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Butt et al.                                                                                                                                                                                  TAE for ruptured HCC in Pakistan

           Table 2: Comparison of baseline characteristics of patients treated conservatively vs. those treated with TAE
                                            Conservative treatment,             TAE,
           Characteristics                                                                          P value
                                           mean ± SD or n (%), n = 11  mean ± SD or n (%), n = 13
           Age (years)                           61.36 ± 16.13               55.69 ± 14.60           0.37
           Gender                                                                                    0.45
              Male                                 9 (81.8)                    12 (92.3)
              Female                               2 (18.2)                    1 (7.7)
           Etiology of cirrhosis                                                                     0.72
              HCV                                  8 (72.7)                    11 (84.6)
              HBV                                  2 (18.2)                    1 (7.7)
              NBNC                                  1 (9.1)                    1 (7.7)
           Decompensated cirrhosis                 6 (54.5)                    9 (62.5)              0.67
           Prior history of SBP                    3 (27.3)                    1 (7.7)               0.30
           Prior history of PSE                    3 (27.3)                    2 (15.4)              0.63
           Prior history of variceal bleed         2 (18.2)                    1 (7.7)               0.57
           Prior history of HRS                     0 (0)                      1 (7.7)                1.0
           Abdominal pain                          8 (72.7)                    12 (92.3)             0.22
           Anemia                                  9 (81.8)                    11 (84.6)             0.85
           Hypovolemic shock                       2 (18.2)                    4 (30.8)              0.64
           Ascites                                 10 (90.9)                   9 (69.2)              0.32
           Hemoperitonium                          7 (63.6)                    6 (46.2)              0.39
           Child class                                                                               0.08
              A                                     0 (0)                       0 (0)
              B                                    5 (45.5)                    11 (84.6)
              C                                    6 (54.5)                    2 (15.4)
           Child score                            11.0 ± 2.90                 9.08 ± 2.60            0.105
           MELD score                             19.27 ± 7.17               16.77 ± 5.67            0.361
           Prothrombin time (s)                   19.83 ± 5.50               15.32 ± 5.07            0.51
           Serum total bilirubin (mg/dL)          5.14 ± 3.50                 2.15 ± 1.04            0.008
           Albumin (g/dL)                         2.04 ± 0.41                 2.63 ± 0.49            0.004
           AFP (IU/mL)                                                                               0.99
             ≤ 20                                  4 (36.4)                    5 (38.5)
              > 20                                 7 (63.6)                    8 (61.5)
           Tumor size (cm)                        7.64 ± 4.14                 7.88 ± 4.45            0.892
           Macroscopic type                                                                          0.84
              Solitary                             2 (18.2)                    1 (7.7)
              Paucifical                            1 (9.1)                    2 (15.4)
              Multifocal                           5 (45.5)                    7 (53.8)
              Infiltrative                         3 (27.3)                    3 (23.1)
           Stage of HCC                                                                              0.99
              Non-advanced                          1 (9.1)                    2 (15.4)
              Advanced                             10 (90.9)                   11 (84.6)
           Hepatic lobes (location of rupture)                                                       0.53
              Right                                5 (45.5)                    7 (53.8)
              Left                                  0 (0)                      1 (7.7)
              Both                                 6 (54.5)                    5 (38.5)
           PVT                                                                                       0.69
              Yes                                  4 (36.4)                    6 (46.2)
              No                                   7 (63.6)                    7 (53.8)
           Extra hepatic spread                                                                      0.42
              Yes                                  3 (27.3)                    6 (46.2)
              No                                   8 (72.7)                    7 (53.8)
           TAE: transarterial embolization; SBP: spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; PSE: porto systemic encephalopathy; HRS: hepatorenal syndrome;
           HCV: hepatitis C virus; HBV: hepatitis B virus; NBNC: non-B, non-C; MELD: Model for End Stage Liver Disease; AFP: alfa fetoprotein;
           HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; PVT: portal vein thrombosis

           of our patients and was found very useful in our study   difficult to perform in decompensated liver disease
           to confirm HCC rupture in all cases.               and in palliative setting for advance disease where it
                                                              could be associated with high likelihood of peritoneal
           For spontaneously ruptured HCC, emergency hepatic   seeding and poor outcome after resection. [6,12,18,25]  The
           resection with hepatic artery ligation has been used   majority of our patients had advanced HCC, with large
           as preferred method of treatment in past. However,   tumor size (mean diameter 7.76 cm) and multifocal
           the procedure was found to be associated with      disease. Hence, none of our patients had emergency
           high mortality of 44-73%. Moreover, it is technically   hepatic resection.

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