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Hann et al.                                                                                                                                                                                Urine markers for HCC monitoring

           tumor  ablation. [12-16]   The  high HCC recurrence rate   patients with a history of HBV infection were studied
           can be attributed to (1) incomplete  treatment; (2)   at  the Liver Disease Prevention Center,  Division of
           micro-metastases within the liver; and (3)  de novo   Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Thomas Jefferson
           lesions. [4,17]  With improved assay, combination of alpha   University Hospital, Philadelphia. After curative tumor
           fetal protein (AFP),  lens culinaris  agglutinin-reactive   ablation, patients were monitored for recurrence by MRI
           alpha-fetoprotein  (AFP-L3%)   and   des-gamma-    and serum AFP. Urine specimens were prospectively
           carboxyprothrombin (DCP) has been claimed sensitive   obtained when available. The urine was retrospectively
           for HCC surveillance. [18,19]  Nonetheless, early detection   examined for the presence of the three HCC DNA
           of recurrent HCC has been difficult with the currently   biomarkers.  All  patient samples were obtained with
           available diagnostic methods and serial imaging. [7-9,20-22]    written informed consent and under institutional board
           Notably,  there  are  no  specific  guidelines  addressing   approval from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
           how HCC recurrence should be monitored. Magnetic   Philadelphia, PA.
           resonance imaging (MRI)/computed tomography (CT)
           imaging  is the gold standard for diagnosis, although   Urine DNA analysis
           it is expensive and has limited utility in the detection   Urine  collection, storage, and DNA isolation  were
           of small tumors (< 2 cm),  tumors in the presence   carried out with written informed consent from patients
           of previously treated lesions (especially  from local   as described previously. [34,35]  DNA from specimens was
           ablation), cirrhosis, obesity, and dysplastic nodules. [8,9,20]    isolated and fractionated to obtain low molecular weight
           Thus, there is an urgent unmet medical need to have a   (LMW) urine DNA (< 1 kb size). Bisulfite (BS) treatment
           sensitive test for monitoring HCC recurrence.      of DNA was performed using the EZ DNA Methylation-
                                                              Lightning™ Kit (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA) following
           Cancer is a disease of the genome and epigenome,   manufacturer’s  guidelines. Three  DNA  modifications,
           and detection of the underlying genetic mutations and   TP53 249T mutation (TP53m), aberrant  promoter
           epigenetic  modifications  in  the  periphery  may  allow   methylation of  GSTP1  (mGSTP1),  and aberrant
           us to detect cancer early. [23,24]  Previously, Su et al. [25-29]    promoter  methylation  of  RASSF1A (mRASSF1A),
           demonstrated that fragmented cell-free DNA in urine   were  quantified  in  duplicate  using  assays  kits,  TP53
           contains DNA derived from the solid tumors including   249T qPCR kit, mGSTP1 qPCR kit, and mRASSF1A
           HCC and colon cancer,  if such a tumor is present.   qPCR kit (JBS Science Inc., Doylestown, PA), as per
           They also demonstrated that cancer-related DNA (both   manufacturer specification.
           mutated and methylated DNA), including HCC-derived
           DNA modifications, could be detected in the urine of   RESULTS
           patients with cancer. [27,29-31]
                                                              To compare the detection of urine DNA markers to the
           In  this study,  we demonstrate the feasibility of  early   currently available diagnostic  methods (serum  AFP
           detection of  recurrent HCC by  detecting three    and MRI imaging) for the diagnosis of HCC recurrence,
           known  HCC  associated  DNA  modifications:  TP53   urine DNA marker values were measured in a blinded
           249T mutation (shortened  TP53m), and aberrant     fashion and plotted alongside serum AFP at the time
           promoter methylation of Glutathione S-transferase pi   of each collection (as shown in Figure 1 and described
           1 (mGSTP1) and Ras association  domain family 1    in “METHODS”). Briefly, urine samples were collected
           isoform A (mRASSF1A) genes in urine as compared to   prospectively from HCC patients (when available) after
           the MRI imaging in a small (n = 10) blinded prospective   curative treatment at follow-up visits. The samples were
           study. These three DNA markers were chosen because   retrospectively analyzed for the HCC DNA biomarkers.
           of the availability  of sensitive,  cell-free  DNA suitable   For data analysis purposes, we plotted “positive (Pos)”
           PCR assays that  target frequently altered genes in   as  the  time  of  confirmed  recurrence  by  MRI,  and
           major pathways associated with hepatocarcinogenesis.   “negative (Neg)” when MRI did not detect recurrence.
           They were previously demonstrated to be detectable in   Of the 10 patients with > 6 months of monitoring with
           body fluids such as blood and urine of patients with   urine DNA markers, cases 1-5 had recurrence of HCC
           HCC, regardless the level of serum AFP. [29,30,32,33]  They   confirmed by MRI.
           therefore serve as potential biomarkers for HCC.
                                                              Recurrent patients had one or more of the three DNA
           METHODS                                            markers examined found in urine before or at the time
                                                              of MRI diagnosis. One recurrent case (case 5) died of
           Patient selection                                  progressive HCC. Case 6 was lost for follow-up during
           To explore the potential of the three HCC markers   the period of the study. Four patients (cases 7-10) had
           for monitoring  HCC recurrence  in urine, 10 HCC   no  recurrence  confirmed  by  MRI.  Their  urine  DNA
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