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volume ratio.                                         S, Yamashita Y, Baba H. Liver functional volumetry for portal vein
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            Acknowledgments                                       serum albumin scintigraphy SPECT-computed tomography fusion
                                                                  system. J Gastroenterol 2011;46:938-43.
            The authors thank Mr. Taisuke Sawada, Mr. Hiroshi Oda,   14.   Sumiyoshi T, Shima Y, Okabayashi T, Noda Y, Hata Y, Murata Y,
            radiological technologists, and Dr. Akira Yamamoto from   Kozuki A, Tokumaru T, Nakamura T, Uka K.  Functional discrepancy
            Department of Radiology, Nippon Medical School Tama   between two liver lobes after hemilobe biliary drainage in patients
            Nagayama Hospital, for their support in using SYNAPSE   with jaundice and bile duct cancer: an appraisal using (99m)Tc-
            VINCENT.                                          15.   GSA SPECT/CT fusion imaging. Radiology 2014;273:444-51.
                                                                  Yoshida M, Beppu T, Shiraishi S, Tsuda N, Sakamoto F, Okabe
                                                                  H, Hayashi H, Baba H,Yamashita  Y. (99m)Tc-GSA SPECT/CT
            Financial support and sponsorship                     fused images for assessment of hepatic function and hepatectomy
            Nil.                                                  planning. Ann Transl Med 2015;3:17.
                                                              16.   Mao Y, Du S, Ba J, Li F, Yang H, Lu X, Sang X, Li S, Che L, Tong
            Conflicts of interest                                 J, Xu Y, Xu H, Zhao H, Chi T, Liu F, Du Y, Zhang X, Wang X, Dong
                                                                  J, Zhong S, Huang J, Yu Y, Wang J. Using Dynamic 99mT c-GSA
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                                                                  liver failure prediction. Ann Surg Oncol 2015;22:1301-7.
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