HCC  recurrence  is  demonstrated.   appropriately setting cutoffs for the urine marker
           First, for all remaining recurrent cases (cases 1-4),   values. While urine protein creatinine is the most
           DNA markers were elevated before or at the time of   used internal  control for urine  concentration, our
           diagnosis  by  MRI  imaging.  MRI/CT  imaging  is  the   pilot study has suggested the concentration of LMW
           gold standard for diagnosis of recurrent HCC, but has   cell-free DNA in urine does not correlate with urine
           difficulty in detecting early recurrence in the previously   creatinine.  Further  studies  are  needed  to  identify
           treated areas (especially after local  ablation).  This   a proper internal control for this work, which is
           may explain why the DNA markers were found in urine   currently in progress.
           earlier than MRI diagnosis. Secondly, HCC, like other
           cancers, is a disease of the genome. Detection of   In conclusion, we have demonstrated that urine DNA
           genetic drivers of HCC may provide not only sensitive   biomarker testing may have potential for the early
           and earlier detection for monitoring HCC recurrence,   detection of HCC recurrence.  A larger longitudinal
           but may also provide HCC genetic information to    study design to collect well-annotated serial patient
           assist  in  patient  management.  Furthermore,  since   samples  is  in  progress,  specifically  to  monitor  for
           collection of urine can potentially be done at home   HCC recurrence, to test whether this urine DNA test
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