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Butt et al.                                                                                                                                                                                  TAE for ruptured HCC in Pakistan

           Table 3: Comparison of outcome among patients treated conservatively vs. those treated with TAE
                                                         Conservative treatment,        TAE,
           Outcomes                    Overall                                                         P value
                                                        n (%) or median ± range  n (%) or median ± range
           Control of bleeding                                                                          0.008
              Yes                      16 (66.7)               4 (36.4)                12 (92.3)
              No                       8 (33.3)                7 (63.6)                 1 (7.7)
           In hospital mortality                                                                         0.04
              No                       12 (50.0)               3 (27.3)                 9 (69.2)
              Yes                      12 (50.0)               8 (72.7)                 4 (30.8)
           30-day mortality                                                                              0.01
              No                       9 (37.5)                 1 (9.1)                 8 (61.5)
              Yes                      13 (54.2)               10 (90.9)                5 (38.5)
           Median survival (days)  11.5 (interquartile range 53 days)  5 (interquartile range 10 days)  39 (interquartile range 87.5 days)  0.03
           TAE: transarterial embolization

           Table 4: Univariate analysis for predicting factors for   presence of a patent portal vein. [28]  However, in our
           30-day mortality                                   study we did not find any significant difference in the
           Factors                      OR (95% CI)  P value  control of bleeding and 30-day mortality between
           Age (years)                  1.1 (0.95-1.06)  0.76  patients having a patent or a thrombosed portal vein,
           Gender                      1.23 (0.09-15.87)  0.87  its success in both conditions is comparable.
           Abdominal pain               2.0 (0.17-22.79)  0.57
           Hypovolemic shock           0.20 (0.30-13.06)  0.46  In a series of 62 patients with ruptured HCC, control
           Child score                  1.04 (0.80-1.47)  0.58  of bleeding was achieved in 91% (57/62) cases after
           Child’s class               2.33 (0.35-15.30)  0.37  TAE. Moreover, 30-day mortality was 38% and overall
           MELD score                   1.01 (0.87-1.14)  0.98                              [29]
           INR                          2.2 (0.30-16.16)  0.43  median survival time was 39 days.  In another study,
           Serum total bilirubin (mg/dL)  1.42 (0.85-2.38)  0.17  3 out of 4 patients treated with TAE died within 30
           Albumin (g/dL)               0.43 (0.08-2.23)  0.31  days but most of them had Child’s class C cirrhosis.
           AFP (IU/mL)                                        Likewise, TAE was found effective for control of bleeding
             ≤ 20                            1                in all 14 patients with HCC rupture, without significant
              > 20                      1.33 (0.23-7.51)  0.74  impairment in liver function or treatment related deaths.
           Tumor size (cm)              0.90 (0.73-1.11)  0.34
           Stage of HCC                                       However, only 3 patients survived for more than 6
              Non-advanced                   1                months.  A success rate of 83% has been reported in
              Advanced                 1.23 (0.09-15.87)  0.87  series from Hong Kong.  Contrary to that conservative
           PVT                                                treatment has been reported to carry 100% mortality.
              No                             1
              Yes                       2.5 (0.45-13.64)  0.29  Our results are consistent to the existing evidence. We
           Extra hepatic spread                               found higher rates for control of bleeding after TAE as
              No                             1                compared to conservative treatment (92.3% vs. 36.4%,
              Yes                       0.75 (0.13-4.22)  0.74  P = 0.008). In hospital mortality was 72.7% for those
           Intervention for control of bleeding (TAE)
              No                             1                treated conservatively as compared to 30.8% after TAE.
              Yes                       0.25 (0.07-0.90)  0.03  Moreover, our 30-day mortality rate was lower among
           Control of bleeding                                our patients after TAE (38.5%) as compared to what
              Yes                            1                has been reported in previous studies. [6,9,33]  None of our
              No                        2.14 (1.24-3.68)  0.009
                                                              patients had procedure related complications.
           OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; MELD: Model for End
           Stage Liver Disease; INR: international normalized Ratio; AFP:
           alfa fetoprotein; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; PVT: portal vein   Severity of underlying cirrhosis, tumor size, vascular
           thrombosis; TAE: transarterial embolization        and extrahepatic spread, serum creatinine and
                                                              hypovolemic shock have been reported as prognostic
           TAE has been found to be associated with many      factors influencing survival after spontaneously
           complications including bleeding, post-embolization   ruptured HCC. [13,14,29,34]  Although majority of patients
           syndrome, implanted peritoneal metastases and      who underwent TAE had Child’s class A or B and the
           mortality rate up to 30%. However, considering TAE   conservative group had many patients with Child’s
           as minimally invasive and effective in achieving   class C; no significant difference was found in Child
           immediate hemostasis in patients with ruptured HCC   score or MELD score between the two groups. In
           as compared to resection, TAE could be a procedure   our study, the only variables that were found to be
           of choice to achieve hemostasis without surgery for   associated with 30-day mortality were TAE and control
           ruptured HCC. [26,27]  In the past it has been suggested   of HCC bleed. This might be due to small sample size
           that TAE should only be administered only in the   in our study.

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