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Butt et al.                                                                                                                                                                                  TAE for ruptured HCC in Pakistan

            Table 1: Demographic and clinic-pathological      hospital mortality was significantly lower in TAE group
            characteristics of all HCC patients at baseline (n = 24)  as compared to patients treated conservatively (30.8%
            Characteristics           Data, mean ± SD or n (%)  vs. 72.7%, P = 0.04). Moreover, 30-day mortality was
            Age (years)               58.29 ± 15.26 (range 17-93)   also lower in patients treated with TAE (38.5% vs.
            Etiology of CLD                                   90.9%, P = 0.01) [Table 3].
               HCV                           19 (79.2)
               HBV                            3 (12.5)        Predicting factors for 30-day mortality
               NBNC                           2 (8.3)
            Child class                                       To find out the predicting factors for 30-day mortality,
               A                               0 (0)          biologically  plausible  variables  were  tested  on
               B                             16 (66.7)        univariate analysis [Table 4]. The only factors which
               C                              8 (33.3)        were found significant on univariate and multivariate
            Abdominal pain
               Yes                           20 (83.3)        analysis were TAE to control HCC bleed and control
               No                             4 (16.7)        of bleeding. Those who underwent TAE had lower risk
            Abdominal distension                              of mortality than conservatively treated group (OR
               Yes                           16 (66.7)        0.25, 95% CI 0.07-0.90, P = 0.03). Failure to control
               No                             8 (33.3)
            Anemia                                            bleeding was associated with higher 30-day mortality
               Yes                           20 (83.3)        (OR 2.14, 95% CI 1.24-3.68, P = 0.009).
               No                             4 (16.7)
            Hypovolemic shock                                 DISCUSSION
               Yes                            6 (25)
               No                             18 (75)
            Hemoperitonium                                    In this study, we have evaluated the clinicopathological
               Yes                           13 (54.2)        characteristics, treatment outcomes and survival of
               No                            11 (45.8)        patients presenting with spontaneously ruptured HCC
            Mean hemoglobin (g/dL)           8.4 ± 3.0        who were treated conservatively or with TAE. Success
            Platelet count (10 /L)         202.58 ± 176.50
            Total lecucocyte count (10 /L)  10.96 ± 4.17      rate for control of bleeding via TAE was higher than
            Prothrombin time (s)            17.38 ± 5.64      with conservative treatment. Overall median duration
            Mean creatinine (mg/dL)         1.35 ± 0.57       of survival after HCC rupture was longer for patients
            Serum total bilirubin (mg/dL)   3.52 ± 2.87       treated with TAE. In-hospital and 30-day mortality
            Alanine transaminase (IU/L) (median)   50.00 (range 13-768)  were significantly lower in TAE group.
            Alkaline phosphatase (IU/L)    210.13 ± 158.07
            Albumin (g/dL)                  2.36 ± 0.54       The reported prevalence of spontaneously ruptured
            Tumor size (size of largest lesion in cm)  7.76 ± 4.22 (1.7-17.7)  HCC ranges 5-15%. [18]  The exact mechanism and risk
            AFP (IU/mL) (median)       52.00 (range 1.00-100000)  factors for spontaneous rupture are not well known.
            Macroscopic types
               Solitary                       3 (12.5)        However, subcapsular localization, rapid growth with
               Paucifocal (≤ 3 nodules)       3 (12.5)        tumor necrosis, portal hypertension and regional
               Multifocal (> 3 nodules)      12 (50.0)
               Massive (huge diameter > 10 cm,   6 (25.0)     increase of venous pressure due to tumor thrombi or
               undefined boundaries)/infiltrative             direct invasion could be responsible for HCC rupture. [19]
            Hepatic lobes (location of rupture)
               Right                         12 (50.0)        Sudden  abdominal  pain,  hemoperitoneum  and
               Left                           1 (4.2)
               Both                          11 (45.8)        hypovolemic shock have been reported as the typical
            Stage of HCC                                      clinical features of ruptured HCC. [6,9,20]  Moreover,
               Non-advanced                   3 (12.5)        hemoperitoneum ascertained by performing abdominal
               Advanced                      21 (87.5)        paracentesis has been considered a reliable test
               Yes                           10 (41.7)        to confirm the diagnosis in up to 86% of clinically
               No                            14 (58.3)        suspected HCC rupture.   [21]  Consistent with the
            Extra hepatic spread                              results of other studies most of our patients were
               Yes                            9 (37.5)        male, presented with abdominal pain and distention,
               No                            15 (62.5)
                                                              hemoperitoneum and shock.
           HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; CLD: chronic liver disease; HCV:
           hepatitis C virus; HBV: hepatitis B virus; NBNC: non-B, non-C;
           MELD: Model for End Stage Liver Disease; AFP: alfa fetoprotein;   Doppler ultrasound and CT are useful modalities
           PVT: portal vein thrombosis                        for the diagnosis of HCC rupture. [22]  The CT scan
                                                              demonstrate HCC rupture by showing the vascular
           TAE group (39 days, interquartile range 88 days) as   tumor, extent of the bleed and by showing serial
           compared to conservatively treated group (5 days,   density changes with the age of the hematoma. [23,24]
           interquartile range 10 days) (P = 0.03). In addition, in-  Triphasic contrast enhanced CT scan was done for all

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