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            Percutaneous hepatic perfusion with melphalan for

            unresectable liver metastasis

            Humair S. Quadri , Eden C. Payabyab , David J. Chen , William Figg ,
            Marybeth S. Hughes     1
            1 Thoracic and Gastrointestinal Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.
            2 Genitourinary Malignancies Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.

                           Humair S. Quadri, M.D., is a general surgery resident at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington,
                           D.C. who completed a two year surgical oncology fellowship at the National Cancer Institute of the National
                           Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. He received his M.D. from Georgetown University School of
                           Medicine in Washington, D.C.

                 Percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP) is an investigative technique for treating patients with diffuse unresectable metastatic
                 liver disease. The technique has been clinically evaluated and shows great treatment potential for regional therapy to the
                 liver. The advantage of PHP lies in its minimally invasive approach and ability to be repeated when compared to isolated
                 hepatic perfusion. In a literature search, 135 publications were screened and 16 of these publications, including clinical
                 trials and reviews, contributed to this review of PHP with melphalan. Melphalan is an alkylating agent that, when used
                 as the chemotherapeutic agent in PHP, has shown potential for significant control of tumor burden in the liver, especially
                 in metastatic ocular melanoma. In the current landscape of liver directed therapy, PHP is a viable option for those with
                 unresectable metastatic disease to the liver. This article will focus on the technical aspects of PHP and describe the current
                 data available from clinical trials, including outcomes of patients treated with this minimally invasive approach.
                 Key words: Percutaneous hepatic perfusion; melphalan; unresectable liver metastasis; metastatic melanoma to the liver;
                 ocular melanoma

            Corresponding Author:
            Dr. Marybeth S. Hughes, Thoracic and Gastrointestinal Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Room 4-5940, Building 10 - Hatfield CRC,
            Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. E-mail:
            Received: 24-06-2016;Accepted: 28-06-2016

            INTRODUCTION                                      considered  unresectable  due  to  excessive  tumor  burden,
                                                              tumor location, effect on inflow or outflow, an insufficient
            What is percutaneous hepatic perfusion            liver remnant, or a significant comorbidity.  Most patients
            The treatment of metastatic disease to the liver is an   with liver-only unresectable metastatic disease have options
            evolving paradigm that has been evaluated with increasing   of directed treatment. Percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP)
            potential  over  the  past  few  decades.  Though  there  are   is one of these novel techniques for patients with diffuse
            treatment  options  for  solitary  or  localized  liver  lesions,   liver-only metastatic disease.
            there is no treatment consensus when multiple metastatic
            lesions are  found  throughout the  liver.   It  is  estimated   PHP  is  a  minimally  invasive  procedure  which allows  for
            that approximately 80% of people with liver metastasis are
                                                              regional  therapy to the liver. Arterial cannulation of the
                            Access this article online         This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
                                             Quick Response Code  Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
              Website:                                         others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the
                            author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
                                                               For reprints contact:

              DOI:                                              How to cite this article: Quadri HS, Payabyab EC, Chen DJ, Figg
              10.20517/2394-5079.2016.24                        W, Hughes MS. Percutaneous hepatic perfusion with melphalan for
                                                                unresectable liver metastasis. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:197-202.
                 © 2016 Hepatoma Research | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.                              197
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