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Butt et al.                                                                                                                                                                                  TAE for ruptured HCC in Pakistan

           Modality of ruptured HCC diagnosis was defined     reviewed. A total of 24 patients were diagnosed to
           as: (1) incidental when an asymptomatic HCC was    have spontaneously ruptured, unresectable HCC
           discovered  on  imaging  done  during  diagnostic   and were analyzed. The mean age was 58.29 ±
           procedures performed for some other disease; or (2)   15.25 years (range 17-93 years) and most of them
           symptomatic when diagnosed during workup after     21 (87.5%) were males. Hepatitis C was the most
           symptom appearance. The HCC was considered as      common cause of cirrhosis (79.2% cases). The mean
           “non-advanced” if the lesion was solitary ≤ 5 cm or   Child-Pugh score was 9.96 ± 2.85 (range 7-15) and
           paucifocal ≤ 3 lesions, with the largest diameter ≤   mean MELD score was 17.92 ± 6.38 (range 9-32).
           3 cm, in the absence of vascular invasion and distant   On presentation 62.5% had decompensated cirrhosis
           metastases or “advanced,” when the tumor exceeded   and many of them had prior history of hospitalization
           these limits. Moreover, the HCC was also classified   with  spontaneous  bacterial  peritonitis  (16.7%),
           for macroscopic types as: (1) solitary; (2) paucifocal (≤   portosystemic encephalopathy (20.8%), variceal
           3 nodules); (3) multifocal (> 3 nodules); (4) infiltrative   bleed (12.5%) or hepatorenal syndrome (4.2%). The
           (infiltrating pattern of HCC); or (5) massive (huge   most common clinical manifestations of ruptured HCC
           mass with a diameter of > 10 cm and an undefined   on presentation were sudden abdominal pain (83.3%),
           boundaries). [17]  In the presence of ≥ 2 lesions, the   hemoperitoneum (54.2%), symptoms of anemia
           largest tumor was considered as representative of   (83.3%) and hypovolemic shock (25.0%). Diagnosis
           HCC and the diameter of the representative tumor   of ruptured HCC was confirmed on CT scan of
           measured in its greatest dimension was recorded as   abdomen in all cases. The mean tumor size was 7.76
           tumor size. Furthermore, information was recorded   ± 4.22 cm (range 1.7-17.7 cm). Almost two-third of
           regarding hepatic lobes involved, presence of portal   patients had multifocal (50.0%) or massive/infiltrative
           vein thrombosis and extra hepatic spread.          (25.0%) HCC. Moreover, advanced HCC was found
                                                              in 87.5% cases on presentation [Table 1].
           The patients were treated “conservatively” when liver
           reserves were poor defined by a Child class C or they   A total of 11 (45.8%) patients were treated conservatively
           were severely ill due to other comorbid conditions.   who either had poor general condition, impaired hepatic
           TAE was performed in a well-equipped interventional   reserves, multiple lesions, or when patient had declined
           radiological suite by a team of experienced        any intervention. TAE was performed in 13 (54.8%)
           interventional radiologists and Gel foam was used   cases of ruptured HCC. None of them underwent for
           as embolizing agent. The study was conducted by    emergency resection.
           maintaining compliance with the Helsinki Declaration
           and was approved by the Ethical review committee of   Comparison of patients treated
           Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi.             conservatively vs. those treated with TAE
                                                              There was no statistically significant difference in age,
           Statistical analysis                               gender, etiology of underlying cirrhosis or symptoms
           Data was entered and analyzed in SPSS version      and  signs  at  presentation  among  those  treated
           17.0. Mean ± SD and ranges were calculated for     conservatively as compared to those who underwent
           continuous variables and proportions for categorical   TAE. The tumor size, macroscopic types, location
           variables. To see the difference between two groups   and stage of HCC were also comparable among
           independent student t-test, Chi square or Fisher exact   both groups [Table 2]. Although the prior hepatic
           was used where appropriate. A univariate logistic   decompensations,  MELD  and  Child  score  were
           regression analysis was conducted to assess the    comparable in both groups, most of the patients in
           (crude) association of the prognostic factors for 30-  conservative group had patients with Child class C as
           day mortality. Biological significance and a value of P   compared to TAE group (54.5% vs. 15.4%, P = 0.08).
           ≤ 0.1 were considered as criteria for a variable to be   Likewise, serum total bilirubin level (5.14 ± 3.50 vs. 2.15
           significant at univariate analysis. Biological plausible
           interactions among variables and confounding were   ± 1.04, P = 0.008) was higher and albumin was lower
           also checked. Multivariable logistic regression was   (2.04 ± 0.41 vs. 2.63 ± 0.49, P = 0.004) in conservative
           done and results are expressed as odds ratio (OR),   treatment group as compared to TAE group.
           along with 95% confidence interval (CI).
                                                              The control of HCC bleeding was achieved in 66.7%
           RESULTS                                            cases which was significantly higher for those who
                                                              were treated via TAE as compared to those who
           Clinical characteristics of patients               were treated conservatively (92.3% vs. 36.4%, P =
           The medical records of 850 patients with HCC who   0.008). Overall median duration for which the patients
           had visited our center during the study period were   remained alive after HCC rupture was longer for
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