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during the longer exposure, 23 of 75 bands (30.7%)   DISCUSSION
          disappeared [Figure 3d].
                                                              Aflatoxin B  and FB  are the most frequently observed
                                                                        1       1
          When OPD 9 primer was used, a maximum of 10 RAPD-PCR   mycotoxins in food and animal feed. In African and European
          disappeared when cells were exposed to the mixture   countries, both mycotoxins are found in maize.  Toxicity
          of FB  and AFB  + aqueous extract of  C.  olitorius for   and carcinogenicity of AFB , which has been classified
               1        1                                                             1
          48 h [Table 4]. However, when with OPD 15 was used   as Group 1 carcinogen are thought to be directly linked
          as the primer, the maximum appearance of new bands   to its bioactivation, resulting in a reactive form of AFB ,
          showed the same number of bands lost (10) that was   the 8, 9-epoxide. Bioactivation of AFB  occurs primarily by a
          observed in cells exposed to AFB  + aqueous extract of   microsomal cytochrome P450-dependent epoxidation of the
          C. olitorius after 24 h.                            terminal furan ring of AFB , which is responsible for binding
                                                              to cellular macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and other
          There was a significant difference in stability of the   protein constituents. [44-47]  The MTT assay is more sensitive
          DNA template between control and each of the treated   and reproducible than testing intact animals and is valuable
          groups [Figure 4]. However, no significant difference was   in determining the modes of action of toxins. In the current
          observed in stability of the DNA template between control   study, H4IIE-luc cells responded to FB  and AFB  as well as
          and cells exposed to the aqueous extract of C. olitorius   a mixture of the two mycotoxins. Cytotoxic effects of FB
          alone. The protective effect of the aqueous extract of   have been previously observed for murine microglial cells
          C. olitorius on DNA was observed in the cells exposed to   and primary astrocytes,  rat glioblastoma cells, [49,50]  human
          FB  and AFB .                                       keratinocytes and esophageal epithelial cells,  primary
          Table 4: Frequency of appearance and disappearance of bands in the RAPD profiles of genomic DNA from H4IIE-luc rat
          hepatoma cell line following exposure to FB  and/or AFB  alone and in combination with the C. olitorius extract for 24 and 48 h
                                            1         1
          Primer      Change in the RAPD profi le  T1  T2  T3  T4  T5  T6  T7  T8  T9   T10  T11   T12  T13  T14
          OPD 7 (24 h)  Appeared               0   3    5   4    4   0    6   0    0    1    1     1    3    0
                      Disappeared              0   0    0   0    0   0    0   0    2    0    0     0    0    0
          OPD 9 (48 h)  Appeared               0   1    0   0    0   0    0   0    0    0    0     0    0    0
                      Disappeared              0   0    0   1    3   3    2   0    0    1    5     0    4    10
          OPD 13 (48 h)  Appeared              0   0    0   0    3   3    0   0    0    0    0     0    0    0
                      Disappeared              0   0    3   0    0   0    2   0    4    6    4     4    6    5
          OPD 15 (24 h)  Appeared              0   0    0   1    4   6    3   0    5    2    10    3    0    0
                      Disappeared              0   3    1   0    0   0    0   0    0    0    0     0    0    4
          OPD 16 (48 h)  Appeared              0   2    0   1    0   0    0   0    4    6    3     6    7    5
                      Disappeared              0   0    0   0    2   5    8   0    0    0    0     0    0    0
          T1: control; T2: FB  (1 μmol/L); T3: FB  (200 μmol/L); T4: AFB  (0.25 μmol/L); T5: AFB  (50 μmol/L); T6: 1 μmol/L FB  + 0.25 μmol/L AFB ; T7: 200 μmol/L
                      1            1              1               1                   1            1
          FB  + 50 μmol/L AFB ; T8: C. olitorius 40 μg/mL; T9: C. olitorius 40 μg/mL + 1 μmol/L FB ; T10: C. olitorius 40 μg/mL + 200 μmol/L FB ; T11: C. olitorius 40 μg/mL
            1          1                                         1                            1
          + 0.25 μmol/L AFB ; T12: C. olitorius 40 μg/mL + 50 μmol/L AFB ; T13: C. olitorius 40 μg/mL + (1 μmol/L FB  + 0.25 μmol/L AFB ); T14: C. olitorius 40 μg/mL +
                      1                            1                           1            1
          (200 μmol/L FB  + 50 μmol/L AFB ). AFB : afl atoxin B ; FB : fumonisin B ; C. olitorius: Cochorus olitorius; RAPD: random amplifi cation of polymorphic DNA
                    1           1   1       1  1       1
                                                    Lesser toxin conc  Greater toxin conc
                           % of DNA template stability  80



                                         FB     AFB   AFB + FB          C + FB  C + AFB  C + FB + AFB
                                          1        1     1  1               1       1       1   1
          Figure 4: Stability (%) of DNA templates, as determined RAPD-PCR in rat hepatoma cells (H4IIE-luc) following exposure to FB and/or AFB  for 24 or 48 h.
          Con: control; AFB1: afl atoxin B ; FB1: fumonisin B ; C: Cochorus olitorius; RAPD: random amplifi cation of polymorphic DNA; PCR: polymerase chain reaction
               Hepatoma Research | Volume 1 | Issue 2 | July 15, 2015                                        81
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