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Gomaa et al.                                                                                                                                                       Advanced HCC: current and potential therapies

           placebo (SATURNE) (NCT01164202) is ongoing.        A phase III RCT of Selective Internal Radiation Therapy
                                                              (SIRT) versus sorafenib in advanced HCC (SIRveNIB)
           Hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy             is ongoing (NCT01135056). A study evaluating the
           The Japanese Society of Hepatology and the Korean   monoclonal antibody to PD-1 receptor nivolumab in
           National Cancer Center both recommend hepatic      combination with TARE is under way (NCT02837029).
           arterial infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) in their     RCTs are ongoing to define the role of TARE as first-
           guidelines for management of patients with advanced   line or second-line therapy in advanced HCC.
           HCC and vascular invasion. [69,80,81]
           In a single-center study in Japan, the HAIC using
           5-fluorouracil and pegylated interferon α2b was    Sorafenib is still the only approved front-line therapy,
           investigated compared to sorafenib for treatment of   and several needs are still unmet and need to be
           advanced HCC. The early ORR was higher in the      addressed: the combination of local with systemic
           HAIC group than in the sorafenib group (71.4% vs.   therapies, the optimal timing of molecular targeted
           10.5%, P < 0.01). The 18-month survival rate was   agents in relation to loco-regional treatment, the
           55.6% vs. 16.2%, P = 0.03 for the HAIC and sorafenib   combinations of systemic targeted therapies, and
           groups respectively. [82]                          second-line therapies. Results of recent trials point
                                                              to several promising therapeutic options: lenvatinib
           A multi-center study that included 110 patients with   as front-line therapy, and regorafenib and nivolumab
           advanced HCC found that HAIC using cisplatin and   as second-line therapy. Several other molecules and
           5-fluorouracil with or without epirubicin, demonstrated   combinations are in early stages of development,
           higher treatment response rate (24% vs. 13.3%) and   and more effective therapies will evolve over the next
           a better median OS (7.1 vs. 5.5 months) compared   few years. However, improving screening and early
           to sorafenib. [83]  A RCT is recruiting to elucidate the   detection, and improving access to therapy in limited
           efficacy of HAIC of FOLFOX compared to sorafenib in   resource settings are as important in improving global
           treatment of advanced HCC (NCT02774187). A phase   outcome of HCC.
           III randomized open label clinical trial to investigate the
           efficacy and safety of HAIC (using FOLFOX) compared   Authors’ contributions
           with TACE in patients with HCC with major portal   Reviewed the literature and wrote the manuscript: A.
           venous tumor thrombus is recruiting (NCT02856126).  Gomaa, I. Waked

           The efficacy and safety of HAIC with cisplatin and   Financial support and sponsorship
           5-fluorouracil in patients who have progressed or   None.
           were intolerant to sorafenib with non-metastatic HCC
           is being evaluated further, stratified by expression of   Conflict of interest
           biomarker predicting therapeutic response is ongoing
           (the SHINE study, NCT02967887).                    There are no conflicts of interest.

           Radioembolisation                                  Patient consent
           Trans-arterial radio-embolization (TARE) using     Not applicable.
           Yttrium-90 spheres is well tolerated with survival rates
           reported similar to TACE with fewer side effects, better   Ethics approval
           response rate and longer time to progression. [4,84-86]    Not applicable.
           TARE  is  as  safe  and  effective  as  sorafenib  in
           advanced-stage HCC. [4,87-90]  The median survival with   Supplementary materials
           TARE was 13.8 months compared to 10 months with    1. Supplementary Tables 1-4
           sorafenib (P > 0.05), and complete response was only   2. Supplementary References 1-24
           observed in 6.3% of patients in the TARE group. [91]
           TARE alone or combined with sorafenib vs. sorafenib
           in BCLC stage B and C patients are under evaluation   REFERENCES
           (NCT02288507). In a pilot study, sorafenib for 6-8
           weeks before Yttrium-90 treatment for patients with   1.   Global battle against cancer won’t be won with treatment alone--
                                                                 effective prevention measures urgently needed to prevent cancer
           unresectable HCC was safe and tolerable. The DCR      crisis. Cent Eur J Public Health 2014;22:23,28.
           was 72.4% and tumor necrosis was observed in 82.8%   2.   Llovet JM, Ricci S, Mazzaferro V, Hilgard P, Gane E, Blanc JF, de
           of patients. [92]                                     Oliveira AC, Santoro A, Raoul JL, Forner A. Sorafenib in advanced

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