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differences among treatment groups was determined with   exposure, respectively [Table 3]. At the lesser concentration,
          two-way analysis of variance. The assumptions of parametric   FB  did not cause measurable cytotoxicity. However, the
          statistics were confirmed. Normality was confirmed by the   MTT assay revealed cytotoxicity at the greater concentration
          Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and homogeneity of variance   (200 μmol/L) although all doses studied were less than those
          was confirmed by use of Levine’s test. All statements of   required to obtain an EC .
          significance were based on a probability of P ≤ 0.05.
                                                              Only 5 of 10 oligonucleotide primers, primers D07, D09, D13,
          RESULTS                                             D15, and D16, used to measure responses of molecular-genetic
                                                              parameters of cells among various treatments, gave
          The results of cell viability assay revealed that H4IIE-luc cells   detectable bands [Figure 3]. A total of 75 DNA sequences,
          that were treated with both concentrations (20 and 40 μg/mL)   ranging from 144 to 2,000 bp, were observed. All of the bands
          of C. olitorius extract were statistically significantly more   were “polymorphic” given 100% polymorphism for control
          viable after 24 h exposure than the ones that were not treated   cells and the other treatments for the 2 time periods using
          with the plant extract. However, there was no significant   all primers. Quantitative analysis of these bands, expressed
          protection by the plant extract against FB  after 48 h of   as a percentage of band loss, showed a time-dependent
          exposure. Furthermore, C. olitorius extract could not protect   relationship [Figure 3 and Table 4]. Similarly, in the case of
          the cells from the AFB  concentration series or the combination   losses of bands after the shorter period of exposure (24 h),
          exposure (AFB  + FB ) irrespective of the exposure period   12 of 75 bands (16%) had disappeared [Figure 3a]. At the
          (24 or 48 h) [Table 2]. A dose-dependent decrease of cell viability   longer duration of exposure (48 h), 21 of 75 bands (28%)
          after exposure to increasing amounts of AFB  was observed only   had disappeared [Figure 3b]. Protective effects of C. olitorius
          after 48 h [Figure 1a]. After 24 h exposure, the response was not   extract were observed after 24 h, when 25 of 75 bands (33.3%)
          linear (hormetic effect). Except for the lowest concentration,
          cytotoxicity was more pronounced after 48 h. However,   Table 2: Summary of Wilcoxon matched pair tests to
          protective effects of the C. olitorius extract were observed after   compare the viability of rat hepatoma H4IIE-luc cell line
          both 24 h and 48 h of exposure to AFB . After 48 h, viability,   treated with C. olitorius extract
                                         1                    Mycotoxins   Exposure time
          expressed as a percentage of H4IIE-luc cells affected by FB ,                       C. olitorius extract
                                                          1                                    concentrations
          was approximately 40% less than that of cells exposed to FB
                                                          1                                20 μg/mL    40 μg/mL
          alone. After 48 h, there was also no dose-dependence, but   FB       24 h          0.04*       0.04*
          cytotoxicity was less pronounced. Protective effects of 20 or        48 h          0.69         0.89
          40 μg/mL C. olitorius extract were observed. After both 24 and   AFB 1  24 h        0.9         0.5
          48 h of exposure, production of MTT formazan was greater in          48 h          0.35         0.89
          the presence of both concentrations of C. olitorius extract at   FB + AFB 1  24 h  0.69         0.5
          all tested doses of FB  compared to those in the absence of          48 h          0.22         0.08
          C. olitorius extract [Figure 1b]. No significant differences were   *P ≤ 0.05. AFB : afl atoxin B ; FB : fumonisin B ; C. olitorius: Cochorus olitorius
          found between 20 and 40 μg/mL of C. olitorius extract after   Table 3: EC  values of AFB , FB , and AFB + FB  alone or
          24 h of exposure.                                   in combination with the C. olitorius extract after 24 and
                                                              48 h and exposure measured by the MTT bioassay using
          Incubation of H4IIE-luc cells with AFB  + FB  for 24 h resulted   H4IIE-luc rat hepatoma cells
          in greater cytotoxicity to cells as measured by the MTT assay,   Mycotoxin and/or plant   Time   Cytotoxicity (EC )
          with significant toxicity at the sum of the two mycotoxin   extract treatments  exposure (h)  H4IIE-luc
          concentrations 12.5 and 125 μmol/L [Figure 1c]. The cells   FB 1                24           ND
          were least viable when they were exposed to the mixture of   AFB                24           6.90
          250 μmol/L mycotoxin. Addition of C. olitorius extract to cells   1             48           1.95
          resulted in slightly greater viability. At lesser concentrations   FB + AFB     24           14.5
                                                                1    1
          of AFB  (1.25  μmol/L) + FB  (12.5  μmol/L), protective                         48           6.8
          effects of aqueous extracts of C. olitorius on viability of cells   FB + C. olitorius (20 μg/mL)  24  542.8
          was greater relative to the cells that did not receive plant   FB + C. olitorius (40 μg/mL)  24  26646
          extract [Figure 2].                                 AFB + C. olitorius (20 μg/mL)  24        4.32
                                                              AFB + C. olitorius (40 μg/mL)  24        2.42
                                                              FB + AFB + C. olitorius (20 μg/mL)  24   18.5
          The EC  values for AFB  were 6.9 and 1.8 after 24 and 48 h   1  1
                50           1                                FB + AFB + C. olitorius (40 μg/mL)  24  21.77
          of exposure, respectively. When C. olitorius extract was   1  1
                                                              AFB1: afl atoxin B ; FB : fumonisin B ; C. olitorius: Cochorus olitorius;
          added, the EC  values were 4.3 and 2.49 after 24 or 48 h of   ND: not detectable; MTT: methylthiazole tetrazolium
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