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Case Report

            Hemorrhagic cardiac tamponade after percutaneous laser

            ablation of a liver metastasis in segment II

            Paola Tombesi , Francesca Di Vece , Silvia Rinaldi , Matteo Bertini , Sergio Sartori         1
            1 Section of Interventional Ultrasound, Department of Internal Medicine, St. Anna Hospital, 44100 Ferrara, Italy.
            2 Anesthesiology Unit, St. Anna Hospital, 44100 Ferrara, Italy.
            3 Cardiology Unit, St. Anna Hospital, 44100 Ferrara, Italy.
                 Despite percutaneous laser thermal ablation (LTA) of liver tumors being regarded as a safe technique, major complications
                 can occur. We report the first case of hemorrhagic cardiac tamponade after LTA of a colorectal metastasis in segment II of
                 the liver. Unpredictable heat diffusion causing indirect thermal injury to the pericardium with resultant hemorrhagic reaction
                 was hypothesized as the most likely cause of tamponade. A pericardial drain was emergently placed, 200 mL of bright red
                 blood were drained, and the patient showed rapid hemodynamic improvement. For lesions located in segment II of the liver
                 and strictly close to the pericardium, a careful risk/benefit analysis should be made by the multidisciplinary team to identify
                 the best treatment option, taking into account both effectiveness and complications of each available technique.
                 Key words: Laser thermal ablation; liver tumors; complications; cardiac tamponade

            Corresponding Author:
            Prof. Sergio Sartori, Section of Interventional Ultrasound, Department of Internal Medicine, St. Anna Hospital, Via A. Moro 8, Cona, 44100
            Ferrara, Italy. E-mail:
            Received: 29-12-2015, Accepted: 22-04-2016

                            Prof. Sergio Sartori was born on June 22, 1954, and graduated cum laude in 1979. He is specialist
                            in Gastroenterology and in Clinical Pharmacology, is dealing with interventional ultrasonography
                            from 1990, and from 2002 is Chief of the Section of Interventional Ultrasound, St. Anna Hospital,
                            Ferrara, Italy. He is author of more than 246 scientific papers.

            INTRODUCTION                                      the ablation volume by using one to four laser fibers,
                                                              and thus sparing the normal parenchyma as much as
            Percutaneous laser thermal ablation (LTA) of liver malignancies   possible. These attributes make LTA an attractive option
            is a well established treatment for both primary and   for the treatment of nodules in high-risk locations, and/or
            secondary liver tumors, with its effectiveness and safety   multiple nodules differing in size. [2]
            being proven over the last several years. Among all
            thermal treatment modalities, LTA enables the use of   Although RFA is the most commonly used ablation
            finer needles than radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and   technique worldwide, the safety profile reported for LTA is
            microwave ablation (MWA), and allows one to tailor   comparable to RFA. Mortality rates for both RFA and LTA
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                                             Quick Response Code  others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the
              Website:                                        author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
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                                                                How to cite this article:  Tombesi P, Di Vece F, Rinaldi S, Bertini
              DOI:                                              M, Sartori S. Hemorrhagic cardiac tamponade after percutaneous
              10.20517/2394-5079.2015.68                        laser  ablation  of  a  liver  metastasis  in  segment  II.  Hepatoma  Res

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