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invasive Alexander cells, which remain unaffected.  The fact that Fascin-1 silencing leads to migfilin and VASP
                                                               downregulation and increased adhesion indicates that
            DISCUSSION                                         Fascin-1 may regulate migfilin and VASP and/or be physically
                                                               associated  with  them.  This  evidence  further  complements
            Cell adhesion proteins connecting  cells to the ECM and/  recent work from our laboratory showing that migfilin
            or to the neighboring cells are often interconnected to the   silencing, among other things, reduces VASP expression,
            actin-cytoskeleton and this network of interacting proteins is   and  leads  to  Fascin-1 upregulation,  and  promotion of  cell
            fundamental for tissue homeostasis while at the same time   adhesion in HepG2 cells.  Therefore, the evidence clearly
            being deregulated in cancer and cancer metastasis.  Fascin-1   indicates a molecular interplay between the three proteins,
            is an actin-bundling protein that is found in membrane   migfilin, Fascin-1, and VASP, and the potential existence of a
            ruffles and stress fibers.  The expression of Fascin-1 is   regulatory feedback loop in HCC cells.
            greatly  increased  in  many  transformed  cells,  as  well  as  in
            specialized normal cells including neuronal cells and antigen-  Although our study was performed in cancer cell lines, which
            presenting dendritic cells.  A morphological  characteristic   have their limitations in terms of modeling the physiological
            common to these cells expressing high levels of Fascin-1 is   complexity of human cancer, it still offers significant insight
            the development of many membrane protrusions in which   into the molecular mechanism by which Fascin-1 is implicated
            Fascin-1 is predominantly present.  Recent studies show that   in HCC pathogenesis. Of course, more studies are needed to
            Fascin-1 also localizes to invadopodia, membrane protrusions   decipher the exact sequence of molecular events taking place
            formed at the adherent cell surface that facilitate ECM   and the importance for HCC progression.
            invasion, thus providing a potential molecular mechanism for
            how Fascin-1 increases the invasiveness of cancer cells since   Acknowledgments
            Fascin-1 expression is upregulated in a spectrum of cancers   We  are grateful to Dr.  Chuanyue Wu,  Professor  at the
            such as breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and   University of Pittsburgh Medical School, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
            prostate cancer. [20,21]  In HCC, in particular, Fascin-1 has been   for providing us with the anti-migfilin monoclonal antibody.
            correlated with poor prognosis. [10]
                                                               Financial support and sponsorship
            In fact, Fascin-1 has been recently introduced as a migration   This study was supported by the European Association for the
            factor associated with epithelial to mesenchymal transition in   Study of the Liver Sheila Sherlock fellowship 2012.
            HCC cells facilitating their invasiveness in combination with
            matrix metalloproteinases.  Moreover, it has been suggested   Conflicts of interest
            to be a novel marker of progression in HCC and a significant   There are no conflicts of interest.
            indicator of poor prognosis for HCC patients.  However, little
            is known regarding the molecular mechanism of its action.  REFERENCES

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